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Introduction Of Digital Skills And Professional Development
Digital skills are the capability to create, find, use, evaluate, and share content using digital devices such as smart phones and computers. Digital skills include creatingss original digital content, network, e-commerce, UX/UI design, information security, data analytics, and social media marketing in the workplace. Digital skills are very crucial for long-term sustainability for businesses and provide significant benefits to employees. It makes them feel more confident, secure of people, and learn innovative skills in their jobs. In this research, we have discussed digital skills and automation technology's advantages in business and analysed the advancement of automation technology in the industry. The study also discussed the Development of Professional Plan for increasing the attainment of digital skills. We have also discussed the reflection on the current level of soft and digital skills in the workplace and the identification of soft skills in the progression of professional and personal development.
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The business automation technology and the digitalskills
The skill shifts maintain chaperoned the introduction of different types of technologies and automation in the workplace from the last Industrial Revolution, despite the process of adaptation of artificial intelligence (AI) and business automation can support to shift and develop the efficiency of the organization. To calculate, the digital skills and the "business automation technology" is supported to model the skill development forwarded to 2023 (vanet al.2019). The increasing demand for updated technological skills has been increasing from the year of2001. The enhancements for fulfilling the requirements of emotional and socialskills are revved also with the requirements ofmanual and physical needs are declined.
Figure 1: Business automation technology and digital skills accelerate the workforce need
![Business automation technology and digital skills accelerate the workforce need Business automation technology and digital skills accelerate the workforce need]()
(Source: Makri, and Vlachopoulos, 2019)
In the modern age digital skills and automation is becoming one an integral part, as per the report of the UK government that the demand for thedigital skills and automation is increased by 82% in the year of2022 in compared to the year of 2012 (Gov.uk.2023). Digital skills also maintain considerable wage compensation, the Prevalent, positions demanding the digital skills can supposed to spend "29% ($ 8,300)" with the compensation improving at more elevated skill levels.
Digital skills and automation technology are very necessary for competency within the workplace. In this study, there are discussed about different kinds key areas are important for keep balancing the competency level in this workplace.
Adaptability and Resilience
Adaptability and Resilience are two of the crucial skills that need to succeed in an automated environment. This means learning new processes and tools and adjusting to changing situations and embracing experimentation and feedback. Adaptability needs resilience, which is the capability to cope with setbacks, stress, and uncertainty (Kennedy and Linnenluecke, 2022). This skill helps to set clear goals, effective communication, and support for the development and well-being of the business. This is the high key variable for the growth of business and success (Pettit et al. 2019).
"Connectivism" is a new learning theory that promotes discussion and collaboration that considers different perspectives and viewpoints. This theory promotes individual learning that happens through information databases, social media, blogs and online networks. This connectivity introduces effective opportunities for digital learning (Makri and Vlachopoulos, 2019). Connectivism provides to ensure employees build relationships with each other and make a culture, which depends on continuous learning.
Critical thinking
This is an essential skill for fulfilling the requirements of the employees and it means making decisions, analysing information and evaluating alternatives. This includes problem solving which is the capability to identify and solve challenges by using logic and creativity (Drydakis, 2022). This skill helps to assumptions about challenges and collaboration with others. Critical thinking enables us to allow multiple perspectives on different decisions and make better choices, which are more valuable for success. Rapid advancement in technology, economic uncertainties, and globalization created critical challenges for businesses (Shaffer, 2020). These skills are very important to solve uncertainty and complexity. In the workplace, different kinds of issues arise at any time and managers must be capable address, identifying and analysing these problems efficiently.
Collaboration and communication
Conversations help to get happiness in daily life. This collaborative communication processes help in many ways, which include it, breaks hierarchical barriers, supports to hybrid and remote teams, and considers to learn from each other team member (Darehshiri et al. 2022). It improves the changing adaptability and boosts the efficiency and productivity of the employee. It develops profitability and makes a healthier and happier workforce of the employee.
The "RAT model" is a way of technology in which "R" refers to the replacement of changing instructional practices, "A" stands for amplification to increase efficiency and "T" refers to a transformation in new and innovative ways (Rezaei Bobarshad and Badie, 2021). This model helps to increase critical decision-making technology for better communication and collaboration processes.
Innovation and creativity
Automation technology makes new possibilities for innovation and creativity as employees can notice for delivering solutions. The employees require creative skills, which include useful ideas, new experiments, and finding connections with various kinds of approaches. Innovation skills are very important that include improving and implementing ideas, analysis of results and assumption of testing for better improvement of the workplace (Gasparin et al. 2021).Creativity and innovation is the important pathway to business success that increases the productivity of the organization. The creative ideas help the analysis of the target market, partners, employees, and customers for the growth of the business. It creates a better implementation nation of innovative ideas in the organizations (Blau et al. 2020). Creative ideas for business give competitive benefits to companies. This help to develop unique ideas for creating a conductive atmosphere in the organization
Data fluency and digital literacy
Digital literacy means using knowledge and skills for responsible and effective technology. Data fluency means understanding, communicating, and interpreting data (Pettit et al. 2019). Data literacy helps to build flexibility for employees. This helps to increase data use for having a significant impact.
Explain the advancement of business automation technology
Automation processes in business can support enhancing the safety and security of the business. These can support the introduction of many different types of updated machines that can also preserve and enhances the profits of the business and increase sales (Demeshkant, 2020). That is the reason the net sale of the Amazon group increased from the previous year, by adopting the "business automation technology". As per the report of the Amazon group, this group has adopted the "operative theories"to implement automation technology for the further developments of the organization, the "Annual net sales revenue" of Amazon is "$ 513.98billion U.S. dollars" (Amazon.com).This is a considerable advantage of the industrialisation of labour. This will guide to improved productivity, and the influence of industrialisation on corporations in their business administration is inescapable. It can result in a more suitable lowermost line and a inferior status of the debt rate of the organization.
Figure 2: the increasing uses of business automation technology in logistics and manufacturing industries in the UK
![the increasing uses of business automation technology in logistics and manufacturing industries in the UK]()
(Source:Xu et al.2021)
This figure can support refers the increasing rate of the adaption of automation technology in comparison to the previous year in the UK.This automation technology can support Job creation, this automation technology can support companies that can automate repetitious tasks also they can decrease the entire expense of presentation and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the concerning processes. The consequence is improved profitability of the organization and provides more unassailable working environments.
The associatedrange of digital skills required to demonstrate professional competency
For the growing these talents can deliver massive positive and approving impacts on the commercial and corporate sectors, With ever-increasing huge people are operating remotely, on the other hand, more than 83% of every employee in the united kingdom are documenting as the requirement of digital skills and talents in the workplace (Gov.uk.2023). Being experienced in an expansive combination of aptitudes is important for the further development of business administration. This part of the study can describe the importance of digital skills towards the further development of the organization and the betterment of the workplace environment (Xu et al.2021). As per the view ofBiletskaet al (2021), digital skills can support toadopt of many different types of technology and strategy in the workplace, this can support streamlining the entire process of working.
Develop a Professional Development Plan for increasing level of digital skill attainment
Learning and Development Need Provide a specific description of the desired changes (e.g. skills gained, knowledge acquired, topics/themes/content covered) |
Type of Development Examples:
- course or workshop
- conference
- self-development (research or reading)
- coaching or mentoring
- job shadowing
- project work
- committee membership
- end of April
- to be completed in the next 6 months
- over the next 1-2 years
Who is Responsible? Examples:
- staff member
- manager to arrange
- staff member to work with the team and manager
- resource requirements
- additional notes
I will Examine my interest in Data analytics the "field of finance and marketing ", with a direction on information analytics |
Attend one regional assemblage and investigation regarding the attractions in "data analytics" This can support improve my current position in work |
The occupational analysis before the termination of the "annual overview evaluation conference" in thesubsequent between the 5 to 6 month |
I will pursue the permission to regard the subsequent "annual gathering" and produce a synopsis to my superintendent of the conference produces to attendees. I will explore my interest in "data analytics" and communicate my perseverance with my administrator, this can support me additionally improving my career |
The suggested resources can support enhancing thefield of finance and marketing " knowledge by acclimating the Budgeting and accounting tecniques |
Enhance "problem-solving skills" as an efficient leader this can support to enhance efficiency (Maisiri, Darwish,and Van Dyk,2019) |
To produce "problem-solving skills" I need to solve numerous further kinds of case investigations also I require to confer with professionals to acclimate the skills |
Completed by the "next 9-month review" period. |
I will study general coursework for enhancements of "problem-solving skills " and expect permission from my moderator. |
Enhance problem-solving skills byacclimating to the "Affinity Grouping andData Collection Forms". |
Developed "Social and Ethical Responsibility and Planning skills" |
I will enhance my accurate knowledge of enterprise ethics to understand the regulations of the association |
Next 9months |
business to be "socially responsible", it ought to be accountable to its shareholder groups. Companies that assume "CSR programs" have often designed their enterprise to specify where the association can offer around to the community. |
The suggested resources to enhance"Planning skills and Social and Ethical Responsibility" by managing thefinancial responsibility |
Soft leadership skills
Learning and Development Need |
Type of Development |
Timeline |
Who is Responsible? |
Comments |
I will analyse my interest in ‘self-awareness' of leadership skill |
Self-awareness will help to become better decision-makers and provides more self-confidence. |
Completed by the end of 5 months |
The self-motivational video from social media and meditation help me to gain self-awareness to address digital problems. |
The suggested techniques can improve my self-awareness. |
I will acquire that I have some interest of ‘Time management'. |
This soft skill will help me to less stress, increase focus, better balance in work-life and increase a high level of productivity (Demeshkant, 2020). |
Completed in 6 months |
Manger and superiors help to achieve improvement in time management (Van Laar et al. 2020). I will explore my interest in time management support for improving my career. |
The suggestive resources can support enhancing this soft skill. |
I will realize that my interest in ‘critical thinking skills of soft leadership skills |
This skill will help me to allow multiple perspectives on different decisions and make better choices, which are more valuable for my success (Xu et al. 2021). |
Done by the next 4 months |
The team members will help to achieve this soft skill. |
This resource can help to increase my critical thinking skills. |
Table 1:A Professional Development Plan
(Source: Self created)
Task 2
Reflect upon your current levels of digital and soft skills applicable to theworkplace
This part of the study can discuss the influence of soft skills and digital skills in the modern workplace. At present digital skills and soft skills are becoming essential for the further development of the organization. This part can discuss different types of soft skills that can help to organization along with the emplyees for further development. Adaptability, Emotional Intelligence, Work Ethic, and Growth Mindset, can help to take a strategic and measured approach for the further development of the organization along with the employees (Maisiri et al.2019). On the other hand, digital skills can support to the adoption of many different types of technology and strategy in the workplace, which can support streamlining the entire process of working and benefits both the organization and the organizational employees to satisfy the objectives and also provide better work environments. As per my opinion this both of these can help to increase my skills and the managing strategies towards the development of my skills. On the other hand, this can advance my skill set and myemployability. Digital organizations and other industries can support highlighting the significance of people pausing on the canopy of digital terrain and this can also support to cite that the concerned institutions are discovering it difficult to discover a workforce with preferred digital mastery. Similarly, according to many associations, the 21years and above then can see more the 90% of appointments directed to have the proper digital skills As per my opinion, the digital technology revolution is not only about personal lives, it also helps in the betterment of the workplace environment.
This can also help to enhance our personal development. This study has discussed the personal development plan, thiamine helps me to increase my knowledge and understanding of the betterment of the future also this can help to enhance my carious opportunities, regarding Igained digital skills in "Microsoft Excel" to enhance my knowledge and enhance my understanding additional development. This stage can help to increase the level of decency and this goal is achieved byobserving "medium and high-level Excel classes" via "UW–Madison" online classes. Associate with comparable attendants to comprehend Excel functions. This function can help me to increase my understanding of digitalskills. On the other hand, soft skills can help me to take a strategic and measured approach for further development in this case I worked for the further development of my soft skills by improving some key elements this are such as development. Adaptability, Emotional Intelligence, Work Ethic, and Growth Mindset, can help to take a strategic and measured approach for further development. These soft skills can enhance my work ethic and Professionalism along with this helps to increase written andoral transmission with the other team members of the organization that can help to establish better work environments that allow the employees to be motivated towards the work Teamwork and collaboration skills. On the other hand, these soft skills can support to enhance problem-solving skills along with Critical thinking this can helps to mistake us to solve the further arising problems in between the task also this can help to enhance the critical thinking. Enhance "problem-solving skills" as an efficient leader this can support to enhance the efficiency this can be adapted by producing "problem-solving skills" I need to solve numerous further kinds of case investigations also I require to confer with professionals to acclimate the skills.
Identify a range of ‘soft' skills in the progression of personal and professional development
Integrating "soft skills" in the workplace can satisfy workers discover the negative aspects and their stability and disadvantages, this can also support providing different strategies to deal with the challenges and execute accomplishments during career improvement these soft skills can also help to enhance the technical knowledge and the skills with of any interpersonal issues. Also, this can help to take a strategic and measured approach for the further development of the organization along with the employees. This part of the study can support a discussion of the different types of requirements of soft skills for the further development of the employee's carious and the entire growth of the organization. As per the view of Margherita, and Braccini, (2021), These skills are beneficial, despite these being detailed as difficult talents these are distinctive differences that can absolutely be determined, calculated, and instructed for success in the oriented task. There present many different types of soft skills that can help to organization along with the employees for further development. Adaptability, Emotional Intelligence, Work Ethic, and Growth Mindset, can help to take a strategic and measured approach for the further development of the organization along with the employees.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is one kind of capacity to identify and control own sentiments and this can also support the control of the emotions of others, this can make up of some key elements this are such as "Empathy, Self-regulation, Social skill, Self-awareness" this can support enhances the capacity to recognize own sentiments, is a necessary element is also help to remember the sentiments and influence own decisions to take proper actions (Chakraborti et al. 2021). On the other hand, this can support toconstruct camaraderie and approving connections with other people, and this can help the employees to be motivated and also helps to improve the better work environment.
This activity becomes one of the important soft skills because this can help tomake individuals and groups more talented and knowledgeable about succeeding in the workplace, the time when workers are faced with challenges. The capability to acclimate is essential for directors and their groups during tumultuous periods, like the pandemic. This adaptivelyalso helps individuals to construct positive attitudes regarding functional changes in the organization. As per the view ofMargherita, and Braccini, (2021),This adaptivity can support or provides a better reply to vary in needs or pReferences also this can support to enhance the capacity to modify and adjust the situations of the workplace, which can allow to maintain inflexibility (Tavera et al.2021). Unbending or authoritarian people have tribulation managing other problems or requirements. This can play an influential role in adapting automation technology in the workplace, and this can support to obtain of multiple benefits in the form of more elevated GDP growth, productivity, and improvisation organizational performance.
Work Ethic
TheWork Ethic can played a significant role to enhances the efficiency and the entire development of the organisation Also this can help to manage the behaviours and work ethics of the workers and the result is the employees are motivated and efficient. On the other hand, these work ethics can supports to Heighten the rate ofProductivity among the employees and the organization. Workers with intense work ethics take their work incredibly and dedicate themselves to working periods beyond their requirements of them. Their affection towards the job indicates that the dedicated employees will finish the assignments and they cando their best as their ability. This part of the study can support to the discussion of the influences of work ethics towards soft skills, which is important for professional and personal development. As per the view of Karsenti et al.(2020), ethics support to the construction of a favourable work environment of respect and trust. This can lead to job pleasure and enhancements in productivity, besides, ethical conventions support protecting both workers and workers from conceivable legal problems.
These soft skills can help the employees to be productive towards their job and also this can help them to be motivated to accomplish their objectives, this specific portion of the study can allow them to manage and adapt the updated technology in the work schedule. In this case, this soft skills can support the employees of the organization to accept and adjust the many different types of strategy, such as "artificial intelligence (AI) and business automation" and this can the adoption of business automation will convert the entire workplace to interact with more updated and ever-smarter devices. These interactions and technologies can support to obtain of multiple benefits in the form of more elevated GDP growth, productivity, and improvisation of organizational performance
It can be concluded that digital skills include creating original digital content, network, e-commerce, UX/UI design, information security, data analytics and social media marketing in helps in being productive in the workplace.In the PDP table, some crucial soft skills are analysed that include critical thinking, self-awareness, and time management of leadership skills. For example, Adaptability helps to increase the value of an employee, prepare one for changes in career and make strengthens one's leadership skills. It helps to increase open-mindedness, analytical skills, and resourcefulness. The employees require having strong skills in collaboration and communication that include presenting, listening, writing, and speaking. These skills enable them to express their emotions, ideas, and opinions respectively and effectively.
I have learned many things from the feedback, which I have missed during the task. In this task, I did not discuss the introduction and conclusion of this topic whereas now, after receiving the feedback, I have explained both of the points. I have realised that the introduction and conclusion parts are both effective for detailed explanations of this study. This study has requiredinvestigating business automation technology and the digital skills required for competency within the workplace. I aligned two theories of the "RAT model" and "connectivity" which are very effective for the analysis of this study.
In the PDP table, Ihave realized that I will need some development of soft skills that include critical thinking, self-awareness, and time management of leadership skills. I need a few months for learning better about these soft skills. This PDP table is very essential for the further development of my career. This table helps to set the goals for the better development of my career. I have also realised digital skills can support the adaptation of many different types of strategies and technology in the workplace.I have learned aboutAdaptability and Resilience,innovation and creativity,Data fluency and digital literacy skills for better development of digital skills. In this study, there are discussed about different kinds key areas are important for keep balancing the competency level in this workplace. I have also learned how to improve my digital and social skills for the development of my career. This study required AU Harvard referencing which I checked.
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