Digital Plan Analysis Of Apple Company Assignment Sample

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Introduction Digital Plan Analysis Of Apple Company Assignment

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This research paper explores digital marketing with the renowned company of Apple. In this report, the analysis for digital marketing has been used for containing the various uses of marketing strategies (Tien et al. 2020). Apple’s marketing becomes a standard for different companies which will get to reach the same heights of identification. Most of the company’s advertisements appear on the social media platforms for making their business. Though the business has been utilized with the various decisions of the marketers. Apple leads with affiliate marketing procedures throughout the world. In the digital marketing process, Apple has the strategy for being effectively appealing. Based on the demand of the company's objectives at this time. The overall key factors have been analyzed within digital marketing analysis. They originate the products for targeting the market values. The users are being assisted through the basic demand of digital marketing.

Learning to the customer journey

The leaders of this company Apple have the better version of their customer experiences through the awareness of different digital marketing strategies. This case study would describe the various techniques that are related to the customer's journey (Bakri, M. 2019). Every company has “a unique approach” that is committed to the positive marketing strategy. To this report, the overall analysis would follow the activities of the learnings of the customers mind. Customers experience techniques for the Apple company anchors on the various persuasive digital marketing structures for making powerful Apple customer connections. Apple has a cyclical recognition of their digital planning analysis in this present era. This organization has been shifted to the customer’s centric positions. Apple has created from their learnings into the “customers touch point map” to maintain the overall journey. Learning about their management; all the strategies, products have been identified in this digital marketing.

Apple digital plan

Digital experience

Apple Company’s “digital marketing strategy” covers simplicity, leverage reviews, product positioning and unique values. Transforming into the experiences, the authority has focused on constructing new products in the market (Makrides et al. 2020). In this report, the entire analysis for the digital analysis of planning can be followed by the management of Apple Company. The company recognizes the success of the different marketing strategies within digital planning.

Social media audit

Nowadays, Apple can be introduced as an exceedingly successful company amidst active brand presence in the social media sites. Social media performances would analyze here within different tracks “over 100,000 brands”. The new look to the “social media marketing process” can track through the numbers of 40. Combining with the “social media audit” Apple advertises their products barely up to 10% approximately. There are many large brands which can use the strong power of social media (Roberts et al. 2021). This would achieve the power of the strong digital planning analysis of this current world. Though Apple Company’s digital marketing plan could seem like a quaint for making their entire audit to the present economic situation. Their social media techniques could be consulted through the basic working formulas. Apple records their entire marketing success though the digital planning software. This “social media audit” is defined like with the health check of their brands for the success of digital marketing. It introduces the results, business outcomes to public relations.

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Overview from the customers

This company has analyzed their new technologies where consumers can get the overall processes. Apple’s digital marketing planning includes customers thinking about what they want in this business world. The management realizes the value of their brands in the marketing procedures to attach with their targeting consumers. Apple Company’s digital marketing position has been recognized with the overall digital platforms that are maintained to the various services. The authority assists in managing the overall marketing platforms from the advertising networks.

Apple Business Strategy

Identification of the customers

In this assignment paper, the entire study has been developed to discuss customer satisfaction. This assists to detect and meet the necessities of the consumers. Apart from, utilizing the targeted consumers that would help them for boosting the advertisement. Areas should be chosen perfectly for making the customers satisfied from their various products. In recent times, digital planning analysis has brought a better purchasing attitude among all the customers. This would give the overall business model high rise to the upcoming future business world.

Targeting tactics of Apple Company

Targeted customers of Apple have been identified as the “high end product users” where they focus on the promotion of their upcoming products. The company also ensures to give appropriate services. Apple launches their product through the online social marketing world; also this can analyze various digital maturity for the online activities of Apple Company. It is sure that Apple has got various positive reviews from their regular consumers. They have analyzed consumer behavior effectively.

Customers demand

In this present world, Apple has reached the highest milestone for the current digital planning analysis (Pelletier, N. 2020). Where all the consumers want to get the actual information that they represent for the future. This company nowadays uses different distribution channels to provide the demands for the global consumers. The management of Apple uses “both online and online” social media links. In this case, the company needs to understand their customers' mind and it is necessary what they want. There may have been used multinational technologies that the company prefers for developing software.

Customer’s satisfaction

The Apple Company has conducted their entire digital marketing analyses through their customers worldwide. Customers are the main key value in the present status of all over the world (Saladin, M. 2022). Apple has worked very well for maintaining their customers' satisfaction. It has been seen that most of the customers are impressed through the services which they are given with. Consumer feedback is significant for making everything perfect; this is when the company has released any new products or services. This assignment discusses the level of customer satisfaction where the overall procedures will be introduced through the purchasing capacity from the buyers. The study seeks with the consumers' satisfaction through their new technological features. This assignment has been justified for maintaining the marketing strategies through the customer’s satisfaction. This has to be understood that the evolving technologies can be maintained by the customers’ expectations.

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Apple's Business Digital Marketing and Critical features


The marketing strategy of the Apple Company has been targeted with the emergence of their brand’s value. There are various techniques that are measured with the considerations; this can improve the usability for digital planning analysis. Digital marketing will be analyzed through the essential criteria; where it is defined with the proper marketing features that are built for the use of new technologies (Pellechia, N. 2020). Usability plays a vital role “in the design of” various products which would make working it easy. Due to the bad usability, this may create a bad impact to the application.

Because they tend to be more algorithmic and so less inventive, it is noteworthy to observe that the majority of application developers disregard the importance of usability design. An intriguing and inspiring article titled "related credit of the Moment" explores the mysteries behind the top application creators in the globe. Because of three factors, this article can serve as motivation for this essay's growth. First off, this has made a significant impact on the way people interact with items and incorporate designs into their daily lives.

Sleek design

Apple has been consistent through their new sleek designs. This resonates to the attitudes towards their consumers. Following sleek designs, Apple permits to inaugurate various key features that are maintaining a modern look. Innovative designs have been developed through the digital planning analysis of Apple. Where they believe in the research technologies and critical evolution for the development of new products.


Security is defined here as the critical feature for Apple; the other things will be secured to the part of basic things; it is monitored to the overall points of valid technologies.

As a result, this feature may have a much greater influence than previous providers. Each and every email opened in Apple's Mail app would be subject to the privacy measures, which require the user's permission (Kovalenkoet al.2021). The user's privacy settings won't be impacted by whether they use the Google app or perhaps another mail app. Senders must now segment their databases and mailing lists even more carefully in order to assess the potential effects. Security of personal information and privacy should always come first. Only with privacy protection in place, marketers will need to rely less on open rates and pay more attention to other performance indicators such as bounce rates, inbox placement, clicks, and transactions following the click.

Phases of Customers Journey Map

Considers from different product

The products of Apple that have an effective power to operate with other products at that present time (Fleminget al. 2020). The products that are sometimes defined to the quality of various strategies. The entire procedures that are maintained through the quality of their products. The authority has focused on their new production which enhances their quality perfectly. The company considers the consumers' profiles that are important to the buyers who want to purchase those products. The company would provide an appropriate digital marketing plan with the lower prices. The entire processes that are focused on the creation of new products in the present scenario.

The overall analysis would follow the activities of the learnings of the customers mind. Customers experience techniques for the Apple company anchors on the various persuasive digital marketing structures for making powerful Apple customer connections. Apple has a cyclical recognition of their digital planning analysis in this present era (Correani et al.2020). This organization has been shifted to the customer’s centric positions. Apple has created from their learnings into the “customers touch point map” to maintain the overall journey. Learning about their management; all the strategies, products have been identified in this digital marketing.


The company acquired new customers, leads, and got existing customers for buying or uses.

  • To retain their trustworthy customers
  • To build new relationship with their regular and new customers
  • To launch new technologies that are highly needed.
  • To use their products for the further work

Issues that are identified from the analysis

There would be some issues with the other of the strong digital planning analysis of this current world. Though Apple Company’s digital marketing plan could seem like misguide for making their entire audit to the present economic situation. It introduces the results, business outcomes to public relations. The management could not realize the value of their brands in the marketing procedures to attach with their targeting consumers. Apple Company’s digital marketing position has been recognized with the overall digital platforms that can affect to the various services (Borremans et al. 2018). The authority wouldn’t help in managing the overall marketing platforms from the advertising networks. Apple is rearranging the privacy options in its mobile ecosystem. The issues that are identified in the customers journey process -

  • Poor communication to the customers journey: Lack of communication has led to unsatisfied customers. Customers are not warned about upgrading with the new software.
  • Slow apologize: Apple is slow for apologizing or making amends to their regular customers. This would create a miscommunication among all the customers.
  • Negative impression: At this present time, Apple creates several of negative impressions that can’t manage with emotional connections to their customers.
  • Uncomfortable buying environment: Nowadays, Apple has led with their uncomfortable buying environment that is running over control in this world. Sometimes, the price has been changing within all aspects. This causes an unfavorable conditions for all the customers’ journey.
  • Mismanagement for handling customers mind: With discussing the overall issues, Apple has not implemented with yet proper strategy that can make an various changes to make a strong and active management for handling customers mind.

Critical discussion

In my perspectives, Apple is rearranging the technical ecosystem's privacy settings. A source of information that app developers, measurement firms, and marketers have used to trace users' behavior across applications and mobile websites may be cut off when Apple publishes its program tracking openness (Pta) platform with iOS. This might change the digital advertising sector. As per my opinion, the "identifier for advertisers" (IDFA), which has been turned around by defaults on Apple devices and gives app publishers access to user-level data, will be deactivated with the update, and users will now have to explicitly grant applications permission to use it. According to me; enabling to track customer activities across other companies' applications and websites where the users can get in-app. I have seen the rate of opt-in the position of digital platforms recover day by day throughout the world. At the end of this part, I must say the entire system of this digital platforms are successfully recognized by the company. They should focus of their objectives if that would be based on their previous analysis and maintain to the framework that are necessary for the growth of their company. Recently Apple has launched one's software monitoring transparency framework alongside iOS 14.5 and cut off a data stream that software companies, measurement firms, and advertisers have been using to link users' behavior across apps and mobile websites. This could have a profound impact on the digital advertising sector. The "identifier for advertisers", which has been enabled by definition on Apple devices and gives user-level data access to commercial app publishers, will be turned off with the update, and users will now have to explicitly grant applications permission to use it. It can’t connect behavior across the applications and websites of other companies. Asks users in-app. rates of participation

Reference list


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