Digital Marketing Campaign Management Case Study

Digital Marketing Campaign Management for Improved Communication at Sainsbury

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Introduction - Effective Digital Communication Plan for Stakeholder Engagement

Digital marketing communication campaign is defined as effective strategy for promoting the business in the highly competitive market. For the success of the company it is very necessary that appropriate communication channels are used. It is particularly because when the communication will not be effective than the operational efficiency of the company will be reduced. The present study is based on Sainsbury which is a large retail UK chain. The present study will outline the communication campaign of the company for effectively communicating with these stakeholders of the business. It will outline the development of the digital plan and its effective implementation.

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Communication campaign

Campaign objective

With the evaluation of the company and its performance it was evaluated that there is requirement of improving the communication system with the suppliers (Xu and, 2020). Thus, the objective of the current campaign is to improve the communication level with the suppliers.

About the client

The client within the present study is Sainsbury which is a multinational chain in UK. It is a large UK company which is a retail chain and operates in different retail sector. The company is facing different kind of issues while communicating with the stakeholders is well. Thus, there is high requirement of improving the communication system within the company so that the overall working can be improved.

Target audience

The target audience of the current campaign is the employees of Sainsbury. This is particularly because of the reason that the employees are the one who have to communicate with each and every stakeholder of the business.

Proposition to target audience

The proposition of the target audience will include the employees from each and every department of the company (Gabbiadini and, 2020). This is particularly because of the reason that the employees of the company are the major workers and it is very necessary that affective relations are maintaining with each and every stakeholder. In case good communication is not managed with the stakeholders then it will be impacting the target audience (Lovari and Bowen, 2020). Hence it is very necessary for sales very to improve the communication system so that the overall working can be improved.

Available budget

For the effective working of the company it is very necessary that appropriate budget is being selected. In case the budget is not appropriate then it will be impacting the overall working. The available budget for the company is approximately £1100.


Digital communication plan

For the successful working it is very necessary that the appropriate digital communication plan is prepared. This is particularly necessary because when the plan will not be accurate then it will be impacting the overall working. Thus, the effective digital communication plan needs to be prepared so that the company can get success and the issues due to miscommunication can be solved.

Hard and soft deadlines

Hence for this it is very necessary that the effective heart and soft deadlines are prepared. This is particularly because of the reason that when deadline is set then automatically it will guide the employees to work within that time frame. The heart deadline set for the current project includes for the pre production. This hard deadline is set because within this kind of deadline there are not any changes being made. This as a result of this the work needs to be accomplished on the particular time only. In addition to this the heart deadline set is of completing the free production stage within the 5 days. This deadline is set because within the 5 days the whole project can be plant. This for this effective working 5 days are enough and it will help the company in completing the market research relating to the implementation of the effective communication plan. Along with this of deadline includes the one which can be altered (Nguyen, Hargittai and Marler, 2021). Thus, for this stage of production and implementation comes within the soft deadline. It is particularly because of the reason that within the implementation there can be many different kinds of changes and as a result of this the production and implementation stage comes within the ease of deadline. This is particularly because of the reason that there are much different kind of issues and problems faced during the implementation and production. Thus, because of this there are might be delay within the working efficiency (Coombs, 2021). This as a result of this over all working is impacted and it affects the efficiency of the communication plan.

Digital communication media

For the effective communication it is very necessary that appropriate digital media is used. In case selection of the media is not appropriate then it will be impacting the efficiency to a great extent. Hence, for the different media selection includes the following

    The first is the social media which includes the use of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and much other different kind of social media applications. The effective communication will be undertaken with help of the social media so that proper and clear communication can be done with the stakeholders of the business and speciality suppliers. Along with this another channel includes use of email marketing. This is another channel which is assistive in communicating with the stakeholders and the suppliers (Cai and, 2021). With help of the email the effective communication can be implemented and this will help the company in having clear and effective communication with the suppliers and others stakeholders. In addition to this another medium is the director communication with the suppliers. This includes verbal communication and as a result of this the overall communication is improved (Fletcher and, 2020). Thus, it will help the company in improving the communication with the stakeholders and the especially with the suppliers.

Recommended budget

social media 23 35 25 27 23 22 38 27 25 26 24 30 £325
email 28 40 30 32 28 27 43 32 30 31 29 35 £385
verbal direct communication 24 36 26 28 24 23 39 28 26 27 25 31 £337
TOTAL £75 £111 £81 £87 £75 £72 £120 £87 £81 £84 £78 £96 £1,047

Resource management

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For the successful implementation of the communication plan it is also very necessary that the effective resources are managed. This is particularly necessary because when the resources will be managed then automatically the overall working will be improved. Hence, for the effective resource management it is the responsibility of the Sainsbury that they must effectively try to attain the objectives of the communication plan (Flew, Martin and Suzor 2019). For the effective resource management proper allocation to each and every activity is necessary and as a result of this overall working efficiency of company will be improved. Thus, it will result in successful implementation of the communication plan.

Evaluation schedule

The evaluation of the performance of the company and the implementation of the plan will be reviewed within every week. After every seven days the review of the implementation plan will be undertaken so that any changes can be evaluated.


Justification of campaign plan

Within the communication campaign of science pretty implementation of the different social media channels and the use of Email communication and verbal communication has taken place. Thus, the reason behind the selection of this communication plan includes the fact that social media is currently trending and it will help the company in improving their position over the internet. With help of the effective use of social media the company will be in position to market the product and services over internet (Hyland-Wood and, 2021). This as a result of this overall working will be improved and it will result in better marketing of the goods and services of Sainsbury. In addition to this the effective use of social media will definitely help in better communication. This is particularly because of the reason that social media is the latest medium of communication and when company will be focusing on it then it will improve the overall working efficiency of the company.

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In the end it is concluded that effective use of communication is very necessary for the success of the business. This is particularly because of the reason that when communication will be effective than automatically it will improve the working efficiency of the business. The above study concluded that there is requirement of improving the communication plan with the suppliers by the Sainsbury. Thus, for this the effective channels were selected. These channels included the use of social media platform email and even verbal communication as well. In the end it was also evaluated that effective resource management is required so that the overall working can be improved. For this resource management the resource allocation is emphasized and as a result of this the overall working is improved.


Books and Journals

  • Cai, Z., Yan, X., Wu, Y., Ma, K., Cheng, J. and Yu, F., 2021, April. DGCL: an efficient communication library for distributed GNN training. InProceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference on Computer Systems(pp. 130-144).
  • Coombs, W.T., 2021.Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding. Sage publications.
  • Fletcher, J., Everatt, J., Mackey, J. and Fickel, L.H., 2020. Digital technologies and innovative learning environments in schooling: A New Zealand experience.New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies,55, pp.91-112.
  • Flew, T., Martin, F. and Suzor, N., 2019. Internet regulation as media policy: Rethinking the question of digital communication platform governance.Journal of Digital Media & Policy,10(1), pp.33-50.
  • Gabbiadini, A., Baldissarri, C., Durante, F., Valtorta, R.R., De Rosa, M. and Gallucci, M., 2020. Together apart: the mitigating role of digital communication technologies on negative affect during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy.Frontiers in psychology,11, p.554678.
  • Hyland-Wood, B., Gardner, J., Leask, J. and Ecker, U.K., 2021. Toward effective government communication strategies in the era of COVID-19.Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,8(1).
  • Lovari, A. and Bowen, S.A., 2020. Social media in disaster communication: A case study of strategies, barriers, and ethical implications.Journal of Public Affairs,20(1), p.e1967.
  • Nguyen, M.H., Hargittai, E. and Marler, W., 2021. Digital inequality in communication during a time of physical distancing: The case of COVID-19.Computers in human behavior,120, p.106717.
  • Xu, H., Klaine, P.V., Onireti, O., Cao, B., Imran, M. and Zhang, L., 2020. Blockchain-enabled resource management and sharing for 6G communications.Digital Communications and Networks,6(3), pp.261-269.
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