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Introduction of Digital Marketing for Krispy Kreme's Assignment
This report has been constituted from the viewpoint of a marketing consultant who has been hired by a local company in the UK named Krispy Kreme. As the company wishes two make use of digital marketing tactics to support the digital transformation and growth of the company it has ensured that it gets to hire a digital marketing expert who would enable the company to have greater scope in the market. Krispy Kreme is one such company that has been flourishing in the UK market with sales of doughnuts across the globe. The company can be found to have sold over 2.7 billion doughnuts to people in the year 2006 to more than 400 locations across the globe. The artefacts of the company can also be found to have been donated to the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History thus it has made the company gain icon status.
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In this paper, the writer has explained the influence that the digital environment can have on the company which would enable it to have effective marketing tactics for the business organisation that has been taken into consideration in this paper. Further in the paper, the applications of various digital tools and techniques for integrated marketing approaches have also been effectively explained with respect to the chosen company has been highlighted. The design of a digital marketing campaign by having used multimedia so that the content can be optimised so that the key audiences of the company can be optimised has also been explained in this paper. Later in the paper, the writer also tried to evaluate the methods of monitoring and measuring a digital marketing campaign has been discussed so that the marketing objectives of the company to boost conversions and engagement can be aligned.
Influence of the Digital Environment on Effective Marketing of Business Organisations
To adopt an effective digital marketing tactic a company needs to be aware of the effectiveness of digital marketing in the ongoing digital environment. The digital environment facilitates an organisation to create a platform for the employees to communicate with each other and the customers having used digital media (Gupta, 2019). Krispy Kreme is an emerging company that must try to inculcate a digital environment at the workplace as well as in the market as that will enable the company to boost the effectiveness of digital marketing as well as enable the organisation to have easy access to the target customers.
Digital marketing practices have been one of the most widely used strategies that are applied by organisations in the contemporary world. Having used a digital environment one can easily ensure that they make use of the strategies that can bring in a clear outlook for the employees of the organisation to follow (Phiri, 2020). the first thing that the organisation must ensure is that they should create an attractive website by having built a strong layout and branding design which would attract the customers to a great level. Digital marketing is known to be the most effective marketing strategy as it is most affordable in nature and facilitates the company to predict the cost of the marketing tactics so that they can make use of it in a less expensive method.
![Factors of Digital Marketing]()
Figure 1: Factors of Digital Marketing
(Source: Hanlon, 2019)
Another important factor that needs to be addressed when discussing the effectiveness of marketing strategy is that the digital marketing process ensures that both the customers as well as the company can process it through their cell phones. As more than 65% of the people in the contemporary world are dependent on their cell phones this has enabled the company to use the process of remarketing via ads, emails and text marketing so that the customers can stay engaged with the company and the product sold by it (Melovi? et al., 2020). Digital marketing strategies have now been more convenient for people as they can be processed efficiently via several applications available on smartphones thus makes the customers easy access to the product and the company so that they can research it and learn about the authenticity of the product before having availed its services for personal use (Hanlon, 2019). Thus this can pave way for the Krispy Kreme Company to reach out to the customers and get them aware of the existence of the products and the quality it provides to them.
Digital marketing becomes most effective for an organisation to develop the business and make it grow as it provides a great range of flexibility to the people. Krispy Kreme has used this strategy to market the product and can make use of both lower and high-quality digital marketing depending on the most and market type (Soedarsono et al., 2020). The flexibility of this process can be better understood with the examples, banner ads can be used by the company on a time of low budget as it will enable the company to generate predictable and targeted audiences to the official website of the company; email marketing can be executed by the company to get connected with the people in an effective manner as it is a most cost-effective mode of digital marketing; content writing ensures that the company can build in supplementary traffic in the given market by having made use of creative and effective content; social media posts are also another effective strategy as it facilitates the company to grow its network and boost brand awareness.
Krispy Kreme is one such company that deals with doughnuts and believes to provide the best doughnut to customers across the globe through its stores. The company plans to expand the market in a new market thus it can be suggested to the company that by having adopted an effective digital marketing tactic it can easily adapt the strategies that can help it in the market expansion (Kumar and Singh, 2020). As most people have the tendency to shop online having used greater skills thus it lay on the part of the company to provide that platform to the customers so that they can apply the tactics by having expanded the reach of the company and creating an environment in which the customers can purchase the product in a convenient manner. This will further help the company to gain brand recognition and boost its sales to a great extent.
Krispy Kreme must try to get the customers to engage with the marketing materials by having provided them with multiple types of content to gather information; these contents may include photos, audio and video clips that will explain to the customers about the products and the quality that they are likely to get. Having incorporated such types of content the company will be able to boost the scope of publicity which is an integral part of the company and makes it maintain its sustainability (Phiri, 2020). Digital marketing ensures that a company can interact with customers in an effective manner and address their quarries regarding any subject matter. This facilitates the company to consider the reviews of the customers and address the flaws that remain within it both in terms of the internal and external environment.
Apart from providing an open place to interact and communicate with the customer digital marketing enables the company to track the activities of the customers and monitor their approach and choices of the product (Dastane, 2020). The factors that can make an organisation the most favourite can be easily tracked by the company by having used the mode of digital mode of marketing and communication. It further gives the authority to the company to comment on the issues that the customers are getting to face with respect to the company or the industry they belong to so that they can clarify the misunderstandings of the customers if any and further enable them to learn about the authenticity of the product.
Application of Digital Tools and Techniques for an Integrated Marketing Approach
There are some common tools and techniques that are widely used by companies across the globe. However, Krispy Kreme being an age-old company is well aware of various types of marketing strategies available in the market. Digital marketing can be recommended to the company to make use of as this is one such strategic mode that has fewer risks of getting failed and has higher chances to prove to be an effective mode of gaining recognition and creating awareness in both the local and new market that the company aims to explore in the coming future (Camilleri, 2020). Krispy Kreme being a local company in the UK has extended its business into other countries as well thus the company aim to make use of an effective medium to choose the target audiences of the respective places they get to explore. The types of tools that can be used by the company at present have been stated in the points below;
![Benefits of Digital Marketing]()
Figure 2: Benefits of Digital Marketing
(Source: Ilyas et al., 2021)
- Digital Advertising: This element can be found to be the most commonly used digital marketing in the contemporary world. Krispy Kreme having used this tool can make sure that the company can introduce a new product in the target market and can further use this opportunity to expand the business in an effective manner. Advertisements can ensure that the company can execute the same in a manner so that it gets to fulfil the cravings of the customers and showcase the flavours that they can offer to them based on their choices (Eze et al., 2020). This will enable the company to fight the competitive environment that it gets to be in the new market. It will further be able to educate the consumers about the product and its availability in the market.
- Digital mode of direct marketing: Direct marketing is one such tactic that ensures that the company can get connected with the consumers by having used search engine optimization to fulfil their demands in an efficient manner. It further ensures that based on the feedback received from direct marketing the company can personalize and customize the messages of the advertisement so that the customers can feel a greater connection with the company and the product they offer (Ilyas et al., 2021). Direct marketing can also help this company to gain the attention of new customers and get the value of the product boosted over time with the rising demand for the product. This mode of marketing also can facilitate the company to support long-term relationships and boost customer satisfaction levels.
- Digital Email marketing: This form of marketing will help the company to make use of personalized content and boost the credibility of the company by having reached out to the customers through the mail (Strycharz et al., 2019). This is one such mode that can be used by the company to gain the required information about the product and their choices without having intervened in their personal space. It can also ensure that the company can increase brand awareness since the customers will further reach out to social networking sites to research the company and the product offered by it thus enabling the company to improve sales to a greater extent (Goldman et al., 2021). This is how the company can create a strong relationship with the customers as well as optimize its time and budget.
- Digital Public Relations: PR strategy is one of the best processes that can be adopted by the company to boost its credibility in the target market. Having adopted a better public relation strategy by using digital tools the company will be able to create authentic and informative content for the company. Thus this will help the company to provide added value to the products and build a solid image of the brand in the target market. This can also ensure that the company can create short as well as a long-term lead generation by having attracted the target market and improving the company's reputation (McGruer, 2020). The use of digital tools will ensure that the company can have better scope in the market and stay in constant connection with the public and build a strong base of the relation they get to create so that they can further gain customer loyalty.
- Digital Personal selling: Digital personal selling strategy will provide the company to have the ability in which it can address the needs of the buyers and get them the product of their choice as the company will use the digital platform to get connected with the customers and know about their choices and opinion regarding the product that they are likely to sale in the market. This can also be considered as an opportunity for the company to improve the relationship it has with the customers both in the local and potential markets (Dwivedi et al., 2021). This can also be viewed as a platform for the company as a source to gain the feedback of the customers as they get to present the benefits of having the products to them. The company will be able to provide a demonstration of the product before the customers and meet the level of their satisfaction.
- Digital Sales promotions: Sales promotion strategy having used digital modes has its own benefits that can help the company in many ways. As there are several other brands in the market that provides doughnuts to the customers, this particular strategy will enable the company to have differentiation facilities and bring in necessary changes in the product as per the need of the situation (Ritz, Wolf and McQuitty, 2019). It makes the company create a word of mouth which can be found to be reliable for the customer to make the purchasing decision. Thus this will further help the company to have greater revenue and a source of information.
A Digital Marketing Campaign Using Multimedia to Optimise Content That Targets Key Audiences
In order to ensure that the company can make use of digital marketing tactics in an effective manner the company must try to design and incorporate a digital marketing campaign that can enable the company to get the target customers to get closely engaged and connected with the company and the products sold by it (Mehralian and Khazaee, 2022). As the company has intentions to explore new markets and gain the attention of the customers thus by having used the campaigning method the company can have easy access to global reach. The traditional marketing tactics that the company has been using for ages have enabled it to have an expensive form of marketing as that form is known to be labour-intensive. However, digital marketing campaigns can enable the organisation to not only reach out to local customers but also get to learn about their reactions to the product in person.
There is a wide range of mediums that the digital marketing tool provides to the companies in the current market which can further ensure that the organizations get to create a platform for the customers to learn about the products of their choice. Krispy Kreme being a local company in the UK has extended its business into other countries as well thus the company aim to make use of an effective medium to choose the target audiences of the respective places they get to explore. Executing a campaign in the places where the company plans to form the business can enable the company to lower the cost of production in the long run (Alshaketheep et al., 2020). It will also help the company have a clear idea about the factors that state how the company should use its effective targeting strategy to get the product promoted and raise its CSR motives to let the customer know about its clear motive to form a branch of the organisation.
Before having executed the campaign the company can effectively execute the search engine marketing as a tool of digital marketing tactics so that they get to choose the most suitable area where they are required to execute the plan of the campaign. From this tool, they will also be able to detect the interests and matters of disinterest of the overall customers available in the market. The company will also be able to be familiar with the facts about the target audiences and the range of their income which they can further use to fix the price of the sources (Nizar and Janathanan, 2018). In order to create greater engagement of the customers with the company they can also hire influencers from the local market to make use of influencer marketing tactics for the campaign and grab the attention of a larger number of customers. Having used this strategy the company will also be able to ensure that the customers can rely on the words of the influencer and further gain trust in the brand and the products offered by it to the customers.
To target the key audiences for the digital marketing campaign the company can make the best use of a video marketing strategy as it can help the company to grow its revenue and further influence the purchasing behaviour of the customers (Prathapan, Sajin Sahadevan and Zakkariya, 2018). The videos must be presented in a detailed manner so that they can showcase every minute detail about the product and the way it is formed so that it can be liked by the customers and they can be willing to purchase the same in the future. The company must try to offer the people the product of their choice that can suit their taste buds and tempt them to buy the same product repetitively. The video content must be formed in a manner that can create a sense of inquisitiveness in the mind of the customers so that they get compelled to search for the product on the internet which will also enable the company to be ranked higher in the search.
The company must constantly try to boost the traffic of the customers on social networking sites so that they can be ready to take part in the campaign and try the product offered by the company as a sample. The company can also try to make use of podcasts so that it can facilitate the company to multitask and get the task of the company get easier (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). The campaign that will be conducted must further be made viral so that the customers can get keen to take part in the next campaign. The company must also try to encourage the company members to ensure that they get to have greater scope in the market by having raised awareness about the facts that are associated with the CSR programs promoted by the company and the social issues that are likely to be raised in it.
By having designed a digital marketing campaign for the promotion of the product in the new and local market the company can be greatly be benefitted as there are several advantages that the company can have from the same. The company with the use of this strategy can not only boost its brand awareness in the market but also can gain recognition amongst the people. The campaigns will also facilitate the company to understand the interest of the target customers and have a platform that will ensure the company tells its story to the customers and get them emotionally connected with the brand (Visser, Sikkenga and Berry, 2019). From the campaign, the company can further the required amount of data that is relevant to the target audiences and enable the customers to get the assurance to have responsive customer service. Thus this is one such medium that can be considered to be an effective medium which has high potential to help the company optimise the content of the advertisement and make sure that they get to reach out to the target audiences successfully.
Evaluation of Methods of Monitoring and Measuring a Digital Marketing Campaign In Line With Marketing Objectives to Increase Engagement and Conversions
As has been explained in the above points there have been several methods and tactics that can help an organisation to measure the effectiveness of the campaign so that the company can align the same for the fulfilment of the objectives of the company which has been created to boost the rate of engagement and conversions with the customers (Hassan and Dadwal, 2018). As it is being suggested to the company named Krispy Kreme to adopt the digital marketing strategy and execute campaigns to boost its engagement and conversion with the customers it must be ensured that the company can fulfil its marketing objectives having used this strategy for the business optimization. Thus the points below have been highlighted which will ensure the company measures the rate of effectiveness of the campaign by having monitored the campaigns in line with the marketing objectives so that the customer engagement and conversion factors can be taken into account.
- Set clear business objectives: At the first phase of the execution of the digital marketing campaign the company must ensure that they get to build the digital marketing campaign from scratch so that they can get each and every employee of the organisation involved in the process of brainstorming so that they can add in ideas from their own. The company must learn how to select the best idea for the campaign out of all the ideas that are presented before it so that it can help the company to fulfil the objectives of the business (Behera et al., 2020). The initial objectives of the company must also be formed based on the facts that are related to the marketing tactics since it facilitates the company to achieve the target of forming SMART goal principles as that will help the company to drive a greater number of traffic at the time of the campaign.
- Identify your target segments: To identify the target segments the company must try to analyze its offerings to the customers and the process by which it will put forward those offerings before the customers so that the company can get the customers engaged with the campaign. Before the execution of the campaign, the company must be able to conduct detailed market research has taken into consideration the customer profiles and market segments so that it can easily access the competition that lay in the target market. The company must learn the skills in which it can get the customers to get hooked on the content of the campaign by having strategically built the personas of the buyers (Ho, Pang and Choy, 2020). The company thus can further make use of social networking sites as an invaluable asset as that will help the company to offer a greater range of targeting opportunities and help it have the facility to listen to the customers; thus will enable the company to offer an outstanding geotargeting option to the customers.
- Establish the main KPIs: Before having implemented the campaign via digital marketing tactics the company must learn to adopt the ways in which it can make the right decision in accessing the right KPIs to track the progress report of the campaign. The KPIs enable the organisations to identify the performance of the individuals against the goals they set for the fulfilment of the objectives of the company (Rosario and Cruz, 2019). The most important part of using KPIs is that it can enable the company to detect the flaw that remains in the implementation of the strategy and provide enough time to get those flaws eliminated from the pathway of the execution of the campaign. The selection of the KPIs must also be done based on the goals of the company so that the target audiences can be fixed based on the standards of the industry to which the company belongs.
- Choose the right digital marketing tools: The fact that to monitor the digital marketing campaign’s performance in a manual manner can be only possible when the use of correct and efficient marketing tool is done often gets overlooked by the companies thus they end up failing terribly in the implementation of the campaign. To save the company from the hustle of failure the selection of an effective digital marketing tool must be done (Gilch and Sieweke, 2021). There is a wide range of tools available in the market that facilitates the company to measure its performance in the campaigns. The tools like Google’s Webmaster Tools, Moz, Screaming Frog SEO, BuzzStream etc. the choice of the tool must the company with compliance to the objectives set by it so that it can ensure the success fact of the campaign.
- Take actionable steps based on your stats: At this stage of the campaign execution process, the company must try to realize the fact that the choice of tools can only get half job of the task to be done since the rest half remains on the data that is gathered from the target market about the audiences (Karatum, 2018). The company must therefore have the skill to adopt specific data-backed decisions relying on the company’s aim to fulfil the needs and demands of the customers so that it can monitor the stats on a regular basis and address the changes that occur in the process.
- Measuring the performance of your digital marketing strategies is a must: at the final stage of the performance analysis, the company must ensure that the strategies it has built get to fulfil its long and short-term objectives in an effective manner. The company must also act in compliance with the facts of the company and try to gather information about the digital marketing campaign in line so that the market objectives set by it can be fulfilled. The company must also try to ensure that the strategies they have created help it increase its engagement with the customers of the target market so that the campaign can be proven to be successful.
Krispy Kreme is one such company that has been flourishing in the UK market with sales of doughnuts across the globe. It is an emerging company that must try to inculcate a digital environment at the workplace as well as in the market as that will enable the company to boost the effectiveness of digital marketing as well as enable the organisation to have easy access to the target customers. Digital marketing is known to be the most effective marketing strategy as it is most affordable in nature and facilitates the company to predict the cost of the marketing tactics so that they can make use of it in a less expensive method.
As most people have the tendency to shop online having used greater skills thus it lay on the part of the company to provide that platform to the customers so that they can apply the tactics by having expanded the reach of the company and creating an environment in which the customers can purchase the product in a convenient manner. As the company has intentions to explore new markets and gain the attention of the customers thus by having used the campaigning method the company can have easy access to global reach.
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