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Critical Evaluation Essay
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The article argues that persuading people of the fact and seriousness of climate change may not be the best method for encouraging action. The author advocates, instead, concentrating on convincing those who are passively agreeable or indifferent as well as energising those who are already on board with the cause. This study is going to demonstrate major fabricated reasons for people’s attitudes and actions in relation to environmental crises and the ways that they make decisions. Environmental psychology plays a key role in maintaining a relationship between the natural environment and the human beings with the help of research, practice and theory. Various factors that influence the behavior of human in psychology are culture, community and genetics. The key role of psychology in environmental development is that it helps to create sustainable solutions and motivate the people to live climate positive and environmental friendly ways.
Main Body
People’s attitudes and actions in relation to environmental crises
The article's suggestions are in line with psychological studies on attitude and behaviour transformation. The “information deficit model” of communication is used by the author as evidence that providing factual data alone is insufficient to alter ingrained ideas about climate change (Diamond, 1997). According to this approach, people’s attitudes alter when they lack knowledge and are susceptible to fresh facts. The research has found that giving new knowledge alone is not always enough to influence attitudes. People’s values, social identities, emotions, and social conventions are just a few of the variables that have an impact on their views and attitudes.
As a result, the article puts emphasis on rallying supporters of the cause and convincing those who are passively supportive or indifferent is compatible with studies on attitude and behaviour change. The author contends that it is more successful to concentrate on influencing individuals who are receptive to the message but may not be actively involved rather than trying to persuade ardent opponents (Surapaneni, 2019). This is in line with the elaboration probability hypothesis, which contends that depending on motivation and cognitive capacity, people interpret persuasive messages either methodically or heuristically. In response to persuasive communications, people who are motivated and have the capacity for systematic message processing are more likely to alter their attitudes and behaviours. The psychology of the human is such that they are less aware of the facts that is degrading their environment by their activities and does a plays a key role in changing the environment.
The article’s emphasis on specific actions to take is in line with studies on behaviour modification (Surapaneni, 2019). The author observes that behaviour modification is challenging and that people may be unwilling to alter their routines and way of life. However, studies have shown that setting clear, manageable objectives and activities can boost motivation and support behaviour modification. This is in line with goal setting theory, which contends that establishing precise, difficult goals may boost motivation and productivity (Broda-Bahm, 2019). The author has made suggestions for changing attitudes and behaviours are backed by pertinent psychological theory. Research on persuasion, motivation, and behaviour change supports the emphasis on mobilising those who are already committed to the cause, convincing those who are uncommitted or passively agreeable, and offering specific assignments for action.
The article stresses the need of comprehending the Spectrum of Allies concept, which contends that rather than attempting to persuade fierce opponents, the best strategy for bringing about social change is to concentrate on persuading those who are passively sympathetic to the cause. As opined by Estrada-Reynolds Gray and Nuñez (2015), this concept is predicated on the notion that a sufficient number of people must come together to achieve meaningful political change, and that concentrating on organising and strengthening supporters is a more successful tactic than attempting to persuade sceptics or doubters.
Besides this, a plethora of psychologists is found to use a variety of techniques, including as surveys, experiments, and observations, to examine people's attitudes and behaviours in connection to environmental crises and human decision-making processes (Carlson and Russo, 2001). In order to collect and analyse data, they could employ quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Moreover, to comprehend how individuals absorb information, form ideas, and make decisions about environmental concerns, they also make use of theories from social psychology, cognitive psychology, and other fields of psychology.
For example, according to the cognitive dissonance theory, people may feel uncomfortable when their ideas and actions conflict, which may lead them to alter their views or behaviours in an effort to alleviate their discomfort. As argued by (Evans, 2014), because it can be challenging to reconcile views about their own behaviour and the environment, this theory might help explain why some individuals may be reluctant to admitting the reality of environmental problems or taking action to remedy them. Psychologists also investigate how values, motivation, and feelings influence how people behave in relation to their surroundings (IPCC, 2013, p. 4). For instance, studies have shown that individuals are more inclined to engage in pro-environmental behaviour if they feel a feeling of personal responsibility for the environment or if doing so causes them to feel good, like pride or pleasure.
One path that can help know all of the aspects that are involved with environmental crisis is exploring people's opinions about climate change. As per the study conducted by Berdejó, (2018), climate change is a drastic, irreversible worsening situation of the environment that is leading to face many kinds of losses of welfare. Thus, using disposable with its reusable items can be one of the best paths to reduce climate change to some extent.
Steps that can help make people actions in relation to environmental crises and the ways that humans make decisions
In order to better handle environmental problems and how individuals make decisions, psychologists have proposed a number of strategies that people may take. Some of these actions consist of:
The first step can be properly framing the message in a manner in which information is delivered can significantly affect how it is received. For instance, it may be more beneficial to emphasise the advantages of acting rather than the costs when trying to persuade others to do so. The second step could be articulating specific actions to take when provided explicit instructions on how to resolve a problem; people are more inclined to take action (Beal, 1990). Giving individuals concrete advice on how to minimise their energy use, for instance, can be more beneficial than merely advising them to reduce their carbon impact. Using social influence can be the third step where psychologists regard people as social animals, and their behaviour has a strong impact on them. A strong motivation may be found in highlighting the efforts of people who are making an effort to solve environmental problems.
Making things simple is another step as when something is simple to do, people are more inclined to do it. For instance, placing recycling bins in convenient places may increase the likelihood that people will recycle. Removing impediments to action can also be a good step. People frequently encounter barriers that keep them from acting (Adkan, 2020). People may find it simpler to act if these impediments are recognised and removed. For instance, offering financial incentives for solar panel installation might assist in addressing the high initial cost.
Defence mechanisms and environmental crisis
It is due to the environmental issues caused by both man-made and environmental are actuating leading to facing a threat and anxiety. Defence mechanism holds four Characteristics such as aquatic environments, temperature perennial forests, temperature deciduous forests and tropical forests. In temperature perennial forest temperature stands between –30°C and 30°C and in temperature deciduous forests need to stand between negative 22° F to positive 86° F (GOV.UK, 2020).
Strategies that are going to help people make appropriate decisions to eliminate climate change
Psychology assists to fight climate change by changing the behaviour of human beings and fosters the human to take the action. Different types of strategies are going to be available in eliminating climate change issues. Different individuals have conducted different kinds of ways in eliminating climate change-related issues. Some people have cited that they need to change their lifestyle as it can help make changes. Almost 67% of people have cited that people need to change their lifestyle, as it can help bring changes. Apart from that, approximately 22% of participants have cited that technology possesses the power to eliminate climate change-related issues. Therefore, from the above information, it can be determined that different people have different opinions. Research indicates that depression and anxiety had increased the suicide case and mental disordered problems in hospitals. Children are also prey to such climate anxiety and the best way to deal is never lies to them and undermines their trust. According to UNICEF recycling, saving water, reducing food waste and planting trees helps to reduces the climate changes and psychology effects on human beings.
Apart from the above-illustrated strategies, different kinds of other strategies are available too and implementing those strategies is going to help remove climate change-related issues and problems. Letting fossil fuels in the ground is going to help reduce climate change. This needs to be mentioned that if gas, cola, fossil fuels and oil remains in the ground then changes are less that climate change is going to be reduced (Hope, 2004). However, if they are going to be extracted from the ground; climate change is going to increase. Emphasizing more on renewable energy can help reduce climate change-related issues. Using solar panels, waterpower, hydra-power and bio-energy are some best alternatives that can be considered. Using these alternatives can help in saving the natural resources of this world.
Switching to sustainable transport can help reduce climate change. All kinds of petrol and diesel vehicles are creating huge issues regarding climate change. All of these types of vehicles not only consume nature, apart from that they are creating a huge amount of pollution too. Therefore shifting towards sustainable transport is going to help remove climate change largely (Hinsz and Davis, 1984). Electrical vehicles are going to help replace petrol vehicles. This needs to be mentioned that Tesla has played a huge role in upholding electrical verticals.
This essay has conducted a critical analysis of attitudes and actions in relation to environmental crises and the ways that humans make decisions. Apart from that, this essay has mentioned all steps that can help people take actions to resolve environmental crises. Later, this essay has conducted a critical analysis of the effects that climate change is bringing. Furthermore, this essay has mentioned; there are still some people are not ready to believe in the reality of climate change. This essay has mentioned that educating students about climate change in schools can make a huge difference. This study has mentioned major man made causes that has been affecting climate change. Defence mechanisms and environmental crisis has been discussed later in this study. Furthermore Managing knowledge about environmental crisis has been discussed slightly throughout this study. This essay has mentioned some stages that are going to help make people believe in climate change. Some strategies that are going to help reduce climate change are also mentioned later in this study such as shifting towards EV “Electrical vehicles”. Using sustainable transport and investing in sustainable resources are going to be impactful in reducing climate change-related issues.
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