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Introduction Of The Impact of Feminist Criminology on Crime and Criminal Justice
Crime is defined as the illegal activity a person performs and which can harm other people or society as a whole. Crime and society are interdependent because in case crime increases then it will negatively impact the working of society as well. The current essay is based on the new concept of feminist criminology and how it has changed crime and criminal justice. In addition to this, all the new information relating to feminist criminology and its impact on society will be highlighted.
Main Body
Concept of feminist criminology
Criminology is a concept which includes the study of criminal behaviour and how criminal justice is associated with the solving of these behaviours. In addition to this, feminist criminology is a term which is associated with the focus on women as the offenders and the victims within the criminal justice system (Valcore and et.al., 2021). This aspect of criminology particularly focuses on the understanding of the causes and results of female criminality and how it can be dealt with easily. It further includes analysing the experience of victimisation and criminalisation relating to the female committing the crime. The major characteristic of feminist criminology is to analyse the social structure of society which affects men and women differently. This will help them in analysing the relationship between activism and research relating to victimisation and offending women more as compared to males. Also, with the help of the analysis, it was clear that in the earlier times, male criminality was very high but feminist criminology worked on developing an understanding relating to why the people are committing the crime. This understanding is developed because it will help the regulatory bodies in making the changes according to the psychology of the offender.
Need for a feminist perspective
In the earlier era that is before last two decades, the criminological activities are majorly focused on male offenders only and as a result of this, it is seen that male crime is more. However, with the passage of time, it was analysed that female imprisonment rates are increasing to a great extent. Thus, it leads to in-depth research within the field of female crime and develops a criminal justice keeping in mind females as well (Chesney?Lind, 2020). Furthermore, feminist criminology works on addressing the limitations that are present in the criminal justice system. These limitations result in failure to consider the fact that there is a difference between the path to enter into crime and the punishment faced by them, the type of crime they commit. All these aspects are different and it is necessary for the legal sector they effectively analyse the working so that the proper dealing procedure can be created for both of them.
Further, the major need for developing the concept of feminist criminology is that current studies in the field of law have ignored women to a great extent. But in actuality, women's crime has also increased and as a result of this, the needs to be a proper legal system for dealing with this crime (Dunbar Winsor, 2021). Along with this, the current usage of feminist criminology is majorly focused on understanding the causes, results and trends present behind female criminality. This concept also focuses on analysing and evaluating the fact that the reason for committing a crime is different for both males and females. This is pertaining to the fact that it is assumed that both males and female are different on the basis of thinking capacity and vision. Hence, as a result of this, there is a difference in the rationale behind committing the crime and as a result of this female criminology is developed. This is done in order to understand the behaviour and intention of the females before they commit the crime and how it differs from the males.
Theories of feminist criminology
With further evaluation, it was analysed that many different theories are being created in order to support feminist criminology. This feminist criminology is not developed as a single approach rather it includes the different approaches which has been developed since time. There are many different types of theories which have been generated while working on feminist criminology. These theories are as follows-
Liberal feminist theory
This is a theory that states that women are discriminated against within society and are not treated equally as compared to male. In accordance with legal experts like Rita Simon and Freda Adler, it was seen that the indulgence of women in any criminal activity is undertaken due to some sociological factors and not physiological factors. Hence, as a result of this, females were also included and rapidly integrated into the male-dominated world (Choak, 2020). Hence, as a result of this, the women were also provided the opportunity to become stakeholders within the process of policy making of the country. This was promoted because of understanding the psychology of female offenders, which only female policymakers can understand. Thus, as a result of this, the present theory also focused on engaging women more in developing theories relating to feminist criminology.
Radical feminist theory
This is another type of theory which was developed while working on feminist criminology. This theory states that the earlier liberal theory is very simple and this needs to be improved. This theory states that the power which is provided to the males is the only cause of inequality within the society. This is particularly because of the reason that the males are provided undue benefits and as a result of this, they discriminate among women (Lazarus 2019). Thus, with the help of this, it was clear that the major reason for gender inequality was patriarchy, the unsatisfied wants of men and the privilege of men being in power. When the males are in power they automatically discriminate against women and as a result of this, the working of society and crime is affected to a great extent.
Marxist feminist theory
It is a type of theory which includes Marxists which are the people who support the theory propounded by Karl Max and the Engles. In accordance with the current theory, it was analysed that it is a type of feminist theory that states that economic formation is the main determinant for the development of social relations. This theory states that women are residing in a male-dominated society and are not provided with equitable opportunities to grow and develop. Thus, it results in many different issues like the division of labour being done on the basis of gender and pay within the corporate sector is also decided on the basis of gender only. In addition to this, the current theory also focused on the fact that rape cases have increased within the capitalist society and as a result of this females are more victims than offenders. This crime affects the mental, physical and emotional well-being of the person to a great extent. Thus, as a result of this, the status of women within society is much affected and there is a requirement to improve the working efficiency of females to a great extent.
Further with the evaluation of the different research, it was evident that feminism is affected by gender discrimination. This is particularly because of the reason that when then violence also takes place with women more. The reason underlying the fact is that most of the crime is taking place with females only. Approximately, 35 % of the women are facing violence which may be physical sexual or both (Female Criminology: a critical analysis, 2021). This has affected the self-esteem of women to a great extent and as a result of this, they are not feeling safe within the company. Further, it was also seen with the help of secondary research that approximately 30 % of the women who are in a relationship face sexual or physical violence and abuse to a great extent. In addition to this the impact score for 2022 relating to feminist criminals was 3.05. Further, the scope of feminist criminology includes researching over women working within the criminal justice profession (FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY, 2021). In addition to this the research take place relating to women as offender and how they are dealt in the criminal justice system. It also includes researching for women as victims and the different theories related to crime and women. This is very important to be analysed because the majority of the criminal cases are taking place with the women only. Hence, it is very necessary for the country and regulatory authority they include women in policy-making and decision-making. This is helpful because it will assist in developing policies which will take care of the women within the society.
Impact of feminist criminology
With the help of the secondary evaluation, it was evident that there are many different reasons which implies that women do not commit crime. The first and foremost reason outlined was that the expectations and rules of the parents and families were many over the females. There were many different rules and regulations imposed over women and as a result of this they are not supposed to commit any crime. Along with this another major reason for women not committing the crime was male domination within the society. Within the external environment and the society where in the people live there is totally male domination. Thus, as a result of this the women were not allowed to dominate the working environment and hence they were not committing any crime. In addition to this, within the workplace as well the women were not allowed to work in the earlier time. Hence, as a result of this women were not committing any crime. On the other hand in case the women were working within the corporate sector then they had to face the sexual harassments as there was generally male boss and colleagues. Thus, in order to mitigate these aspects it is very necessary for the government to include women within the policy making. This is particularly because of the reason that when women will be included within the policy making then it will result in better and effective making of the Strategies and policies.
On the other hand Guerreiro Gomes, and Sousa, (2022) argued that women are generally led into crime by someone else or the influence of others only. This is particularly because of the reason that female assumed to be week and in get influenced by others easily. Hence, as a result of these women were influenced to commit crime and as a result of this they were Indus into the criminal activities.
In addition to this de Ávila, (2020) stated that generally the female criminals are not biologically determined. Moreover, there are many fewer women who are born as a criminal. Along with this it was evaluated that a women tend to be manipulative and deceitful but in actual they are not. This as a result of this it is evaluated there is requirement of women within the policy making of the legal sector. This is particularly because of the reason that when females will be included within the policy making that it will result and effective outlining of good policies. Thus, it will help in appropriate managing of the policies and practices for managing crimes within the society.
Along with this another major impact being created by the feminist criminology includes in neglecting the female of endorse. The previous criminal justice system within the working of the company have not considered both male and female as the offenders. This is particularly because of the reason that it was assumed that female do not commit much crime. Thus, as a result of this only the policies were made relating to male. Thus, after the development of the concept of feminist criminology, laws and regulations were also created for the female culprit and victim. In addition to this another major impact created by feminist criminology with the working is to bring attention towards the treatment of female in the criminal justice system. This is particularly because of the reason that in the earlier times the criminal justice system does not included any involvement of email. But after the development of the concept of feminist criminology, females were included within the criminal justice system as well. The reason underlying the fact is that when female will be included within the criminal justice system than more accurate and precise information will be developed.
In addition to this the rules and regulations prepared will be much better and effective as compared to the earlier times. The feminist criminology also neglected the legal studies as well. Further, within the legal sector the females were not allowed to go and enter. Thus as a result of this they were not allowed to enter within the legal industry (Henry and Flynn, 2020). But with the development of feminist criminology the female started to enter within this sector as well. Hence, currently within the legal sector there are many females who are working as legal professionals, lawyer and other people involved within the policy making. It is very necessary for the legal industry that they must effectively include women within the working. This is particularly necessary because inclusion of women and girls within the legal sector assist in protecting other people against the violence and miss happening done by the male or any other person.
Another impact created by feminist terminology includes the fact that current society is gender biased. Hence, for the removal of the gender biasness it is very necessary for the legal sector that they include feminism within the working (O'Malley, 2019). This is very necessary for the effective working of the company because when feminism will be increased within the working of the legal sector then it will provide a good based to the effective management of the whole country. The reason underlying the fact is that when the government will be including feminist within the working then it will provide a wide range of working ideas. This is particularly because of the reason that the feminist have a wide range of thinking capability and as a result of this efficiency of the person increases. Thus, when female are recruited within the legal sector then it results in better working and the decision making of the country. When good and effective decisions are taken then it definitely improve the working of the country and its constituent. The focus on feminism very important for the effective working of UK and other countries as well. The reason underneath the fact is that it is a new concept and it includes analysis and upgradation of the thinking pattern and working abilities.
Challenges of feminist criminology
Along with the good impact of including feminist within the political and legal working there are many different challenges is well which the country and the government need to face. This is particularly because of the reason that there are some issues relating to the working women and it can affect the working of the whole legal system and the country. The most common challenge which the government or the country can space due to feminist criminology is that the ideas and thought of women cannot be effectively followed by every person (Wonders, 2020). This is particularly because of the reason that other people might feel negative because they are not happy in following the thinking and principles of a feeling. Hence, it can affect the working of the whole legal system. Thus, this is the most common and effective challenge which will be definitely faced by the people working within the legal structure of the country.
Along with this another challenge faced by the people working within the legal sector is that there might be clashes of ego. This is particularly because of the reason that in case male will be under of female then it will definitely affect the ego and it will result in classes. This as a result of this mail will not be followed in the instructions provided by the female result in effective working and the legal structure will not be performing their activities perfectly. Then it can impact with the working efficiency of other employees (FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY, 2021). This is particularly because of the reason that when feminism is promoted within the organisation of the legal system then it affects the sentiments of the male and other employees beneath the female employees. Hence it will affect the self respect of the person and as a result of this they will not be performing well and will not work in coordination with the female employees.
In the end it can be concluded that feminist criminology is very essential to be implemented within the working of the country. This is particularly because of the reason that female criminally states that the rules and regulation must be made for female victims in offenders as well. It also includes female working within the policy making structure as well. The reason behind this fact identified above was that female is more rational in thinking and has good critical thinking skills. Thus, as a result of this within the legal policy making it will be helpful for the country and its development. Along with this it was highlighted within the study that there is high neat of feminist criminology because it helps in improving the working of the legal sector of the country.
Moreover it was highlighted that the use of feminism within the legal sector has been increased in the current working period. This is particularly because of the reason that female working is promoted and as a result of this in the legal sector as well the female working has improved. With the help of the above studied was highlighted that there are different theories as well relating to feminist criminal of you which were used. This included theories like market feminist theory radical feminist theory liberal fennel feminist theory and many other different theories. All these theory were helpful in providing guidance for the effective implementation of the feminist criminology. In addition to this it was highlighted that positive impact is being created by the use of feminist criminology. This included the fact that specific rules and regulations are prepared for female and they also participate within the effective decision making.
Books and Journals
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