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Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Insight Report On Travel And Holidays Assignment
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Part 1: Understanding Modern Consumer Behavior in Travel and Holidays
Cultural and Societal Influences on Travel and Holiday Consumption
A culture is a group of principles, morals, attitude, customs, and form of behavior which is shared by society and are further transmitted to the next generation (Burke, 2019). Less understanding and incapability of communication with the mass culture may effect in a cultural shock for the people who are traveling. Visiting a foreign country might result in a transformation in approach towards the people of the country. Travel and holidays can also stimulate the sale of the products in the target visits. It is noted that to understand a traveler, it is very important to understand the reason, why visitors act in such a way and be better position to anticipate and fulfill their needs and requirements.While traveling a person tries to consume places and also the local culture of the place, by interacting with the local public. The invasion of temporary visitors with other targets and means which are different from the local population has a huge effect on the local community of a particular place and also its inhabitant’s quality of life.
Travel and holidays are one of the largest and fastest-growing global markets. these two are connected with the cultural and creative industries which are also affected by the increased travel and holidays as the cultural and societal factors have a great influence on promoting travel to a destination and enhancing competitiveness and attraction (Nepal, 2020). There are so many locations that are enthusiastically developing their educational assets in driving comparative advantage in a gradually more competitive market and also in creating individuality in the global market. The impact of culture on travel and holidays examines the emerging influence of cultural and societal factors.
Studies illustrate the various facts of the relationship between travel, culture, and societal attractiveness. The policy interferences which help to improve the relationship show a strong link between travel and culture which could be further nurtured to help travel places in becoming more attractive to tourists, and also helps in increasing competitiveness. Social & cultural influence significantly as it generates social changes in the day-to-day lives of local people, lifestyle changes, and infrastructure developments, etc (Cetinand Bilgihan, 2016). Travel might have a different effect on social and cultural aspects of life in a specific region which depends on the strength of the region.
Consumer insights are suggesting that user-generated data or substance is considered more trustworthy in association to branded advertisements or communication. In a report, it is mentioned that tourists trust third-party reviews over travel websites. The data do not lie, there are so many websites like google trends that show a tick in the review platform in several websites like TripAdvisor that direct with the downturn. Current culture and societal influence include the related bloggers and influencers, a travel company needs to follow these trends to be in the market. The popularity of travel bloggers and influencers drives toward user-generated content. Posting on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook is very powerful in influencing the culture as well as society.
Consumption pattern refers to the expenditure pattern of income groups on overall categories of products. Socio-culture and political extension of the consumption patterns idea search the class, culture, and also symbolic dimensions of a particular organization. In May and June 2020, all the countries with the major travel destination cease marketing performance in answer to travel boundaries and determined on making plans and strategies for gaining financial support (Romagosa, 2020). This pandemic caused an effect on both demands as well as on supply sides. On the demand side, the crisis bought a reduction in disposable income with a subsequent decline in tourist payments. The improbability caused by the pandemic drives tourists in delaying their purchases decision until the next time. It was visible that there is a huge change in the consumption pattern of travel and holiday customers. Particularly, there is an enlarged use of online platforms throughout the purchase process, from a explore for in order as well as online shopping to exchanging particular information and recommendations (Toubeset. al. 2021)
Consumer behavior was also radically changed because of changes in consumption patterns. As a result of that travel, companies have has to work on innovation, marketing techniques, current culture, and societal factors to survive in the market. consumer behavior of people traveling changed after the pandemic the group of the traveler was considering taking travel insurance, preferring the places depending on their loyalty which provides less perception of risk (Han, 2021). Consumer behavior in the case of travel and holidays involves certain decisions, ideas, and activities that are capable of satisfying consumer needs and wants.
The American Marketing Association describes consumer behaviour as follows:
It is a dynamic interaction course amongst emotional, behavioural, and environmental factors which are based on a behavioral basis for every human beingin performing the conversation function in life. This definition refers to consumer behavior as a procedure that includes numerous stages of selection, disposal, purchase and the process is active. Travel consumption behavior is more complex as it includes the full process from going from home to returning.
The effects of cultural and societal factors on travel and holidays are
- Lack of understanding and incapability in communication with the highest country's culture may result in a shock to the customer or tourists.
- Contracts with other environments have a huge effect on a change in attitude and behavior (Hornerand Swarbrooke, 2016).
- Travel has a huge impact on the sale of local products from a particular destination.
- With cultural influence on travel, people can know about the culture of countries and local people’s lives.
- Travel and holidays play an significant role in promoting the culture and social objectives of one country to other.
- Tourists get to know about the arts, traditional culture, music, food, rules, etc about the other country.
Part 2: The Influence of Social Media and Influencers on Tourism
![The impact of social media and influencers on consumer/customer behaviour related to Travel and holidays]()
The social media phenomenon has incredible power to impact several industries. The travel industry looks to be very vulnerable regarding the effects of social media platforms to a very extent. The travel and holiday industry is one of the early adopters of technologies and solutions which are trending in current culture. Social media network permits the travel sector to improve various procedures and enables it to deliver a better experience to its travelers all over the world (Chatzigeorgiou, 2017). The most critical social media travel statistics are followed by the effect of social media, some of the most popular examples of social media use in the travel sectors. The relationship between social media and the travel industry is best explained by linking them to travelers and social networks, it is very shocking to discover that around 85% of millennials are using somebody else social media posts while planning their holidays. Approximately 43% of them will not go if their followers are not able to see their posts or stories, while 34% books hotel by the information they got via user-generated content(Magno and Cassia, 2018). People from all across the world use social media channels to share their travel stories, around 74% of individuals who loves to travel use social media. During 2019, all the social media users keep on generating travel-related hashtags with a volume of 1 million every week. According to recent research, social media has become an essential part of tourism companies’ strategic operations during the period of COVID-19 and the usage of social media was increased by 72% (Rather, 2021).
Social media travel and holiday statistics also reveal that some of the interesting shifts in travel marketing strategies and plans are followed by travel agencies, hotels, and OTAs. Some of the important social media travel and holidays statistics are:
- The travel and holiday industry continues to be the busiest industry on Instagram, with an average appointment rate of around 1.41%.
- The engagement rates on Twitter are 0.04%, TikTok is 8.74% and the most popular social media platform Facebook is 0.27%.
- The social media strategies for TikTok travel industry post an appointment shows that social media channels offer very profitable opportunities for travel and holidays in the upcoming future.
A representative of travel and holiday business uses numerous marketing channels in the mix. However, the International Tourist Research Centre accommodated that around 88% of travel businesses vigorously use social media platforms for promoting various destinations and also provide an understanding of the needs and demands of consumers. In a similar perspective paid advertisements also continue to be the most preferable social media marketing strategy for travel and holiday markets. And from all of these the most striking social media platform is Facebook. Based on recent research, nearly 80% of travel marketers are involved in using Facebook to promote their business and also to launch paid ad campaigns in the achievement of goals, by increasing responsiveness to improving booking rates.
Impact of social media on tourism
Social media have huge effects on travel and holidays, the best way to understand the impact of social media is to discover what people do before opting to go on a trip. Social media helps in creating an environment in which people are allowed to research particular tourists destination and are also invited to share their photos, videos, and experience. More specifically social media has completely changed the traveling of people and also their thoughts about it.
According to Global data, around 30% of Gen Z and 32% of millennials are looking for direct engagement with brands as very essential purchasing decision factors (Xianget. al. 2017) The research report also indicates that social media has a full influence on customer service paradigms. All the travel companies are now looking forward to using social media channels to improve customer service and also offer availability all the time. Social media has also allowed the traveler to do complete research on all the destinations. The average amount of travelers has 400 digital moments before making the bookings decisions for their trip and almost 90% of those experiences are based on mobile.
One of the studies also reveals that around 27% of travelers plan randomly to specific places by just seeing posts related to those places on Facebook. Social media did not work on just transform the travel and holiday companies' market but also show how they interact with the customers in facilitating direct bookings. A recent survey discovered that 49% of hotels have social media as the second most important priority to marketing and sales.
Impact of social media influencers on tourism
Influencer marketing is the most operative digital marketing strategy. Influencers are becoming a very essential part of the travel and holiday sector. Authentic videos, experiences, and photos are quite valuable to the travelers which the paid influencer creates and share on their social media. Almost 40% of people suggested that every influencer's videos and photos do not affect the decision while choosing a hotel or their stay.
The studies propose that this change in the predictable future as social media influencers have the capabilities to effects all stages of the customer's decision-making, in which the following points are included:
- Aspiration
- Information exploration
- Evaluate alternatives
- Obtain decisions
- Contentment
- Experience sharing
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