Comparison Between Two Online Mental Health Platforms Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Comparison Between Two Online Mental Health Platforms Assignment Sample

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Mental health disorders are common during the period of adolescence and early adulthood, which are mainly associated with the fundamental burden and the risks. This often tends to impart lifetime morbidity along with premature mortality as well (Drissi et al. 2021). During the development of the services that are based on the health of the youth and are prioritised through the intervention along with the continuous challenge of the heterogeneous aspects of the profiles and trajectories of illness. Mental health disorders are considered to be one of the most important health challenges in the 21st century. The higher range of prevalence that is related to adolescence along with early adulthood comes up with the risk about the future well-being and the outcomes of the emergence of this disorder.

Main body: Factors that need to be considered before choosing the Online Mental Health Platform

Digital platforms that offer mental cures are highly appreciated by the people of the country. However, despite having the effective benefits, it is often said by psychologists that online therapy might not work for every person in every situation (Schleider et al. 2020). Therefore, before choosing the digital mental health care platform, it is essential to clarify a few factors.

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It is essential to enquire about the authenticity of the application that is going to be used. This is because it has been observed that there are some sites that offer several therapies however they are not licensed or they claim this just to mislead the users.

PSYOMICS claims to help the individuals along with the clinicians to understand the mental conditions of the user in order to improve the quality and efficiency along with the consistency of the mental health (Barak & Grohol 2019). Whereas MASLIFE was claimed to be built through the principle that defines the interconnection between the health along with the wealth that you earn.


Before installing the application, it is important to check whether the experts that you are going to interact with are licensed or not (Wong et al. 2021).

The psychologists and the professionals who practice and are intended to provide services need to be licensed with proper verification of the documents that are provided by them at the time of their hiring.

Talking about the PSYOMICS, it has been claimed by the organisation that proper verification of the service providers through the help of the Cambridge University is done thoroughly by the top-line management of the organisation. MASLIFE is claimed to be a multi-feature application that helps to facilitate the ability to balance lifestyles along with focusing on their well being and managing their finances through an integrated system of artificial intelligence (AI).

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Regulatory Licencing

It is very essential for the organisation to have licenses for providing the services to the users. Therefore, all the organisations that tend to provide this kind of health service have to maintain the laws and regulations of the place where it is located. Moreover, it has to follow all the procedures that are required to maintain proper documentation of the organisation.

Talking about PSYOMICS, the organisation claims to provide services through using the technologies and the data in order to redefine the needs of the mental health of the user for providing a better kind of service (Doherty et al. 2020). They also claim to provide the services through the best clinicians that are hired by the organisation. On the other hand, MASLIFE tends to motivate the users in order to use healthier habits for being well. Maslife offers the users different kinds of tools that are designed through smart technologies that support the user to maintain the balance between their personal as well as financial well-being. MASLIFE focuses on making the users efficient in balancing their needs that are related to the health and the finances as well.


The therapists who provide the services make a space for the user to share personal information in order to understand the exact or specific reason behind that imbalance of the mental condition of the user. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the security of those pieces of information that are shared by the user and should be secured with the possible kind of authentic security system. PSYOMICS claims to develop their services through the advancement of technologies used to provide the adequate kind of service to the user, along with making sure about the user satisfaction about the provided services. Whereas MASLIFE uses the technology that encourages the deeper understanding of the management of the finances along with keeping the mental health of the user as the foremost priority for providing service. They also claim that whatever information is shared by the user is kept under a high level of supervision through the best quality of security that can be provided to the user.


Insurance companies take the responsibilities to pay the fees for the services that are used by the user. While working with a psychologist, all the fees and the remunerations of using the service come under the coverage of the insurance company that is used by the user. In order to use these services, it is important to have an invoice of the services from the service provider that is required to be submitted by the insurance company. PSYOMICS claims to be dedicated to developing the best quality of application where the user can feel safe and secure while doing the required services.


Throughout this paper the researcher has highlighted the requirement for the use of digital mental health platforms in order to stay healthy in the routined life. The researcher has compared two organisations that are basically at the top of these industries in respect to the services that are claimed to be provided by these organisations.  It is important for the user to have all the information about the application that he or she is going to use. Several aspects that are essential to consider while choosing the application are highlighted by the user in this paper.


Barak, A., & Grohol, J. M. (2019). Current and future trends in internet-supported mental health interventions. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 29(3), 155-196. Retrieved from Retrieved on 15.03.2022

Doherty, G., Coyle, D., & Sharry, J. (2020, May). Engagement with online mental health interventions: an exploratory clinical study of a treatment for depression. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1421-1430). Retrieved from Retrieved on 15.03.2022

Drissi, N., Ouhbi, S., Marques, G., de la Torre Díez, I., Ghogho, M., & Janati Idrissi, M. A. (2021). A systematic literature review on e-mental health solutions to assist health care workers during COVID-19. Telemedicine and e-Health, 27(6), 594-602. Retrieved from Retrieved on 15.03.2022

Schleider, J. L., Dobias, M., Sung, J., Mumper, E., & Mullarkey, M. C. (2020). Acceptability and utility of an open-access, online single-session intervention platform for adolescent mental health. JMIR mental health, 7(6), e20513. Retrieved from Retrieved on 15.03.2022

Wong, H. W., Lo, B., Shi, J., Hollenberg, E., Abi-Jaoude, A., Johnson, A., ... & Wiljer, D. (2021). Postsecondary student engagement with a mental health app and online platform (thought spot): Qualitative study assessing factors related to user experience. JMIR mental health, 8(4), e23447. Retrieved from Retrieved on 15.03.2022

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