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Introduction Of British Heart Foundation And community Enterprise

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A nonprofit organization is one of the organizations which is not interested in earning profits, dedicated to a given cause that provides benefits to society and the development of the country. This report is conducted to understand the key features of the community enterprise, what is the role of the enterprise, and how much important it is for society's welfare. The purpose of this report is to deeply understand how a community enterprise can help society to be better and more helpful for people. The report discusses the nonprofit organization what it is, how it works in providing benefits to society, what kind of community it serves, various programs it runs, and many more. For this report UK based nonprofit organization British heart foundation is considered as a case company. This report further discusses the aims and objectives of the organization, different sources of funding for the organization, and key challenges and opportunities faced by the organization.

Overview of British Heart Foundation

The British heart foundation (BHF) is a nonprofit cardiovascular research charity in the UK. This organization helps in providing funds to all kinds of medical study related to heart diseases. The main goal of the British heart foundation is to raise awareness about the risk factors which are caused by heart diseases. BHF was originated in 1961 by medical professionals bothered with the growing death rate due to heart disease (British Heart Foundation, 2015). The group of professionals of medical took the initiative in researching the causes of disease, treatment of patients, their diagnosis, and prevention of heart and circulatory diseases in order provide the funds to the patients.

The British heart foundation is a major fund raiser in cardiovascular research, and education. BHF depends mainly on donations for fund all the treatments and research. It also works with other charitable organization to prevent premature death and disability from cardiovascular diseases to increase income and also to maximize its work impacts. The main aim of the organization is to provide funds to scientists all around the UK for cardiovascular research, in which the organization is aiming towards spending up to £100 million year. The organization is funding around 1000 research programs all over the UK. Since 2008 the BHF has been investing in research centers and bringing together scientist’s to work for research programs for circulatory and heart diseases. The six main centers of the British Heart Foundation are imperial college London, king's college London, University of Edinburgh, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, and university of Glasgow (Layland et. al. 2015).

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Figure1: Logo of British Heart Foundation

British heart foundation does many other activities which are providing information to people to make them aware and reduce their health risks. BHF also provides various kinds of resources to heart patients to manage their conditions with better facilities like online hubs and heart magazines on risk factors like obesity and blood pressure (Cheema et. al. 2022). BHF offers advice to all heart patients via websites, booklets, or a heart helpline. According to a report The British Heart Foundation earns a net income over £107 million and in the same year around £93million was spent on funding cardiovascular research.

Aims and Objectives of British Heart Foundation

The BHF seeks to show an important role in fighting with heart diseases because of which these diseases are not anymore the major cause of premature death and disability. BHF is fully focused to create a world in which people are more aware of heart diseases and do not die prematurely of heart diseases. The organization has made many discoveries and research that were helpful to save so many lives and benefitted millions across the world. A vision of The British Heart Foundation is a world in which people don’t die because of premature heart disease (Council, 2017).

The organization has some broad, longer-term aims, which will be achieved by working at full capacity. The following are some main aims of BHF:

  • Reducing the number of death caused by cardiovascular diseases under 75s by half at least.
  • By ensuring that at least two third of people under 75 survive heart attacks and other heart diseases (British Heart Foundation, 2015).
  • Reducing the level of heart-related diseases in the UK's local areas
  • Reducing the child obesity ratio
  • Launching care and support strategies into the routine care of the general public.
  • Changing local care pathways for heart diseases, which are controlled by planning support and care.
  • Building relationships to encourage practices with the local community and providing a wide range of activities through voluntary services will support people to manage their conditions by themselves.

The BHF raised money to help research heart and circulatory diseases; it was found that over £100 million were spent on this research each year (Sunkur, 2015). BHF also developed an evidence-based policy to work with decision-makers to make sure that the political and regulatory climate is favorable for all this research and patients with heart conditions all over the UK.

The main objectives of The British Heart Foundation are as follow:

  • Innovative research to find out the causes of heart diseases and focus on improving treatments, methods of prevention, and diagnosis (Heggie al. 2021).
  • By providing appropriate information to help people to reduce the danger of heart diseases and the circulatory diseases.
  • Help in attaining the highest standards of support and care of heart patients all over the UK.
  • To implement government policies which help in minimizing the danger of heart diseases.
  • The main objective of BHF is to reduce inequalities in the level of treatments and facilities provided to every heart patient across the UK(British Heart Foundation, 2016)

The main aim and objective of BHF are to make sure that people with heart and circulatory diseases receive collaborative support and care consultation.

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Further discussing the structure of the organization, The British Heart Foundation follows a hierarchical structure as the organization depends on different levels of authority. There are multiple levels in an organization which involve the prevention and care committee, chairs and program grants committee, and fellowship committee. The organization has a council that involves two boards the prevention, care advisory, and education board and the other one is the scientific advisory board. The trustees of the organization further involve a remuneration committee, nomination committee, investment committee, audit committee, and retail committee.

Funding of Organization

The British Heart Foundation organizes fundraising events that nearly accounted for £54 million in 2019-2020. The organization also won a bid to be named as the London Marathon charity partner for the year 2022, aiming at raising £3 million with help of partnerships and investing in clinical research. The British heart foundation organizes various programs, events, and marathons for raising funds (British Heart Foundation, 2020). Recently BHF has organized the annual London to Brighton bike ride event, it is a flagship fundraising event with over 16000 cyclists raising around £2.8 million. And many other campaigns like National Heart Month are organized in February, and big donation. The BHF also organizes many other campaigns for recruiting volunteers, raising awareness among patients about the British heart foundation, and increasing donations and retail sales.

The British Heart Foundation runs a very large network of charity shops in the UK through which the organization generates income. as of the year 2021, BHF runs around 730 shops which involve around 160 electrical shops and furniture shops selling around 85000 products on daily basis (British Heart Foundation, 2020). The British Heart Foundation’s retail division makes up to £30 million every year.

Key challenges and opportunities

Every organization has various challenges and opportunities in the area where they are providing services or operating, whether the organization is profit-making or non-profit making. To know about the opportunities and threats an organization needs to evaluate its internal and external environment. The organizations can use various models, which help to study the internal and external environment for the positive working culture. In this report PESTEL analysis is considered to analyze the external factors of the case company and SWOT analysis is considered for analyzing the internal factors of the organization (GURL, 2017).

PESTEL Analysis

PESTEL analysis includes six factors which are political, economical, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. This study helps an organization understand all the key factors that affect the organization. PESTEL analysis helps in making major decisions regarding the organization, which further helps in the development of effective strategies and plans (Matovic, 2020). For the BHF this analysis provides a clear view of both external factors that are creating a big challenge for the research of BHF. The PESTEL analysis of The British heart foundation is as follows:

  • Political factors: This factor helps to determine the influence of the government's rules, regulations, and policies on the organization. Government factors include trade restrictions and reforms, various tax policies, political stability, and tariffs. BHF works according to the regulation and guidelines given by the government of the UK, and by doing so organization works on providing better services to the community and working effectively (British Heart Foundation, 2020). Political factors are also a big challenge for the organization, as the BHF plans on expanding to different countries. The organization needs to follow the regulations and policies of that country and that is quite challenging, it is also tough for researching a disease. The factors affecting the political situation of BHF need to follow the rules and regulation by which they can provide better services.
  • Economical factors: These are external factors that are dependable on the economy's performance. These factors involve factors like inflation, economic growth, cost of living, unemployment, credit availability, etc. In the case of BHF, economical factors are quite challenging as BHF relies on the public's generosity. Any kind of fluctuation in the economy creates a big challenge for the organization because a high volume of donations, gifts, and fundraising are collected from the general public (British Heart Foundation, 2018). Due to unemployment, low economic growth, and poor living standard funds and donations are affected people shows less interest in donating as they do not have enough money. So economical factors are the key challenge for organization and also provide an opportunity to increase the economy of a country. The organization also deal with rising labor, operation cost, currency exchange rates, etc.
  • Social factors: These factors include all the cultural norms of the country like career attitudes, population, health care of society, age distribution, etc. As it is discussed above in the report the main purpose of The British heart foundation is to provide treatment for all heart and circulation diseases. The organization is dedicated to providing the best services to the general public. BHF gets benefits from the fame of heart disease as a public health issue and various cultural trends that encourages donations to health charities (British Heart Foundation, 2015). Usually, all new donors rely on their social networks and traditional forms of giving donations. The main focus of the organization should be to attract younger donors to meet expectations. BHF needs to focus on factors that include changing work patterns, consumer preferences, lifestyle changes, and changes in the value of people.
  • Technological factors: BHF is responding prominently to new technologies and trends. In this fast-changing world, technologies are changing rapidly, and to match steps with it organization needs to focus on technological factors. BHF is strongly responding to online donations, which is the latest form of making donations via the online platform. With the significant adoption of smart phones, online donations are on the rise, this technological change helps organizations work faster and more quickly (Kivimäki et. al. 2020). The key challenge for this factor is the traditional donors; groups that still stick to the old version of donation are creating a big challenge for the organization. The organization has to add value to its brand name and also needs to focus on enhancing the overall consumer experience.
  • Legal factors – legal factors involve all the changes that occur in the organization due to changes in law, government regulation, licensing, and permits. The British Heart Foundation is a nonprofit organization for heart and circulation diseases. The organization has to look out for all the legal work before working with the general public or society. BHF has to follow all the rules and regulations so that it can provide better services to patients.
  • Environmental factors–this factor of PESTEL analysis involves all the environmental factors like climate, environmental safety. BHF's main aim is to provide the world with no heart diseases, for the organization needs to focus on creating a healthy environment (British Heart Foundation, 2020). Providing knowledge and awareness among people regarding all kind of heart and circulation diseases which help in reducing risk of heart diseases in future.

For understanding the internal factors that affect the organization, SWOT analysis is provided:

SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths: The British heart foundation has so many strength that makes the organization the leading brand all over the UK. The BHF organization has an image of a strong and trusted brand. It is the market leader all over the UK with a large united CRM and a big pool of customer information. The BHF organization is highly motivated and driven by the cause. The organization has access to large audiences and a large number of corporate sponsors. BHF has the strength of a highly-qualified and professional working team with a high caliber and solid knowledge base.
  • Weaknesses: The main drawback of the organization is its lack of perceived significance to the target people, they have a hard time engaging with BHF. It provides different generic medicine and products which is not customer friendly. The organization's website is quite hard to navigate, it has all the required information but there are too many links. There is low staff turnover, which results in a lack of fresh ideas and outlook in the organization (British Heart Foundation, 2015). The regional offices of BHF are developing their structure, which causes an inconsistent message on a national level.
  • Opportunities: The British Heart Foundation has the advantage of global impact as it is the leading nonprofit organization in the UK. The organization has a large prospective youth market which allows for increasing revenue and covering a large market share. UK's government campaign Change4Life is giving BHF a great opportunity.
  • Threats: The biggest threat to an organization is that the direct publicizing is not effective, it is quite hard to obtain the information of a new group of people because everybody wants their information to be safe and secure. More health and medicine charities are working on the same diseases, which creates a competitive challenge for the organization. The government's digital Britain initiative could affect the organization and will leave the BHF looking outdated

Charity shops of BHF


The above report concluded that The British Heart Foundation has a lot of opportunities to serve on a global level. As mentioned in the report the aim of BHF is to reduce premature death because of heart and circular diseases. It is recommended that the organization should focus on providing better and more innovative facilities for the treatment and diagnosis of patients like high-tech facilities, medicines, etc. it is also recommended that the organization should focus on hiring more staff and volunteers which help to generate new and fresh ideas. Organisation also needs to focus on providing quality medicines that are customer friendly. All these recommendations will help BHF to meet more growth opportunities for a better future.


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