Characteristics of Alan's depression Assessment

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Assessment: Summative Assessment 1

Characteristics of Alan's depression

This part of the study deal with the discussion of the characteristics that can be identified after evaluating Alan's depression and his mental condition. It can be seen that Alan was seen to be very much depressed after his lover left him. So, the first characteristic that can be seen is that he is feeling very much only and is not able to properly spend his time normally. However, it can be seen that the ending of his relationship led him into grief and made him feel responsible for the situation. Thus, it can be seen that he is continuously struggling with his flashbacks which he reported to be entrusting his joyful times. This resulted in Alan feeling bereft and also very much depressed shortly after his lover left him. However, some other problems have been also identified as Alan has started working recently. Despite his signs of complex depression and intrusions, he can be also seen in some sort of mental state. These can be said as the other characteristics of Alan and numerous things appear to maintain it.

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It can be seen Alan is in such a mental state where he is feeling grieved and he is putting himself responsible. However, this might seem to be ok as a symptom for different kinds of patients in this situation. According to the study by Petrocchi et al. (2019) suggests that self-criticizing and self-evaluation are considered to be one of the most occurred parts of a mental patient or patient with depression. Thus, in the case of Alan, it is depression and each triggering of memory is resulting in him getting into preoccupation. Apart from that, it can be seen that the ending of his relationship led him into grief and made him feel responsible for the situation. But instead of feeling many alternatives he started to question himself about his deeds and if he is the reason for this misery. Thus, it can be seen that he is continuously struggling with his flashbacks which he reported to be entrusting his joyful times. This resulted in Alan feeling bereft and also very much depressed shortly after his lover left him. Hence, he started to lose his senses and started to make him feel guilty about the situation in the present right now.

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He states himself as if he did something wrong? If he was not the right person, and what happens is he is not able to become happy again in his life. Moreover, it can be seen that he has got stuck in such a mental position where he is keeping on thinking if his lover is getting along with someone else or not.

The well-reasoned rationale for his treatment

Thus a cognitive-behavioral perspective can be implemented for him and it will help in idealizing the different kinds of mental issues more clearly. According to the study by Ellis (2019) suggest that a cognitive-behavioral perspective is considered to be a very much effective approach and a treatment for emotional and mental issues. However, it is implemented for idealizing the range of issues like depression, anxiety, and mental health issues of any patient. As a matter of fact, the case study also allowed an understanding that Alan was constantly struggling with past memories and was getting triggered by preoccupation. Thus, from a cognitive behavioral perspective, the issue can be identified as, "identifying negative thoughts", and performing "self-monitoring". According to the study by () suggest that monitoring and identifying negative thoughts aids in bringing out the different kinds of situations the patient is suffering to suffer from.

However, from a cognitive behavioral perspective, it can be said that the process might feel difficult at times but it is mainly for the people who suffer from introspection. So, the time taken after identifying the thoughts can help the psychologist to lead them self towards bringing up self-discovery to the person in front. Moreover, taking time in identifying allows for accumulating different insights and then providing them to the treatment process. But, it is not important to be implemented at all times because it can be also seen that Alan had lost his sense of time and sleep also. So, much more effective strategies are needed to be followed in order to have him taken out of his mental state. As per the view of Vuong et al. (2023), setting different types of goals allows both the patient and the psychologist to deal with social situations. However, Alan can be treated the same, as it will allow in improving his life and health. Hence, it becomes the most important step of the cognitive behavioral perspective as it will direct the practitioner to follow an important step. This step is known as the "step in recovery" used for recovering Alan from his mental illness or enclosed state. Thus, at the time of cognitive behavioral therapy, the Therapist then can help Alan in building and hence strengthening the "setting of goal" skills.

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Problematic situations from a cognitive-behavioral perspective

There are different kinds of achievement and numerous strategies can be implemented with the help of a cognitive behavioral perspective. According to the study by Tay et al. (2019) suggests that the practitioner or the therapist needs to get involved fully in the process. This might bring different kinds of challenges for the therapist as it will need to take much time need to come out of the situation. But one advantage of taking this risk is that it will help in taking the most out of the process. So, this can be one of the following problematic situations. The second can be classified as it can consume the patient or the client into a deliberately and actively repetitive but undesired habit. According to Sinha et al. (2022), a deliberately and actively repetitive habit is considered to be known as an involuntary and automatic habit. This is also known as the stammering, nail, biting, and ticking. Third, it can be seen by the therapist or the psychologist who is practicing this, is directed to be taken extra sessions and put up a lot of time.

Critical thinking upon specific interventions and collaboratively working with Alan

This part of the study deals with the discussion of the different kinds of problems that are encountered when implementing specific interventions. These interventions are implemented for treating depression and working out for any kind of patient. According to the study by Wood et al. (2020) suggests that the challenges while managing depression can lead to chronic pain, head injuries, side effects of treatment or medication, and loss of independence. In most of the cases, it can be seen that integrating with mental health includes shortages of resources that are needed in primary care. However, this might also bring grief at the moments that were captured during any loss or getting choked out at any sense of ownership. However, different kinds of interventions can be performed for mental health and bring out different kinds of challenges for the practitioner and the client also.

This includes problems like an addiction that is a concern for the client and idealizing the health of the individual. According to Ran et al. (2021), it can be said that the consequence of the “Stigma of mental illness” can show up at times and act as a barrier and create some mental health gap. The stigmatization that is occurring during mental Illness is considered one of the major barriers connecting to the mental health gap. so we can be said that the problem occurring can be considered to be a serious one. This can then lead to the stopping of different kinds of treatment procedures and might also bring “Possible social exclusion” To the patient. However, challenges regarding integrated mental health can lead to some devastating effects on primary healthcare. This might include limited infrastructure limited awareness of mental health shortage in human resources social deprivation and comorbidity of physical health.

Some important factors can be realized at the time of helping out with his problem. Here Alan can be treated with the operative behavioral theory which will be considered as one of the primary decisions that can be made for his treatment. However interpersonal therapy can also be implemented that will allow us to understand different cognitive patterns and behavioral thoughts. Moreover, collaborative therapy can be also implemented for regaining his mental health. According to the study by Petersen et al. (2019) suggest that collaborative mental health can be implemented as it helps in describing various kinds of practices in primary healthcare. So Alan can be helped with managing his depressive disorders and be added to a multicomponent healthcare system. Implementing a multicomponent healthcare system helps in bringing out different kinds of interventions and linking primary care.


  • Ellis, J.G., 2019. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and acute insomnia: considerations and controversies. Sleep medicine clinics, 14(2), pp.267-274.
  • Petersen, I., Bhana, A., Fairall, L.R., Selohilwe, O., Kathree, T., Baron, E.C., Rathod, S.D. and Lund, C., 2019. Evaluation of a collaborative care model for integrated primary care of common mental disorders comorbid with chronic conditions in South Africa. BMC psychiatry, 19, pp.1-11.
  • Petrocchi, N., Dentale, F. and Gilbert, P., 2019. Self?reassurance, not self?esteem, serves as a buffer between self?criticism and depressive symptoms. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 92(3), pp.394-406.
  • Ran, M.S., Hall, B.J., Su, T.T., Prawira, B., Breth-Petersen, M., Li, X.H. and Zhang, T.M., 2021. Stigma of mental illness and cultural factors in Pacific Rim region: a systematic review. BMC psychiatry, 21, pp.1-16.
  • Sinha, C., Cheng, A.L. and Kadaba, M., 2022. Adherence and Engagement with a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Based Conversational Agent (Wysa for Chronic Pain) Among Adults with Chronic Pain: Survival Analysis. JMIR Formative Research, 6(5), p.e37302.
  • Tay, K.W., Subramaniam, P. and Oei, T.P., 2019. Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in treating anxiety and depression in persons with dementia: a systematic review. Psychogeriatrics, 19(3), pp.264-275.
  • Vuong, Q.H., Le, T.T., Jin, R., Khuc, Q.V., Nguyen, H.S., Vuong, T.T. and Nguyen, M.H., 2023. Near-suicide phenomenon: An investigation into the psychology of patients with serious illnesses withdrawing from treatment. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(6), p.5173.
  • Wood, J.J., Kendall, P.C., Wood, K.S., Kerns, C.M., Seltzer, M., Small, B.J., Lewin, A.B. and Storch, E.A., 2020. Cognitive behavioral treatments for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder: a randomized clinical trial. Jama Psychiatry, 77(5), pp.474-483.
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