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Introduction Of Challenges Faced By The Company Beeblood Ltd In Online Marketing In Food Industry
Introduction and Scope of the Research
Social media is used in a wide range in terms of different applications and websites and almost every human being is using social media for a long time. A study stated that social media is used by almost 3.6 billion people and the projected number of users will be 4.4 billion people within the next two years. Social media is one of the most popular and used online platforms and types of social media are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more.
The shifting of the customer preferences mainly grows the market facility by which customers develop their marketing value in the global market while developing the loyalty of the brand. By engaging various peoples in this organization mainly faced their online marketing issue due to the huge business of social media like Facebooks. On the other hand, by the expectations of the customer, this company also fills their gaps which mainly exist between the delivery partner who mainly worked together to meet the expectation of the customer., on the other hand, this study mainly highlighted the challenges faced by the Beblood LTD company in their online marketing in the food industry by the use of social media, which is Facebook.
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There are so many challenges that can be faced by the online food industry named Beblood LTD while doing online marketing for their products. Hence, there is also a huge scope of this research to be conducted as by conducting this research the challenges can be identified and its proper solution can also be found out by which the online marketing can be done by the company significantly. One of the biggest challenges is to retain and engage customers. As there are so many brands related to the food industry available, therefore it is not an easy job to create a real customer base. Finding the right partner to deliver the food and to deliver the food properly is another challenge. In this research paper, the challenges of the online food industry will be discussed and the scope to find the solution to the problems will be discussed.
Problem statement
The main issue for which the research is important is to determine the challenges of online social media marketing for the food industry company Beblood Ltd. The issue of this research is important as by identifying the challenges, the solution or recommendation can be provided so that the company can minimize the identified challenges effectively. Posing every day and with new content is tough although the brands have to do the work as most people get bored too easily. It can be stated that the brands give their full focus on the strategy and as a result, they lose focus on the performance.
The main purpose of the study is to understand the market and also verify the needs of the market. A brand should have a clear understanding of the fact that who are their customers and that particular people need their products. The issue that has been taken is the identification of the challenges in online social media marketing for the Beblood company is very significant as by identifying the challenges, the recommended ways to minimize the challenges can also be obtained effectively (Beeblood.co.uk, 2023). A clear understanding of the people who are going to buy the products and their timing to get the product and the way the customers are using the product should be present to the company
The Beblood Ltd mainly making their comparative issue when the limited budget of the foods mainly creating the main difficulties when the company faced their chalets by the implementing high calorie and low nutrients foods which is mainly increased obesity and overweight. Further, from the taking of the food products which mainly increased some of the challenges by which companies mainly defined their main issue. Apart from that, in the modern world, online marketing optimization has mainly the emergence of digital marketing methods that include a plethora of strategies like Search Engine Optimization, by which social media marketing, affiliate marketing, content marketing, email marketing developed their business in the global world.
Research aim
The main aim of this research is to identify the challenges that has been faced by Beblood Ltd in online marketing for the marketing campaign in the social media platform (Facebook).
Research objectives
The main objectives of this research are:
- To evaluate the importance of online marketing on the food industry of the Beblood Ltd company.
- To examine the challenges faced by the Beblood company in protecting the natural ecosystem in their business.
- To outline the recommendation through which Beblood company reduced their online marketing challenges.
Research Questions
The main research questions this paper aims to solve are:
- What are the significance and advantages of online marketing for the food industry of Beblood Ltd company?
- What are the challenges faced by Beblood company while doing online marketing for Facebook?
- What are the ways to minimize the challenges faced in online campaigns by Beblood company?
Literature Review
Concept of Social Media and Online Marketing
Social media has emerged as one of the most crucial mediums of marketing in the modern world. It is sometimes viewed as the easiest way to connect to potential customers using various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or email marketing campaigns. According to Kingsnorth, (2022), online and digital marketing through social media platforms has become one of the key decision-making factors of a business, be it product pricing, PR activities and even recruitment. Online marketing is helping companies engage with the customers at a deeper level and connect with them not just through their products but also with the values and actions of the company. Online marketing and social media marketing are gaining fast momentum and is being implemented by companies worldwide (Sajid, 2016).
Online marketing is conducted through various channels. According to Vigia and Vigia, (2014), online marketing can be conducted through email marketing, personalized newsletters in the email inbox and optimizing their brand website pages, so that they show up on search engines. The paper also discusses the emergence and importance of mobile marketing which is important for capturing a lot of markets. In the modern world, online marketing optimization has led to the emergence of digital marketing methods that include a plethora of strategies like Search Engine Optimization, Social media marketing, affiliate marketing, content marketing, email marketing and many more. Digital marketing has also become measurable through SEO tools like Google Analytics and a host of third-party websites which was never possible in traditional marketing methods (Desai and Vidyapeeth, 2019).
Significance of Online Marketing in the Food Industry
Online marketing has gained a lot of popularity with a lot of sectors and industries and the food industry is no exception to this trend. Therefore, online marketing has become a crucial factor to consider for the sales of the products in the food industry. According to Vahedi et al. (2022), there has been a huge trend of digitization in the food industry, especially in the food delivery section, as popularity of online food deliveries continues to grow. The paper has studied how a food company can build customer loyalty and engage with their consumers on a personal level using online and digital marketing strategies in developed countries. In another study conducted by Purangol (2022) on several SMEs from Indonesia, concluded that digital marketing plays a role in influencing purchase decisions of the customers. It was found that Brand image is an important variable that can increase or decrease the influence of the customers. It helps the brand measure their brand presence through the social media sites and online platforms.
Moreover, in a study conducted by Akhter (2019), which studied the impact of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on the success of Domino's pizza launch in Bangladesh. It was seen in the study that the respondents heard about the story of Dominos Launch from social media sites and that influenced their decision to visit the outlet. This goes on to show how much digital marketing affects brand awareness and influences customers decisions in visiting the outlet. In another case study conducted by Dearlove et al. (2021), on the digital marketing strategies used on the sale of Commercial Complementary Foods in Australia, it was seen that the CCF brands used Facebook pages to grow emotional engagement with their customers and positively brand their products with value-based advertising. These strategies help promote their product and influence the parents on the need of those products.
By the use of digital marketing, the food industry like restaurants mainly attract the customer's attention by promoting their news in the online media, like Facebook and Instagram. By the use of the digital media media the food industry developed their future business and also building a trust level beaten their food brand and also with the customer. Chai, and Yat, (2019) contradicted that, digital media mainly create brand resignation and identification by providing good quality of the products to the customer. Further, the online marketing is very cost effective and also developed their business by the digital media like Facebook for posting their picture and videos. Apart from that, Alamo, (2020) opine that, it was seen in the study that the respondents heard about the story of Dominos Launch from social media sites which mainly that interact with their decision to visit the outlet. Apart from that, by using digital platforms, people go on to show how much digital marketing mainly impact awareness and influences customers' decisions in visiting the outlet. On the other hand, it is by digital platforms, Dominoes food mainly macro their product delivery services.
Challenges faced in Online Marketing for Food Industry
As with every new and emerging technology, there are always upsides and downsides to them. While Online and digital marketing has brought a lot of benefits ranging from better customer reach and sales and brand awareness, it also comes with its own sets of challenges. According to Kapoor (2023), digital marketing of products can come with the threats of duplication, sub-par quality unfair trade practices as it is very difficult to ascertain the source from where the customer is buying products. It can be enforced with a strict implication of consumer Rights acts. In another study conducted by Diez-Martin et al. (2019), it can be seen that sustainability is a very crucial factor to consider in digital marketing brand awareness. Especially, in the case of food products, the consumer's commitment can depend on the fact that the company is using sustainable efforts to make the product. Digital purchase behavior is heavily affected by sustainability practices.
In the case of food products, a study conducted by Guzan and Sosa, (2022), talked about the various challenges faced by consumers and the business owners to implement digital marketing methods in a retail store in Africa. The study showed there were several factors like Government legislations, poor connectivity in those areas, customer's perceptions and negative responses from the consumers posed difficulties in implementing digital marketing methods.
Impact of Online Marketing on food industry
With the huge popularity and significance of digital and online marketing, it is important to consider how it is impacting the consumer behavior in the food industry and also the buying trends among people of various ages. According to the study conducted by Erlangs (2021), the effects of digital marketing on the purchasing behavior of the consumers for food products produced by Small to medium enterprises. The study, which was based on 210 respondents, concluded that there was positive influence on the purchasing behavior of the consumers due to digital marketing strategies. In another study, conducted by Chile (2018), it was seen that brand equity and social media marketing impacted the business sales of food products in Tanzania, however, some aspects of digital marketing like Search engine optimization, direct messaging and affiliate marketing did not affect the business sales as much.
However, there are a lot of discussions on how digital marketing campaigns and advertisements impact the targeted viewers who can be of an impressionable age and get influenced to buy a product that might not be good for them. According to Thai chon and Quach (2016), in the study conducted on 30 children in Australia who are exposed to social media sites and advertisements on it, it was found that these advertisements can influence children and adolescents to buy fast food and develop unhealthy eating habits. Adding to that, Boylan et al. (2020), digital marketing is a risk factor and a major cause in obesity cases in children in developed countries. The upsurge of digital marketing of food products and beverages targeted toward influenceable audiences have questioned its impact on children and adolescents. As there is an increase in time spent on social media for children, it can be said that digital marketing advertisements of foods and averages can influence them to consume unhealthy foods or sugar rich foods.
In social media, like Facebooks and Instagram's digital marketing mainly engage with the potential customer for promoting their productivity. Further, in social media platforms, like Facebooks, the security and privacy issue also increased. (Li et al., 2020) contradicted that, the anti-brand activities like cyber security, it is manly increased internet fraudulence for increasing the ethical risk of the food business.
The integrated theory is a combination of the concepts of the topic and its central proportions by which, the integrated concepts and propositions improved the academic knowledge and practices of the research topic. On the other hand, for development of the online purchasing decision of the customer about the food products, this theory mainly helps to this company to increase the specific objective power by which, they manly associated with the specific object and its real situations. Apart from that, by this theory, the Beblood company mainly developed their online food delivery process by the uses of social media, like Facebook. (Alamo et al., 2020) stated that, by this theory intervention, the uses of digital marketing of food products and beverages mainly toward influenceable audiences have questioned its effects on children and adolescents. Apart from that, as there are developments in time spent on social media for children, it can be said that digital marketing advertisements of foods and averages can develop them to consume unhealthy foods or sugar rich foods.
Literature Gap
Despite doing the review of the literature, there are some gaps present in the literature which need to be discussed properly. However, there are gaps in the literature that can be seen. In the study conducted by Chile, (2018), it is discussed which factors are contributing towards a positive influence of digital marketing of food. However, it fails to discuss the steps required to promote the digital marketing frameworks in Tanzania and how it can be implemented in all sectors.
The study conducted by Guzan and Sosa, (2022) which talks about the challenges of implementing digital marketing methods in retail stores in the Transkei region of Africa, falls short of the geographical coverage and the findings cannot be applied to the whole of African wholesale and retail stores. It falls short in understanding the retail environment in a wider region.
This paper aims to fill the literature gaps present regarding the challenges faced in online marketing in food industries.
Research methodology is a particular way that is used to give an explanation of the intention of the researcher and how that person has carried out the research paper. Research gives a vast knowledge of a topic and a research methodology helps to provide the legitimacy of the research and also provide the findings of the research in a scientific way. It also helps the research paper to be on point every time and also provides a plan in detail to make progress in the research manageable and smooth. The methodology of the research also provides the reader with a clear understanding of the methods and approaches that have been used to reach the conclusion.
Research Philosophy
A research philosophy refers to the basic relief set that provides guidance to the execution and design of a research paper. The scientific part of the research philosophy refers to a system that follows the thought of the researcher and also the object of the whole research obtained here. There are mainly 4 types of research philosophy that can be followed which are positivism, interpretivism, pragmatism, and realism.
In this research positivism philosophy will be used to provide the guidance about design and execution of the research process. In the research of sociological perspective, positivism is a position of philosophy that expresses the knowledge of social phenomena which is based on the matter that can be recorded, observed, and measured and the way is the same as natural science (Park et al., 2020).The main subject of this research paper is the Challenges faced by the company Beblood LTD in Online marketing in the food industry for the marketing campaign on social media a huge number of data is needed to complete the study successfully, therefore positivism will be perfect as it will help to reduce the time of reading a huge number of data.
Research approach
Research approaches are basically the procedure and plans for the research and they span from the detailed method to board assumption to give a detailed brief of the process of interpretation, analysis, data collection, and many more important parts of the research paper (Budiman et al., 2019). There are mainly three types of research approaches that can be used in completing a research project which are inductive, deductive, and abductive. The inductive research approach is where the data is induced and in the deductive research approach, data is deduced. As primary data is to be collected in this research regarding identifying the challenges of the online social media marketing of the Beblood company and data is to be collected through the survey, a deductive research approach is to be used for this case. The deductive approach will help the researcher in deducing the primary survey data that is to be collected by which proper results can be obtained.
Research design
Research design is considered to be a framework that defines the research technique and the methods and this is chosen by the researcher to conduct the study successfully. The research design helps the researcher to become more clarified about the research and also to provide sharpness to the method of the research. The main purpose of the research design is to give a good plan to the study that helps to accurately the cause and effect of the topic and it also establishes a relation between the dependent and independent variables.
In this research, the research design that will be followed is the explanatory survey research design which is used to identify a problem that was not addressed before (Toyon, 2021). Explanatory research design is a particular research design that is used when a number of data are available about the research topic. As the data will be collected through survey, an explanatory survey research design would be appropriate for the research in which survey data will be analyzed by explanatory design. A huge amount of information is not available in the given topic and that is the reason explanatory research design will be perfect for the research.
Research method
Research methods are the process, strategy, or technique which will utilize data collection or evidence to do a better analysis to get the new information about the topic and therefore it can create a clear understanding of the topic (Pandey et al., 2021). There are different methods and each of the methods is individual in their own way. In this research the quantitative method will be used to conduct the research successfully. A quantitative method of research is used for object measurement and it can also conduct the analysis of mathematical, statistical, and numerical data. The main purpose of the quantitative method is to get better knowledge and it is used to understand the perspective of the social world better.
In this particular research topic, a survey will be conducted and the survey will provide a lot of relevant numerical data. Therefore, a quantitative method of research will be used in which primary data will be collected as it will help to manage the data and get appropriate results. In the primary data collection process, the use of the qualitative data collection process from the survey mainly addressed the objective of the research. Further, by the online survey, the collection of the primary data will give a chance to the researcher to identify the main issue of the research topic (Akhmatova, 2021). On the other hand, by the online survey, the data mainly connected from the few numbers of the participants by which, survey which will give authentic information to the researcher to justify the research topic. Further, by the used of the quantitative method, researcher mainly identify the main issue of the research topic and also given huge advantages to the researcher for eliminating the raw text data which mainly damaged the quality of the research topic. By the quantitative research method researchers mainly increased the correlations about the research subject which mainly justify the research study.
Sampling is a technique that is used to select members that are individuals of the population and the purpose is to make interference of statistical and estimate the whole population characteristics. One of the necessary steps is to identify the right method for the research paper. Each method of sampling is unique in its own way. In this research paper the simple random method will be used. Simple random sampling is a special type of probability sampling where the researcher is provided an option to select a subset of the overall population of the particular participants (Rahman et al., 2022). Each person in the population will get an equal chance of being selected. Using random sampling will be very profitable as the researcher will get the chance to generalize a particular population and the result will not be biased. In this research paper using random sampling will be perfect as during the survey random data will be collected.
Population is one of the most important terms in the reference of primary quantitative research. The population is important when it comes to collecting the data from the appropriate sample size. In this research, the total number of populations that has been taken is 50. This is due to the fact that the survey is to be done by taking 50 participants and based on it, the primary data is to be collected.
Ethical Implications
Ethical consideration is one of the most important elements that need to be considered during the completion of a project. Without proper ethical implications, research cannot be completed (Boustead et al., 2021). One of the most important parts of ethical consideration is the confidentiality of the data. As per the data protection act 2018, the primary and secondary data that is to be collected must be preserved properly with proper confidentiality. Moreover, the consent of every participant must be taken in collecting data from them. It can be said that ethical implications are important as it helps to protect rights, dignity and welfare of the participants. It can be concluded that every survey that is being conducted by humans should use ethical implications to get a better result and to maintain the ethical standards.
The journals that have been searched for the literature review were not enough for the topic and because of that some limitations have been faced. Except that the research paper has only conducted the primary quantitative method but the secondary method can also be applied in terms of getting a better result. Besides all of these it can be pointed out that the allocated time for the research paper was not enough, if some more time was allocated then more research can be conducted.
Apart from that, in this research the primary qualitative research method will mainly give rough justification to the researcher for developing the quality of the research topic. Apart from that, by the use of the quantitative research method, the conducting survey given huge advantages to the researcher to identify the main issue of the research topic and also will developed the quality of the research topic. Moreover, the use of the quantitative research method also developed the main structure of the research topic and also given their good effort for producing a best research method (Razak et al., 2019). Moreover, by the use of the random sampling method, the researcher mainly developed the research value for analyzing the main issue of the research topic. This reassert method also given a chance to the researcher to identify the main quality of the research topic. On the other hand, A quantitative method of research is as for object measurement and it can also develop the analysis of mathematical, statistical, and numerical data. Further, the main purpose of the quantitative method is to get better knowledge and it is used to understand the perspective of the social world better.
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- Websites:
- Beeblood.co.uk, 2023. About us, Available at https://beeblood.co.uk/ [ Accessed on 27th May]