CFPBUS004 Business Communication Assignment Sample

Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers & Fostering Collaboration at Topgifts UK

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Introduction Of Business Communication Assignment

Organizational communication refers to the exchange of information and messages within and between organizations. Effective communication is critical for organizations to achieve their goals and objectives (Sheffield, 2020). Topgifts UK is an online gift retailer based in the United Kingdom. Topgifts UK offers a wide range of gift items, including personalized gifts, experience days, novelty gifts, and traditional gift items. The company regularly updates its product offerings to include the latest and most popular gift items. The report will discuss about some general theories of organisational communication (Ver?i?, 2021). The objective of the report is to evaluate the barriers affecting Topgifts UK. Key features of the report will highlight on the strategies to overcome barriers in an organization.

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Theories of organisational communication

Topgifts UK is a well-established and reputable gift retailer in the UK. Its focus on customer service and innovation this has helped it to become a popular choice for customers looking for high-quality gift items. There are many theories of organizational communication which have been developing over time to help case company appreciate communication functions within organization.

Max Weber's classic organizational theory

This focuses on the concept of bureaucracy and fixed structures in organizations.

Weber identified several characteristics of bureaucratic organizations, including:

  • Hierarchy: A clear chain of command with a defined set of rules and procedures.
  • Specialization: Each member of the organization has a specific role and task, and expertise is developed through a division of labour.
  • Impersonality: Decisions and actions are based on rational, objective criteria rather than personal feelings or pReferences (Stacho, al. 2019).
  • Formalization: The organization's policies and procedures are written down and made official, which makes them easy to enforce.
  • Technical Competence: The organization hires and promotes based on qualifications and technical competence rather than personal connections.

Weber believed that bureaucratic organizations are necessary for the efficient operation of complex modern societies (Dash and Padhi, 2020). Max Weber also acknowledged that bureaucracies can become rigid and inflexible, leading to a lack of innovation and creativity. However, the emphasis is given to the need for organizations to balance the benefits of bureaucracy with the need for flexibility and adaptability.

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Tompkins and Cheney's Organizational Control Theory

This focuses on the ways in which communication is used to exert control over organizational members.

According to this theory, there are three main types of organizational control:

  • Simple Control: This type of control relies on direct and explicit orders, such as rules and regulations. Simple control is effective when tasks are straightforward and require little discretion.
  • Technical Control: This type of control relies on the use of technology and expertise to regulate behaviour. Technical control is effective when tasks are complex and require specialized knowledge and skills (Laurie and Mortimer, 2019).
  • Bureaucratic Control: This type of control relies on the use of bureaucratic rules and procedures to regulate behaviour. Bureaucratic control is effective when tasks are routine and require consistency and uniformity.

Tompkins and Cheney argue that communication is the key to all forms of organizational control. They suggest that organizational members use communication to negotiate power relations and to influence the behaviour of others. They also argue that control is not necessarily negative, but can be used to promote positive outcomes such as increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Gerald Deetz's Managerialism Theory

This is a critical theory that focuses on the ways in which communication is used to perpetuate power imbalances in organizations. Deetz argues that communication is not neutral but is instead used to promote the interests of those in power. According to this theory, organizations are not simply neutral structures, but are instead shaped by dominant groups who use communication to maintain their power and control. Deetz argues that organizational communication is often dominated by managerial interests, and that the goal of communication is not to promote collaboration and mutual understanding but to maintain the status quo (Zanin and Bisel, 2020). Deetz suggests that managerialism creates a false sense of consensus by limiting the scope of debate and suppressing alternative perspectives. This leads to a lack of diversity and creativity within organizations and can stifle innovation and change.

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Evaluate the barriers affecting Topgifts UK

Barriers in organizational communication refer to any obstruction or barrier that prevents effectual communication between groups or individuals within an organization (Lovari and Bowen, 2020). These barriers can occur at any level of communication, from interpersonal to organizational levels, and can impede the transmission of information, ideas, feedback, and opinions.

Barriers in organizational communication can arise due to various factors such as language, culture, physical distance, organizational structure, technological limitations and personal attitudes. These barriers can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretation of messages, delays in decision-making, reduced productivity, and overall negative impact on organizational performance.

Top gifts UK may face various barriers in organizational communication that can hinder the effective flow of information and collaboration within the company. Some of the common barriers that Top gifts UK may encounter are:

  • Language Barrier: Top gifts UK may have employees from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Differences in language can cause misunderstandings and misinterpretation of messages.
  • Cultural Barrier: Differences in culture, values, and beliefs can hinder communication and create barriers to understanding (Downs, al. 2020). This can affect team morale and collaboration.
  • Physical Barrier: Top gifts UK may have employees working in different locations, which can create physical barriers to communication. This can hinder the exchange of information and decision-making.
  • Organizational Structure Barrier: Top gifts UK's organizational structure may be hierarchical, which can lead to a lack of communication and collaboration among employees. Information may be restricted to certain levels of management, causing employees to feel excluded.
  • Technological Barrier: Top gifts UK may face technological barriers such as slow internet connectivity, outdated software, or lack of digital communication tools (Putra and Ali, 2022). This can hinder communication and slow down work processes.
  • Attitudinal Barrier: Attitudinal barriers can arise from an individual's attitude or perception towards communication. For example, if an employee is not receptive to feedback, communication between them and their colleagues or managers can be hindered.

Outline the strategies to overcome these barriers

Identifying and addressing communication barriers are essential for effective organizational communication. This involves adopting strategies that promote open communication, providing training and support, investing in communication technology, and fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration. By overcoming communication barriers, organizations can improve productivity, foster collaboration and achieve their business goals.

There are several strategies that Top gifts UK can adopt to overcome the barriers that affect organizational communication. These strategies include:

  • Language Barrier: To overcome language barriers, Top gifts UK can adopt strategies such as providing language training, using visual aids to communicate messages, simplifying language and ensuring that documents and messages are translated into different languages.
  • Cultural Barrier: Top gifts UK can overcome cultural barriers by promoting cultural awareness and understanding among employees (Priyowidodo, al. 2021). This can be achieved by providing training on different cultures, organizing team-building activities, and encouraging open communication.
  • Physical Barrier: To overcome physical barriers, Top gifts UK can adopt strategies such as using video conferencing, setting up virtual communication platforms, or encouraging employees to use mobile devices to stay connected.
  • Organizational Structure Barrier: Top gifts UK can overcome organizational structure barriers by promoting open transparency and communication. This can be achieved by encouraging workers to share their ideas, feedback, and opinion. Top gifts UK can also consider adopting a flatter organizational structure that promotes communication and collaboration.
  • Technological Barrier: To overcome technological barriers, Top gifts UK can invest in the latest communication technology, such as high-speed internet connectivity, digital communication tools, and project management software.
  • Attitudinal Barrier: To overcome attitudinal barriers, Top gifts UK can provide training and support to employees on effective communication and feedback (Bob, al. 2020). The company can also consider creating a culture that promotes open and honest communication and encourages employees to share their opinions and feedback.

Overall, Top gifts UK can overcome communication barriers by promoting a culture of open communication, investing in communication technology, providing training and support, and encouraging collaboration and teamwork. By doing this the company can improve productivity, enhance team morale, and achieve its business goals.

Recommendations and Conclusion

The report suggests that the Top gifts UK can improve its customer experience by providing personalized services, improving its website's user experience, offering flexible payment options, and providing quick response times to customer queries and complaints. Top gifts UK could believe in increasing its product offerings to cater to a huge range of consumers. This could include introducing new product lines, offering customized gift options, and exploring new markets. Top gifts UK could improve its brand awareness by leveraging social media and digital marketing to reach a broader audience. This could include partnering with influencers, running online promotions, and investing in targeted advertising campaigns. Top gifts UK should optimize its logistics and supply chain operations to ensure timely delivery of products and enhance customer satisfaction. This could include partnering with reliable logistics companies, investing in inventory management systems, and implementing efficient delivery processes. Top gifts UK should improve employee engagement by implementing programs that enhance employee satisfaction and performance. This could include providing opportunities for employee development and training, promoting work-life balance, and offering competitive compensation and benefits packages.


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  • Dash, S.S. and Padhi, M., 2020. Relevance of Max Weber’s rational bureaucratic organizations in modern society. mrev management revue, 31(1), pp.81-91.
  • Downs, C.W., DeWine, S. and Greenbaum, H.H., 2020. Measures of organizational communication. In Communication research measures(pp. 57-78). Routledge.
  • Kalogiannidis, S., 2020. Impact of effective business communication on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 5(6).
  • Laurie, S. and Mortimer, K., 2019. How to achieve true integration: the impact of integrated marketing communication on the client/agency relationship. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(3-4), pp.231-252.
  • Lovari, A. and Bowen, S.A., 2020. Social media in disaster communication: A case study of strategies, barriers, and ethical implications. Journal of Public Affairs, 20(1), p.e1967.
  • Priyowidodo, G., Wijayanti, C.A. and Vidyarini, T.N., 2021. Digital-based media organization communication strategy: an ethnomethodology study. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi dan Media, 25(1), pp.1-16.
  • Sheffield, J.P., 2020. Search engine optimization and business communication instruction: interviews with experts. Business and professional communication quarterly, 83(2), pp.153-183.
  • Stacho, Z., Stachová, K., Papula, J., Papulová, Z. and Kohnová, L., 2019. Effective communication in organisations increases their competitiveness. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 19.
  • Ver?i?, A.T., 2021. The impact of employee engagement, organisational support and employer branding on internal communication satisfaction. Public Relations Review, 47(1), p.102009.
  • Zanin, A.C. and Bisel, R.S., 2020. Concertive resistance: How overlapping team identifications enable collective organizational resistance. Culture and Organization, 26(3), pp.231-249.
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