Free Biology Case Studies for Academic Students

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Biomolecules And Key Biochemical Principles Case Study

PART 1: Student declaration Please complete all relevant information below: I understand that copying / taking ideas from other sources (e.g. reference books, journals, internet, and tutor hand-outs) without acknowledging them is plagiarism. I confirm that: This assignment is all my own work. All contributions taken from other reading and...View & Download

Biopsychosocial Approach to Dyspnea Treatment Assignment Case Study

Introduction Of Biopsychosocial Approach to Dyspnea Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Mrs. A is the subject of this case study; she is a seventy-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes and dyspnea. Using the Engel Biopsychosocial Model, this investigation explores the probable link between her diabetes and dyspnea. The study also evaluates the...View & Download

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Improving Hearing Conditions Case Study

Introduction Of Impact Of AI Towards Improving Hearing Conditions The advancement that is present in artificial intelligence is responsible for making changes in different fields such as retail as well as has been known to be making a positive impact on hearing as well. However, the reliability of hearing healthcare is based on a particular model...View & Download

Biopsychosocial Analysis and Person-Centered Care Planning for an Elderly Client

Introduction of A Rural Elder's Daily Life & Support Needs: A Case Study Ann 81 years an older adult who lives in a rural area with her dog. For the last 15 years, she has been widowed and lives alone. She has a son and daughter-in-law who live about fifty miles away. The woman has a few close friends and three of her granddaughters often...View & Download

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