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Business Management with Foundation Assignment on Why People Work
Introduction of Understanding Why People Work
This report is made to understand "why people work" this includes the motivator which induces people to work. The basic motive to work is earning money but this is not the only reason. The report will discuss and gives an understanding of the motivation of employees. Motivation has a great collision on the presentation of both individual workforce and the organization as a whole (Kanfer et.al. 2017). To understand motivation the report highlighted Maslow's Hierarchy theory of motivation. The report also highlighted the most important factors that influence the motivation of the employees. These factors are salary, promotion, positive employment atmosphere. The report also includes the positive and negative factors employees understanding as a consequence of their job roles.
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What does Motivation Mean?
Definition of motivation
Motivation is very important for the worker to perform effectively and efficiently. Motivation words originated from “motive” word. It means the desire, want, and need to perform a particular task. Motivation is the inner state of an individual which activates and energizes to achieve particular objectives and goals (Reeve, 2018). Motivation is an emotional phenomenon created within a person. Motivation is the skill of stimulating and cheering subordinates or groups to do the job efficiently so that mutually managerial and individual objectives can be attained. Human resources get motivated when their expectation is fulfilled by the management of the company. Their expectations can be a better salary, additional benefits, incentives, gifts, and other monetary and nonmonetary benefits.
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
There are mostly two types of motivation which are:
Intrinsic motivation: is when an employee engages in a behavior because the person find it rewarding. The employees are acting for its sake more willingly than from the wish for some outside reward (Osemeke and Adegboyega, 2017). These types of motivation come from within an individual; the person enjoys doing a particular job or activity.
Extrinsic motivation: Refers to the motivation which comes from outside, the employees can be motivated to achieve some particular external reward. Extrinsic motivation is used for both positive and negative motivation. An example of negative motivation can be sued to avoid punishment.
Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
This is one of the famous theories of motivation; it is given by Abraham Maslow in 1943. In his research paper, Maslow had given five stages of desires that are Safety Needs, Physiological needs, Social Needs, Esteem needs, and Self-actualization needs (Velmurugan and Sankar, 2017). This theory says that once a need is satisfied it will not motivate the employee in the future. Less important needs comes downward in the ladder must be fulfilled before persons can be present at higher needs.
![Maslow’s Hierarchy theory]()
Figure 1 Maslow’s Hierarchy theory
(Source: Mcleod, 2022)
The various factors which motivate employees to work
The factors which motivate a person or employee are called motives, a person can be motivated by several factors, and the following are the main three motivators are given below which motivate a working person in the company.
- Salary: If a worker is content with his wage, then the worker is much more likely to work to his full ability. Salary is monetary compensation for the work performed, it is very important to the physiological and safety needs. A high-earning member of staff is more disposed to execute well given that doing well will lend a hand him keep his job. Earnings offer a intelligence of steadiness to the employee and gives the feeling of being accomplished. An individual consider that monetary gains are a fair trade-off for efforts put in by the employee.
- Promotion: Promotion means giving more responsibility and authority by assigning a higher position in the organization. Employee inspiration comes from promotions that engage in recreation to their sentiment of aspiration (Raziq and Maulabakhsh, 2015). This has an impact on employees whose occupation pillars comprise the need for self-determination, ability, and decision-making skill. Managers can accomplish the task of keeping people engaged in a variety of ways. One of the tools management has to inspire employees is promotions into roles with increasing authority or responsibility. An employee may be motivated by the prospect of a big promotion by appealing to their career anchors, or top professional and individual priorities.
- Work Environment: a positive work environment is very essential to increase the motivation of the workforce. The work environment consists of both physical as well as non-physical aspects that straightforwardly affect the organizational environment (Gagné al. 2015). Building open places that attract sanity, putting into practice specific areas of the office that are devoted to the happiness of workers, and permitting employees to freely communicate with one another during the day, all further motivate employees in the workplace.
The positive factors employees experience as a result of their job roles
If an employee is motivated and satisfied with the job role assigned, then the employee will experience positive factors in the work environment. The following are some positive factors of employee experience:
- Improve satisfaction from a job: Job roles play an important role in motivating people at work and if an employee is motivated which will further enhance the satisfaction with his work. The employee feels motivated by the positive work culture and a job role in which the person is interested.
- Increase job performance: this is another positive factor experienced by the employee in the organization which is mainly the sulk of motivation. A motivated worker will work more efficiently and effectively and produce better results than other employees in the organization.
- Smooth communication: communication is very essential for the smooth functioning of all the functions in the organization (Tang al. 2016). When a worker is motivated then employee communicate more clearly and this can be done when the communication chain is short in the organization. Good work culture is where people are motivated to communicate more and present innovative ideas to solve the problem in the organization.
- Increase teamwork: team integrity is very important for completing objectives at the workplace. This is another important possible factor experience by employees and it is also influenced by motivation. Motivation encourages individuals to communicate and work in a team. Proper communication between every level of management is very important for motivating employees and giving the best possible performance.
The negative factors employees experience as a result of their job roles
- More conflict: workers with low morale are extra probable to connect in conflicts along with start influencing new arguments. They might complain about minor matters, point the finger at their coworkers when something goes wrong, or refuse to cooperate when working in a group. Conflict can arise at work when people's conduct is affected by stress, impatience, and other negative emotions.
- Low wages:Low wages existing to personnel are an obstruction of accomplishing monetary affluence as the buying power parity is exaggerated by personnel that cannot provide for anything else other than the basic supplements (Vogel al. 2016).
- No Recognition: no recognition in the workplace will lower the motivation of the employees. The human resource does not feel valuable and it will impact the overall performance of the organization.
Strategies to cope with negative factors employees experience as a result of their job roles
To cope with the negative factors, managers can use five tactics given in the following figure:
![strategies to motivate people]()
Figure 2: strategies to motivate people
(Source: talenlyft, 2022)
These five tactics are sued to motivate employees and this will result reduce the negative factors of employee experience at the organization.
- Engagement: managers should provide more opportunities to the workers and engage them with interest. Through engagement, the managers can give a reward if workers perform well it will provide a sense of recognition to the workers.
- Improvement: a manager should prove to support employees to improve their work. It will reduce the negative factor of employee experience and motivate people to perform at their best possible level (Fid et.al. 2015).
- Involvement: the employees should also involve in the decision-making in the organization. Managers should welcome ideas from their employees before making any decision. It will motivate employees and give them a sense of recognition.
- Inspiration: there should be adequate promotion and salary increment policy in the organization, it will inspire people to perform to get promotions and other benefits. Inspiration is a very important and best strategy to reduce the negative factor employee face in the organization.
- Independence: independence gives employees the freedom to work at their pace and it will motivate them to work.
The report concluded that the main motive of people to work is money but there are other factors as well that influence why people want to work. Motivation has a great collision on the work of the human resources. The report summarizes that motivation can come in an intrinsic or extrinsic way.The report provides five Strategies to deal with unhelpful features employees understanding as a consequence of their job role. These five strategy are Engagement, Involvement, Inspiration, Independence, and Improvement.
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