MGBBT1TAS Business and Tourism Essay Sample

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Introduction Of Business and Tourism

In many nations around the world, the tourist industry is a major contributor to the expansion of the economy and the betterment of living standards. Hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, transportation options, and other tourist attractions are all included. As the industry grows and changes, it is important to investigate and identify the challenges associated with tourism industry participation.

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Beyond simple interaction, the tourism sector is expanding its definition of participation. it involves bringing in people who will have an interest in the business and helping it succeed, as well as those who will be affected by it (Cholikand SE, 2017). People and organisations who stand to gain or lose from the tourism industry are consulted as stakeholders. Those parties may also include tourists, residents, authorities, companies, NGOs, and the natural environment.

From a theoretical perspective, the stakeholder principle highlights the need to identify and address the diverse interests and needs of all parties involved in the tourism zone. it stresses the importance of considering the social, financial, and environmental impacts of business decisions in addition to profit maximisation. Stakeholders are defined here as major players who both benefit and suffer from the tourism industry.

The time is now, more than ever, to assess the value of stakeholders' input within the tourism industry. Large-scale shifts and difficulties have recently appeared in the tourism sector (Dunk, Gillespie, and MacLeod2016). Increased competition and the need for Innovation are the results of globalisation, technological progress, and shifting consumer opportunities.

This essay aims to shed light on the complexities and interdependencies among various stakeholders by addressing the issues surrounding participation within the tourism industry. It hopes to learn how stakeholder participation might contribute to responsible and sustainable tourism by exploring its advantages, disadvantages, and potential solutions.

First core section

When discussing the tourism industry, the term "participation" refers to the active involvement and inclusion of various stakeholders in the decision-making processes, as well as the planning and control of tourist-related activities and locations.

The Significance of Involvement in the Tourism Industry

The involvement of key stakeholders is imperative in the promotion of sustainable and responsible tourism practices within the marketing domain. The development of tourism can be guided by principles of environmental preservation, safeguarding of cultural heritage, and socio-economic benefits for the local populace, through the participation of diverse stakeholders, including neighbouring communities and environmental enterprises, in the decision-making procedures. The promotion of sustainable tourism necessitates the active involvement of all pertinent stakeholders (Hanna, and Adams, 2019). Various stakeholders, including environmental groups, community members, and governmental bodies, possess the ability to influence the direction of tourism expansion through the implementation of standards that prioritise sustainability and fair distribution of economic and social advantages to nearby populations.

The ability to influence tourism-related decisions can be a source of empowerment for local communities, ultimately contributing to their prosperity. This opportunity allows them to exert an influence on the expansion of tourism in a manner that aligns with their principles, objectives, and needs (Aynalem, Birhanu, and Tesefay, 2016). The collaborative efforts of community members towards maximising the opportunities presented by tourism can result in social and economic benefits for said communities. The act of involving community members in decision-making processes related to tourism can enhance the social and economic fabric of the surrounding areas.

Poverty reduction can be achieved via tourism development by generating opportunities for local businesses and fostering entrepreneurship. The concepts of accessibility, equality, and poverty are intrinsically linked to participation, and the adverse impacts of societal issues can be alleviated through their advancement.

Incorporating pertinent stakeholders in tourism planning can enhance planners' ability to tackle challenging scenarios about the requirements of persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and other underrepresented communities, thereby promoting accessibility.

The enhancement of tourism infrastructure and services can be achieved through the implementation of participatory design, which can result in universal accessibility (Innes, Page, and Cutler, 2016). This approach can contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and equitable vacation experience for all individuals.

The equitable allocation of tourism's advantages

The involvement of stakeholders has the potential to promote the acceptance of equality by mitigating disparities in income and other societal domains.(Dragouni, and Fouseki, 2018).Tourism has the potential to contribute to sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction through the implementation of community-based tourist projects and capability-building programmes.

Obstacles to Stakeholder Involvement

Multiple Barriers Impede Comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement in the Tourism Sector.

The topic of concern pertains to the existence of power imbalances in the production and consumption of electricity. It is feasible to restrict significant involvement among diverse stakeholders within a company. The disproportionate influence of dominant entities, such as government bodies or large groups, can result in the marginalisation of smaller, adjacent communities.

The stakeholders' capacity to participate actively may be restricted by their diminished resources, comprehension, and proficiency. Communities at the local level may encounter challenges in obtaining access to information, expertise, and resources. The active participation of resources is necessary for decision-making processes (Kamassi, Abd Manaf, and Omar, 2020). The presence of language and communication barriers may impede individuals' capacity to make valuable contributions.

The presence of language barriers, cultural disparities, and inadequate communication infrastructure can impede the efficacy of discourse and collaboration among stakeholders. The involvement of stakeholders in a project may require a significant amount of time and dedication, which can pose difficulties for individuals with limited availability or conflicting interests.

The presence of trade barriers may hinder collaboration among major stakeholders due to their scepticism towards traditional and non-traditional energy sources (Hatipoglu, Alvarez, and Ertuna, 2016). The apprehension of relinquishing authority over their assets and cultural heritage is an additional factor that can contribute to the reluctance of indigenous populations towards the expansion of tourism.

Second core section

Relationship between ease of access and tourism industry involvement

One of the most important aspects of accessibility in the tourism sector is making sure that everyone has the same chance to enjoy its offerings. This relates to the ease with which people of varying abilities, such as those with physical impairments, age restrictions, or mobility issues, can access and enjoy tourist attractions, facilities, amenities, and experiences.

Physical, sensory, and social accessibility are all part of the tourism industry's purview. It's worth noting that the connection between availability and involvement works both ways and reinforces each other (Altinay, Sigala, and Waligo, 2016). All people are welcome to join the tourist sector. The term "meaningful participation" is used to describe when someone takes part in something with intent and to a substantial degree.

The potential for participation to mitigate accessibility-related harm is compelling. Tourism businesses can get significant insight into the needs and preferences of people with disabilities, the elderly, and other marginalised groups by including them in decision-making processes.

According to research on inclusive tourism, making places more accessible to people with disabilities can increase participation by creating a welcoming atmosphere for people of all abilities. Destinations, attractions, and services created with accessibility in mind make it easier for everyone, including those with physical limitations, to enjoy the tourism experience to its fullest.

Some Statistical Data are as follows:

According to research conducted by the World Health Organisation in 2023, it is estimated that 15 per cent of the world's population is living with a disability. According to the European Commission, just 48 per cent of the most popular tourist destinations in the EU are totally accessible to individuals with disabilities.

(opendoorsnfp, 2023) The Open Doors Organisation found that 33 per cent of disabled people in the United States have difficulty moving around due to the lack of accessibility in the environment. According to the European Network for Accessible Tourism, just around 10 per cent of the world's most popular tourist destinations are accessible.

Approximately 62% of Australians with disabilities who have travelled abroad have encountered accessibility problems, according to Tourism Research Australia. Numerous U.S. national parks, according to the National Council on Disability, lack sufficient accessible elements. Similarly, the Accessible Tourism Research Programme found that nearly 70% of impaired tourists in the United Kingdom had accessibility-related problems during their trips.

Accessibility and involvement in the tourism business should be studied in greater depth and continuously monitored (Greco,2018). The identification of accessibility gaps, the comprehension of individuals with varying abilities, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of current accessibility solutions all rely on ongoing research and longitudinal data sets.

Equality, accessibility, and participation in tourism are topics of ongoing discussions and debates, and it's important to keep that in mind (Alarcón, and Cole, 2019). Planning and evaluating accessibility initiatives should include input from people with disabilities and other marginalised groups, as well as involve multidisciplinary research and collaboration with stakeholders.

Third core section

When people are poor, they do not have access to adequate material resources or sufficient knowledge to meet basic needs and maintain a decent standard of living. In the tourist industry, poverty can be defined as a lack of resources that prevent individuals or groups from realising their full economic potential and participating fully in the sector's creative and economic growth.

Tourism-dependent towns may have higher rates of poverty due to a lack of available jobs, low pay, and a disparity in earnings between businesses catering to tourists and locals. it may stem from insufficient community input into decision-making processes, uneven distribution of benefits, or a lack of access to tourism-related infrastructure (Guix, Bonilla-Priego, and Font, 2018). Statistics on the severity of poverty and its impact on the tourism industry in a certain region are presented.

The World Bank estimates that in 2019, 9.2% of the world's population lived in severe poverty; this number is likely greater in developing nations where tourism is a growing segment of the economy (Han, Tom Dieck, and Jung, 2018). The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) estimated that 80 per cent of the sector's extremely poor live in rural areas, which is where most tourism development occurs.

Poverty is concentrated in areas that rely heavily on tourism for their economy. Particularly high costs are common, and economic diversity is low due to a heavy reliance on seasonal tourism-related jobs.Economic independence: tourism can provide locals with a means to generate revenue and help alleviate poverty. People and groups can enrich their living situations and gain access to new revenue sources via engaging in tourist-related enterprise, entrepreneurship, or community-based tourism initiatives.

Participation in tourism-related education programmes and skill training activities can boost the employment and financial prospects of people living in poverty. Participation grants local communities a say in tourist-related policy and planning, which is beneficial to the entire network(Devileand Kastenholz, 2018). Participation in cultural tourism projects, indigenous tourism programmes, or historical preservation initiatives can aid in the preservation of local customs, practises, and history.


For the current and future of the tourism business, understanding the connection between participation and societal issues within the tourism region is crucial. In this practice, we have investigated the connections between stakeholder theory, access, poverty, and tourism engagement. These findings highlight the importance of such interconnections and the necessity for ongoing monitoring and research in this area.

The tourism industry's complex web of involvement and social problems has far-reaching consequences for enterprises, stakeholders, and society at large. The tourism sector may advance social justice, financial inclusion, and long-term development by prioritising stakeholder participation, removing barriers to access, and marketing participation without exclusion. Constant observation of this interplay is required to track development, identify obstacles, and provide data for policy and practice changes.

There is great potential for high-quality change in the future of relationships, which is written in the Destiny of the interaction between participation and the societal challenges highlighted. Tourism enterprises can address accessibility challenges and improve the vacation experience for people of all abilities by prioritising stakeholder involvement and inclusive participation.

Economic possibilities, skill development, and the expansion of social networks are all ways in which participation can help alleviate poverty. By working together and trying new things, the tourism industry may be able to lessen the negative effects of poverty and ease of access and promote a more equitable and environmentally responsible form of tourism.


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  • Devile, E. and Kastenholz, E., 2018. Accessible tourism experiences: the voice of people with visual disabilities. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 10(3), pp.265-285.
  • Dragouni, M. and Fouseki, K., 2018. Drivers of community participation in heritage tourism planning: An empirical investigation. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 13(3), pp.237-256.
  • Dunk, R.M., Gillespie, S.A. and MacLeod, D., 2016. Participation and retention in a green tourism certification scheme. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(12), pp.1585-1603.
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  • Han, D.I., tom Dieck, M.C. and Jung, T., 2018. User experience model for augmented reality applications in urban heritage tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 13(1), pp.46-61.
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