Building And Civil Engineering Measurements And Quantification Assignment

Building and Civil Engineering Measurements, 5D BIM Integration, and Overcoming Traditional Drawbacks

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Introduction Of The Building And Civil Engineering Measurements And Quantification Assignment

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1.0 Understanding Process Qualification

Process qualification mainly verifies that manufacturing and production procedures can function at a specific level throughout prolonged commercial manufacture. A particular traditional principle of a manufacturing process mainly focused on a certain number of sets of products where each process is holding a method in a reverse way with unexpected demand or shortage. Quantification is a particular technique where it refers to any significant data with the process of validation where various particular economic, and theoretical approaches, and assumption does not require. The results of the analysis in which a certain quantification technique is mainly used, shouldn't be altered by changing that technique. Apart from it, there are different kinds of measurement work that determine the assessment based on the cost of the cost and also determines the constructor at the time of completion. Besides the fact it includes a 5D BIM modeling function where it creates a development process with the components with a help of a virtual model.

2.0 Analyzing the conventional quantification Process

Building performance is a particular toolkit where the development is done based on the large corporate owner withholding various portfolios where various technical aspects can be addressed technically. The traditional method of measuring performance is based on data and methods from management accounting, cost accounting, and financial accounting. Every particular assessment is based on normative and objective based performance. The toolkit was deployed in a web-hosted form for simple data gathering and PI calculation, allowing facility managers and workers to gather information during a walk-through made possible via PDA-based data entry. Apart from it, the current performance set has an indicator where it is discussed the results and benchmark while following different report sections (Dai et al, 2018). The manufacturing quantification process includes a different process where it is related to the various formal processes of quantification of any production quantity where it is included various advantages and disadvantages. Based on the topic in the manufacturing sectors it includes different rise vans fall where there are essential efficiency can produce the volumes where it can come up with fluctuation of costs with positive rivals. In the bulk production system, the adoption of processes and manufacturing tend to be standardized with the particular production line where automation based on the production line would be measured. There are some critical advantages stated below -

  • Production in large quantities can help to decrease the particular cost. Besides in the production system where complex work is performed with individual hands and support during the time of assembling different parts (Nardi et al, 2018). Process manufacturers typically make things in huge quantities that don't require a lot of labor-intensive labor. A well-designed production line will ultimately lead to decreased labor costs, more productivity, or higher profit margins.
  • The way to solve management worries is another critical task. It includes different inventory breakdowns where various raw materials and production sizes can break the fabrics where it can deal with various crises (Flah et al, 2020). With the help of manufacturing efforts, it can run an inventory smoothly with a huge mass of managers including the staff based on the factory floor.
  • Apart from it, communication also can improve morality. It means a determination of the qualities where the particular procedures are cleared with the staff where company managers can grade (Achillopoulou et al, 2020). For that reason, communication plays an important role where it can help to provide constant feedback with guidance for making the particular production system more efficient with positivity and focus.

Apart from the advantage or pros, there are some advantages also.

  • Sometimes it is not easy to get accurate results based on the procedure regarding using the complex machinery system where a single formulation can be applied.
  • Based on the production system where the process of automated production sometimes doesn't suit the economical sector or part.
  • Besides it, the initial cost is also important in the time of various investments regarding sales with productivity.
  • Sometimes it is hard to understand the company’s customer demands when it has no flexible working system.
  • According to the US administration of information, the industry is mostly responsible for 22.5 percent of energy consumption based on a statement from 2017. Besides, various pollution can be created by using various pounds of unnecessary stuff and leads every year.

Besides all the facts, unhealthy habits, lack of creative steps, unskilled working processes, and inventory building can cause the disadvantages of the traditional quantification processes.

3.0 5D BIM process and its impact

5D BIM is mainly a construction where it can be teamwork with the collaboration system by which a project can be started. Besides it, the particular architectural fact mainly abuilding information meddling construction process where it can improve the overall construction team for gathering various digital technologies which can help to give a better outcome itself. The process mainly started with the 5D BIM implementation and estimation of contractors for the quantities with different components for creating any particular model. This mainly helps the stakeholders to develop a particular process where they can estimate a better project option. The BIM modeling is to integrate the particular cost with the process of output (Abdelbarr et al, 2020). This particular model mainly helps to forecast the facts based on the concerns. By greatly minimizing and integrating overall design to save time and money, adopting Construction Information Modelling (BIM) helps provide a seamless workflow. Architecture drafting services may offer the numerous drawings and models that are needed by employing BIM modeling work or 3D architectural modeling. The BIM integrates various discipline data where it is created with digital representation for managing the complete platform with cloud collaboration.

Using the BIM process can integrate multi-discipline data for creating detailed digital representations for a better system for decision-making, sustainable options, and with cost variables. BIM levels have different kinds of levels like -

  • BIM level 4 based on further process
  • BIM level of 2 based on a complete collaboration system
  • BIM level 3 is based on the complete integrated system.
  • BIM level 0 is based on the partial collaboration system.


BIM is a particular process where managing the particular information on a construction-based project cycle can be a part of coordination where it can be descriptive with various aspects for creating a developed appropriate technology.


BIM mainly design various construction process of teams for technological investment and support. By accumulating all multidisciplinary designs and building documentation into a single dataset, the BIM process allows the development and management of data throughout the lifetime of an AEC project.


It includes -

  • It helps to improve the particular communication system.
  • It creates a full project behavioral system.
  • It produced a higher quality output.
  • Sometimes it helps to delay the completion of a particular project.
  • It can give access to gather any building information.
  • It can also provide accurate and streamlined planning systems and procedures.


  • It can generate higher cost reduction and saving systems.
  • Can also enhance the communication system.
  • Accumulate more opportunities.
  • Can create help to achieve quality results.


Building information modeling (BIM) system, which is a comprehensive procedure added with an electrical process that can enhance every area of a project, is crucial in the construction industry. The use of digital technologies by the design, construction, and engineering teams is made possible by BIM. Usually, this results in more favorable overall results. Besides it, dramatically decreasing faults and synchronizing the plan to save time and money helps a lot, Construction Information Modelling (BIM) may assist ensure a seamless workflow everywhere, especially with various architectural drawings and 3D modeling (Behmanesh et al, 2018). Apart from it, it also helps to quantify various leads in the fastest way and helps to estimate cost-accurate updates. Apart from it BIM can easily validate the previous quantities regarding the new design and can automatically update into new. Design, construction, and engineering teams can collaborate utilizing digital technologies where BIM can help a lot. The BIM system mainly clashes with a particular system where the construction of many layers can also be reduced with the particular formation. Every layer of the process is systemized with electrical layers which are added in the same file for elementary access for the whole team.

4.0 5D BIM process helps to overcome the drawbacks


Besides the various advantages of the BIM process, it also occurs with various drawbacks or disadvantages. It includes -

  • Sometimes it lacks the capability of the software regarding its use and all.
  • It has an expensive cost for the setup.
  • Sometimes electronics standards can be coding based on the BIM software system, which deals with different protocols for understanding the various models and information based on the software integration fact.
  • Besides it, BIM needs a huge software investment with new technology regarding its use for new up gradation of technology.
  • There are various legal issues that also can be found with the software if it is not tested properly.
  • BIM is not completely constructed by the professionals where the compatibility with partners is.
  • Apart from it, it's not even completely used worldwide for construction purposes.

A lack of proper expertise in a proper organization and team with different standardization and variable costs can create significant barriers. Reducing the drawback of the BIM system mainly deals with different issues, and has to minimize the entire project management where different communication systems would be preferable with the system of coordination where it can identify different issues which are related to the complete factors of the BIM process (Mohammed et al, 2020). Sometimes with a proper decision cost reduction can be an important fact in improving the particular quality of the process. Based on the visualization technique the detention process mainly allows errors where can be selected with the awareness of being late. In the time of its construction phase, it can keep the savings and reduce the particular cost with the time of processing and deadline. There are scenarios modeling systems that can identify different problems where there are different mistakes that can be avoided based on the requirements.

5.0 Conclusion

It is an overview of a quantification system where there is an in-depth discussion of building an information modeling system and its working process is analysis for the development regarding the utilizing of different sections and data with commercial services. Automatic measurement of the system mainly examines different concepts regarding its use in quantification for evaluating the 5D BIM system for overcoming different drawbacks of the traditional process.



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