BSBHRM501: Manage Human Resource Services Assignment Sample

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BSBHRM 501: Manage Human Resource Services

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Assessment Task 1: Develop HR Delivery Strategies – Report and Action Plan


The idea behind presenting this report is to discuss the different HR needs and how they are important for short and long-term planning and arranging the HR activities. This report also contains the options to deliver the HR options. Later in this report, the action plan for delivering those services have been given in context of JKL Industries.

Human resources needs

HR needs should be identified in order to analyse the activities of the organisation. They give a direct signal about the employee skills and knowledge and help in removing the gap in the organisation structure. HR needs in context of JKL Industries have been explained briefly below:

  • Business Documentation: It is the written record of the business events. It includes legally and government mandated features, practices, and documents. Apart from this, it is a formal recordkeeping about various employment events.
  • Employee Feedback: They are necessary for improving business activities and environment. It can be taken through surveys, interviews, etc.
  • Organisational Structure: It best defines the organisational needs and business planning, and is crucial for efficient business performance. It also helps in curbing the challenges from the market and competitors. In JKL Industries, as the leasing out business is not giving profits, the HR manager have to think about the delineation of the new work to the workers who are associated with the leasing on rent business.
  • Policies and Procedures: HRM needs a handbook consisting of legislative requirements, legal practices, company policies, etc. This is helpful in ensuring that the workers are treated fairly (Bryant& Allen, 2013, p. 174).

Options to Meet HR Needs

As given in the scenarios, JKL Industries is planning to join hands with some overseas suppliers in order to gain an advantage over its rivals. The company is repositioning its sales and services and transforming its organisational structure. This can be done using various options to meet HR needs:

  • Labour Relations: HR managers of JKL industries should focus on union-management relationship. It is a good HR practice to include clear and comprehensive performance standards and certain specified elapsed-time measurements in the union contract.
  • Training and Development: Training helps in maintaining the performance standards, increasing the employee morale, and assists in achieving the targets. Training helps in improving the team work and helps in personal development of the JKL industries’ employees.

Develop Options for Delivery of HR Services

  • Automate Workflow: One can automate the work by making use of technology. This not only remove the chances of errors but it also speed up the work. This can lead to optimize use of HR resources.
  • Efficient cross-departmental case management:This is the most efficient way to incorporate case management functions with effective workflow abilities. The problems are re-routed automatically to an apt team or person for response and follow-up.
  • HR Technological advancements: For the efficient functioning of HR department, they must be armed with the most advance technology in order to curb any gap in service delivery.
  • Developing an extensive HR knowledgebase: Employee empowerment by solving their issues without depending on HR is a part of a good service delivery strategy. Absence of a comprehensive knowledgebase will result in wastage of time of HR manager in answering simple problems(Bryant& Allen, 2013, p. 174).

Recommendations to Meet HR Needs

  • Every business plan should be based on strategic planning
  • Regular gap analysis will help in identifying the requirements of different department.
  • Building HR strategies based on organisational strategies can really help in the management.
  • Ensuring good labour relations can increase the productivity.


In this report, different HR needs and how they are important for short and long-term planning and arranging the HR activities were discussed. It also contains the options to deliver the HR options along with the recommendations to meet HR needs.

Action Plan for HR Strategic Planning


Objective or target

Performance metric (KPI)



Costs of new HR measures kept to forecasts

HR budget

20% of overall budget

5% growth in revenue

$ revenue generated

$18,000,000 gross revenue

90% HR managers agree to business financial success

% agree

60% agree

Customer value

Maintain market share in sales and service at around 15%

Market share

12% market share

10% Market share in trucks

Market share

5% market share

90% managers agree that

HR helps them to meet customer needs effectively

% agree

70% agree

People development

100% rental staff trained in sales

% rental staff trained in sales

60% successfully trained

25% managers engaged in career development

% managers

enrolled in

internal or

external programs

4% enrolled in further training

90% job satisfaction rate

% satisfied with role and career

prospects within company

70% satisfaction


100% of performance reviews conducted in accordance with policy

% completion

80% completion rate

90% of administrative HR tasks completed on time

and in accordance with


% completion

75% completion rate

90% managers agree their own HR officer is effective and personally helpful

% agree

80% agree

Assessment Task 2: Deliver HR Services – Presentation and Coaching/Performance Management Plan

In the following report, the HR strategy and its importance in business context have been discussed. In addition, the role of SLA in improving the business performance has been talked about. Apart from this, different human resource strategies are also discussed in here.

Developing a good HR strategy requires a deeper understanding and knowledge of organisation goals and business plans. HR strategy defines HRM policies that can assist in identifying the potential threats and opportunities in both quality and quantity of  human resource  required by any organisation. Apart from it should this, it must put some strategic  interventions (Festing & Schäfer, 2014, p. 121)

Some of the many benefits of a good HR strategies are that the process of integrating strategic goals of an organization with human resources, thereby improvising and strengthening the performance, flexibility, innovation, and gaining a competitive edge over others (Ulrich& Dulebohn, 2015, p. 189).

HR strategy not only provide competitive advantage over the rivals in the market but it also focus on areas, such as Talent management, overall Development of employees, personnel Management, reward management, and maintaining productivity.

SLA is a contract that states all the services an organisation is providing and is duly signed by the customers and service providers. It talks about various aspects of the business, such as response time, pace of the work, quality, efficiency, etc.

SLA establishes a mutual understanding between service provider and consumer. It is also required for HC management, employee relations, organization development, resourcing, high-performance management, corporate social responsibility, employees’ engagement, knowledge management, talent management, and learning and development.

Usually, HRM strategies are directed by the overall business strategies and help an organization in attaining its long-term goals. It is a revolutionary step in the field of HRM. The categories of HR strategy are:

  • High-performance management
  • High-involvement management
  • High-commitment management

This strategy is directly linked to organisational performance as it employs high performance work systems for different business aspects, such as Training and development, performance management, recruitment & selection, and reward management.

This strategy talks about self-regulating the business instead of controlling it. This strategy aims at forming a trusted relationship. It makes use of many approaches to achieve commitment:

  • Career ladders and emphasis on trainability
  • Functional flexibility
  • Reduction of hierarchy, ending of status differentials
  • Reliance on teams: dissemination, structuring work

This is a unique approach that treats workers as the business partners. It is helpful for the employees as they can control their work effectively. It assists in communication for mutual understanding.

In the course of the presentation, the importance of a good HR strategy was emphasized along with its uses. In addition, the role of SLA in business performance was elaborated. Different human resource strategies had been discussed in this section.

Action Plan for Delivery of SLA

Service Process/Area


Performance metric

Performance monitoring schedule

Position Management

Minimum Qualification Criterion

Candidate Evaluation: Ranking and Rating

5-15 days

Labour Relation

meeting or exceeding already established working hours measures

Number of Working Hours

30 days

Employee Relations

Timely resolution of clients’ issues

Customer feedback and meeting the already established time frames

20-30 days

Personnel Actions Processing

Timely delivery of PF, salary

Annual customer service survey, OHR’s performance assessment

25-28 days

Assessment Task 3: Evaluate HR service delivery – Report and Client Survey

Action Plan for Monitoring of HR Service Delivery Performance

Strategic Action

Key Measures of Success

Relevant Quality Review Recommendations

Managing for Success

and Performance

Reviewing every key factor of the Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) and suggest improvisation.

Developing and implementing a ‘Managing for Success and Performance’ Toolkit.

Reviewing process of PMDS completed and improved within 12 months.

Developing and implementing MSPtoolkit within 12 months.

Processes are documented for managers to cater poor performance by attending to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Reviewing the PMDS in order to strengthen it appropriately for employees and service users.


Executive Summary Recommendations

  • Restructuring the strategic policies, functions, planning tools in order to achieve the organisational goals.
  • Ensuring that an organisation is staffed by the highly skilled individuals in order to benchmark the operations of the organisation.
  • Allowing the managers to suggest changes in the existing organisational structure.
  • Establishing the channels of communication to report the organisational issues directly to the management.
  • Planning division should contain highly qualified individuals in order to measure, analyse, and identify the demand of services.
  • Implementing a framework both internally and externally that develops guidelines for varieties of service delivery response.


This report highlights the proposed recommendation for HR service delivery. Along with this, an analysis of the organisational policy, legal requirements, and performance data has been done. Later on, recommendations for service improvements has been proposed.

Performance, Ethics, values, and code of conduct

Ethics are directly related to management. An ethical business reflects the values, language, beliefs, attitudes, behavioural pattern. These characteristics of an organisation define its operating culture. HR managers who are unable to provide effective leadership and set up systems that ensure ethical conduct are similar to those who execute, conceive, and benefit from organisation misdeeds. Nowadays, companies are making policies for SLA. Customer-based SLA are being made to provide services to the customers based on their personal needs. This kind of SLA is made between a particular consumers groups that covers all the services the consumer are using. It details out the quality and nature of the service.

Usually, code of conduct serves numerous essential purposes:

  • Compliance: It obligates the workers and organisational leaders to implement legislations within the work premises and summons them if they don’t follow the code.
  • Marketing:A code act as a statement of company’s vision, commitments, standards and ethical performance of an organisation in the market.

Recommendations for Service Improvement

  • Improving the mentoring process in order to set goals, plan, and monitor the results.
  • Taking measures to increase the staff retention.
  • Rigorous assessment of the education climate within the organisation
  • Emphasizing performance management, knowledge management, and competence Management.


In this report, the proposed recommendations for HR service delivery was highlighted. Along with this, an analysis of the organisational policy, legal requirements, and performance data was done. Later on, recommendations for service improvements had been proposed.

Action Plan to Support Communication of Changes and Implementation of Changes


Timeline and


Overall Service Delivery

Quality Review Process – Preparing and implementing a quality improvement plan.

Reviewing different types of engagements HR managers have with key users of services.

Appropriate SLAs to be put in place for most frequently used transactional services.

Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) prepared and implemented.

Identification of different engagement channels and action plan to be implemented in place.

Re-customisation of staff feedbacks on HR issues.

Communicate protocols in work place.

Coordinating QIP using strategy and development plans (ongoing).

Establishment of new communication project (12 month timeframe).

Communicate protocols to be in place within 3-6 months.   HRDs and VP for Staff.

HR Services

Developing   and implementing Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Reviewing standard contract policies of employment

Reviewing the organisational structure and processes.

Setting up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for every SLA and monitor until the achievement of customer satisfaction occurs.

Reviewing the contracts as per the terms and conditions of the Public Service Agreement.

HR Services – Work on the development of 2 Service Level Agreements will begin within a 6 month timeframe (recruitment and HRIS).

Contracts are being reviewed under the Public Service

Assessment Task 4: Integrate business ethics in HR practices – written questions

What are two pieces of legislation that may apply to managing human resources?

First HRM legislation is the Civil Rights Act of 1986 along with its amendments. It illegalise the discrimination against workers or prospective employees on the basis of race, colour, religion, origin, and sex.

Second HRM legislation, the Workplace Relations Act 1996 obligates the employers to provide equal payments to male and female for equal work.

How do human resource strategies and planning processes relate to business and operational plans?

Once the management formulates a business plan or a strategic plan, the HR managers coordinate with employee for the initiative. They work with all the departmental heads in order to execute and accomplish different objectives of the strategic plan and discuss their requirements from the HR department. This might consist of recruiting new aspirants, scheduling, employees’ training etc.

What is performance management for the delivery of HR services in your own words?

Performance management is a process where the management and the workers plan, control and review the personnel’s contribution to the firm. Performance management in context of delivering the HR services include setting up business goals and objectives, performance review, training and skill development of employee, collecting feedback from employees, and assessing progress (Macías and Guitart, 2014, p. 22).

What is contract management for HR service delivery in your own words?

Contract management defines the process of contract creation, controlling, and analysing. The aim of contract management is to optimize financial and operational performance at an organisation whilst minimizing the financial challenges. For HR manager, contract management is often time consuming activity, but in a long-run it proves out to be a beneficial step from the organisation’s point of view.

How is feedback used to modify the delivery of human resources?

In most of the organization, Human Resource survey are being carried out in order to know the performance of the HR department. Workers provide feedback to every HR personnel based on their personal experience and HR’s performance. Feedback can be positive or negative and can change the working strategies of the HR manager.  

Use JKL Industries’ code of conduct to answer the following questions.

What are the requirements of the organisation’s code of conduct?

  • Legislative requirements
  • Health, safety, and rehabilitation policy
  • Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying policy
  • Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policy
  • Privacy policy
  • Recordkeeping policy
  • Performance management policy
  • Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeships policy
  1. How would you communicate the code of conduct? Discuss:
    • activities
    • strategies to achieve the aims of the communication activities
    • technologies and media to achieve the aims of the communication strategies. Note: you may wish to submit an action plan as an alternative way of answering this question.

 Methods to communicate the code of conduct:

  • Induction Package
  • One-on-one training
  • Online training course
  • Company intranet
  • Employee handbook
  • Noticeboards
  1. Who would you consult and why?

For implementation of code of conduct in the work premises, the HR managers must consult the team leaders and departmental heads to convey the code of ethics to their subordinate. Employees usually obey their heads rather than HR managers.

  1. How would you monitor employee adherence to the code of conduct?

Company can hire the compliance officer to ensure that code of conduct is being followed properly. To promote the code, the penalty and disciplinary action against those who violate any provision and if any employee found guilty of continuously violating the code, then she/he should be dismissed from the job.

  1. How would you incorporate the code of conduct into HR policies and practices?

First step is to identify and control the risk as this is the prime responsibility of every HR manager. They are required to make every employee aware and adhere to the established internal controls within the organisation. It is their responsibility to eliminate all risk, ensure employee’s compliance with all the regulatory information.

  1. How would you incorporate the code of conduct into service level agreements?

Methods like induction package, one-on-one training, online training course, company intranet, employee handbook are some of the ways to incorporate code of conduct into service level agreements.

  1. How can the effective implementation by HR of a code of conduct contribute to business and operational success?

It lead to increment in employee productivity

Promoting ethics in a firm's each and every operations, assists in making an environment long-term investment friendly.

Increase employee retention rate.

  1. How would you personally ensure that you adhered to (and were seen to adhere to) the organisation’s code of conduct?

As HR is also a part of an organisation, identifying and controlling risk factors is the responsibility of every worker. HR manager is also required to adhere to the internal controls in his/her domain of responsibility and eliminate every risk, compliance and regulatory concerns.

  1. You have had a complaint from one of the senior managers that information relating to a sexual harassment investigation was being discussed amongst his team members. He believes the human resources officer may have discussed the case with a friend (uninvolved in the case) who works in the manager’s department.
    1. What action would you take as the human resources manager?

Since, the confidentiality of the matter is breached, HR manager should enquire about the matter with his team. He/she should figure out the point of information leak and take appropriate action against the same.

  1. What could be the consequences of failing to act promptly and appropriately?

If found guilty of breaching the confidentiality policies of the organisation, the manager can be expelled out of the organisation or would be transferred to another site of JKL industries.

  1. What could be the business impact of failing to act promptly and appropriately?

Such activities can impact the business negatively as important strategies or information can be leaked out of the organisation. Rivals can make fortune by these unethical and suspicious activities.

  1. How can you ensure all human resources staff are clear about ethical expectations and behaviours?

The best way to ensure is to take interviews and surveys. Taking feedback from the HR staff can also serve the purpose. If anything find inappropriate to the organisation, then the issues can be resolved with proper training of the staff.

  1. Your recruitment service provider has advised you that on an employee recruitment request form submitted to the provider, the manager specifically requested he preferred older women who won’t ‘run off and get pregnant’.
    1. What legislation is this in breach of?
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999
  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975
  • Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).
  1. What action would you take to deal promptly with the matter?

Since the legislation and company policies are being breached, as a manager one should not take steps that reflects discrimination of any kind. In this case, the selection process must be revisited by the manager and should be revised. Instead of hiring just older women, the organisation should consider every application.

When you discussed the situation with the manager, he stated, ‘how am I supposed to know this that it’s not ok to make that request? Is it written down anywhere? I’m a mechanic not an

HR expert. Why don’t you do this from now on?’

  1. What documentation within the organisation would identify that his request is inappropriate?

The code of conduct clearly states the policies regarding equality, discrimination based on age, breastfeeding, physically disabled, etc. Managers are aware of the code and should act in accordance with it.

  1. What would you do to ensure that all personnel in the organisation are aware of their obligations, the company’s policies, procedures and expectations and the consequences of unethical behaviour?

 As an HR manager, it is the duty to know that every employee is aware of the company’s policies, obligations, procedures, etc. For this purpose, a manager can take one-on-one interview, a small quiz on the code of conduct, employee feedback, etc.

  1. What would you do to ensure the matter was handled in accordance with confidentiality requirements and the policy-related requirements of the organisation?

There are procedures to take care of any kind grievances, such as complaints of unfair treatment, discrimination, harassment. Matter will be handled with utmost seriousness and special efforts will be made to resolve them as soon as possible, empathically along with high confidentiality. Victimisation of complainant/s and witness/es is immoral and elicit.  

  1. How would you use digital technologies and systems safely, legally and ethically when gathering, storing and accessing information?

Digital technologies include the effective use of digital platforms, instruments, and tools to analyse, develop, use, and communicate data in a digital mechanism. To protect and secure information from getting misused, users can make use of safety features that comes with the tools. Choosing a safe digital tools designed on a robust operating system. By legal and ethical use, it is meant that the digital content must adhere to copyright attribution, privacy, digital ownership, and confidentiality guidelines (Macías and Guitart, 2014, p. 21).  

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  • Macías, M., & Guitart, J. (2014). SLA negotiation and enforcement policies for revenue maximization and client classification in cloud providers.  Future Generation Computer Systems,  41, 19-31.
  • Stone, D. L., Deadrick, D. L., Lukaszewski, K. M., & Johnson, R. (2015). The influence of technology on the future of human resource management.  Human Resource Management Review,  25(2), 216-231.
  • Ulrich, D., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2015). Are we there yet? What's next for HR?.  Human Resource Management Review,  25(2), 188-204.
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