Bright & Dark Sides of Leadership Assignment Sample

The Dichotomy of Leadership: Navigating its Bright and Dark Sides

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Introduction Of Bright & Dark Sides of Leadership Assignment

Abilities of leadership help to make massive progress in an organisation. Managers of companies take various decisions as a leader that is also impactful for employees. A perfect leader should have a great understanding of the skills of decision-making. Decision-making skills help to take important decisions in a difficult situation. However, all decisions of leaders are not always provided good results for the organization. Bad skills in time management, absence of strategic thinking, and failure to influence employees are the few qualities that can be pernicious in an organization. Leaders are the main pillar of an organization.

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Understanding of Leadership

Assignment sample Leadership is an action taken by management on the behalf of the organization. Leaders are ready to take any type of challenge or risk according to the exits condition. Leaders should be good influencers and able to deal with any type of circumstances boldly (Daniëls et al. 2019). Management mostly handles leadership and they are continuously run behind innovative thoughts. Innovative and progressive thoughts are motivated employees to archive something better. A true leader is always believed in innovation, not an obligation (Al Khajeh, 2018). The team as well as employees are the main priority for a leader and the success rate is dependent on this.

Team performance can be decreased for the poor maintenance by management. Members of management should be clear about their own weaknesses as well as strengths. The prowess and influence can make a team progressive and on the other hand, various types of discouragement on the employees can be the main cause of less productivity in the company (Gandolfi, and Stone, 2018). The system of micromanagement refers to following every small movement of employees by management is hamper the productivity of any company. Decision-making for employees is very important for an organization on the other hand autocratic type leadership can be problematic for an organization.

Importance of Decision-Making for Leadership

Leadership and the skill of decision-making are inseparable from each other. The reliable decision always cooperates with the growth of the organization and helps to find the right path. The significance of making any type of decision is described below in detail

Leaders all decisions always make deep effects on their employees. Every decision made by the leader is reflective of his thoughts. Positive decisions should help to create influence among the organization’s employees (Duan et al. 2019). The dictatorship of management can drag the company in a backward direction. The decisions always illustrate the values of the management. Actions are more benevolent than words and leaders make a reliable place among the employees with their actions (Osadchy et al. 2018). Leaders make an impressive decision but fail to make it practical the indication as unproductive leaders.

Effective decisions by management help to increase followers and admirers. Leaders should be careful about their every sentence. Every decision illustrates the passion of leaders for leadership (Légaré et al. 2018). The followers understand the value of command, the style of direction to the employees, and the smoothness to complete every work with the help of the decisions of the leader. Being unable to make decisions in difficult moments, and give illogical pressure on employees is not a positive side of leadership.

Trait Theory Approach

Both successful as well as unsuccessful leaders follow trait theory. The theory helps to increase the effectiveness of leadership and demonstrate the right path. The traits that are comes out, as a result, show the potentiality of leaders to get their possibility of failure or success (Buçinca et al. 2021). The theory helps to detect the level of education, economic background as well as personality traits. The intellective scale-like, power of judgement, intelligence, and decisiveness are also detected with the help of this theory (Munir et al. 2019). Leaders who are successful in life definitely have unique personality traits, interests as well as abilities. Researchers are fixed on some common traits among successful leaders in the twentieth century.

Advantages of Trait Theory

  • The theory has a naturally pleasing quality and various leaders are followed this theory to find the right path.
  • Various research works make valuable with the help of this theory. The theory provides a yardstick that helps to provide proper knowledge about the traits of leadership (Li, 2022).
  • The core elements of leadership are provided by the theory.

Disadvantages of Trait Theory

  • Not every trait is matched with the exact characteristics of a true leader. The theory only mentions some basic traits of a leader but unique traits can exist among leaders.
  • Leadership traits can be improved with the help of training. Leadership is not always inherited and according to the theory, born leaders are most successful in life (Veenstra et al. 2018).
  • Attain “leadership” and sustaining “leadership” are two different things. Two different types of traits are needed for these two different situations.
  • The exact reason for failure in leadership is not mentioned clearly in this theory.
  • The environmental factors are completely ignored by the theory that is also crucial for leadership.
  • The theory is responsible to obstruct the growth as well as the development of leaders. It discourages the force of work in an organization.

Process Theory vs. Trait Theory

Numerous tests are needed to reach a particular conclusion in trait theory. The theory considers the inborn qualities of a true leader. Physical factors, personality factors as well as intelligence are the scale that gives a judgement of the future of a leader. The inborn traits of leaders are responsible for the failure or success of an organization.

The interaction between a leader and his followers is important according to the process theory. The theory has not restricted the leadership only personal traits. The importance of communication skills, as well as friendliness with everyone is a special quality of a leader according to process theory (Jentsch and White, 2019. Proper training also makes a perfect leader and is the most famous and influential thing in process leadership. Observed, trained as well as learning are the three major things that can make a good leader.

Comparison between Transformational Theory and Trait Theory

The leaders who are follows the transformational theories are most passionate and energetic. The leaders are helpful to every employee and they are very focused on their work. The theory mainly inspires people and helps to increase their confidence. The theory is always inspired to challenge the existing situation and supports creativity. The theory of trait is always dependent on the inborn quality and does not encourage taking on new challenges (Asbari et al. 2020). The transformational theory is concerned with individual followers. Improvement of the skills of followers is important according to this theory. The trait theory is only concerned with the trait of a leader, not his followers.

Clear vision and focus are the two main qualities of transformational leaders. A clear vision is articulated among the followers and it helps to make better improvements in the organization. The ideas of followers are equally important for leaders according to the transformational theory. The leaders who believed in this theory are being role models for their employees. The employees give respect and trust to their leaders.

Overconfidence as a Cause of Leadership Failure

Leadership is a big responsibility and it is not for everyone. The poor skill of communication, less experience, failure to handle pressurised conditions and overconfidence are the main reasons for failure as a leader. Overconfident manners and excessive pride are harmful to leadership and organization. C-suite-type leaders’ decisions are very important for an organization and their effects are lasting for a long time (Cardno, 2018). The arrogant behaviour of a leader can break the relationship with employees and leads a company to massive destruction. Maintaining humanity among the members of the management is most important for the growth of the company (louiscarter, 2022). Confident leaders lead their organizations on the right path. On the other hand, overconfident leaders are the main reason for the destruction of their own companies.

Overconfident leadership deny accepting mistakes from the side of the leader. Good leaders always accept and review their mistakes. Create a plan after reviewing the mistake but overconfident leaders are denied to do that. A good leader always contains learning abilities but rude people do not have these types of problem-solving skills. Aggressiveness and dictatorship are unable to hold the team of employees accountable. The main responsibilities of the leader are completely skipped because of overconfidence.

Chernobyl Disaster because of Bravery or Overconfidence

The extremely dramatic disaster of Chernobyl was happed in the electric plant in Ukraine. Disaster is the best example of the traits of leadership as well as the flows of an organization. The leader name “Valery Legasov” was the deputy at the atomic energy institute. The atomic energy institution was under the rule of the USSR. the lead member of the government investigated the matter and managed all faults of the leader (Pham, 2018). The leader who was the main reason for this huge disaster does not feel much guilt for this. Overconfidence is always the reason for destruction. The best example of destruction happened in Ukraine with the help of scientists.

The scientist committed suicide after two years because of extreme guilt. The scientist could obstruct the destruction but he was completely devastated by the pressure of the government. The overconfident government took the lives of numerous people. Scientists can take the challenge with surrounding pressure and save the lives of numerous people. True leadership always take the challenge with a negative atmosphere to get a positive result. Rude and selfish leadership always think about the individual (Smith et al. 2018). That type of leadership is not able to help his own team and is responsible for the destruction. The case of Chernobyl is an example of rude and selfish leadership. The leaders who have not accepted their failures and do not make further plans to cover up do not deserve to maintain leadership. Courage is very important for leadership but sometimes it can be a main cause of destruction (forbes, 2022). The leader of the USSR went to visit the plant of radioactivity with the important measurement to save the respiratory system. Overconfidence and lack of communication skills are proven the main cause of less productivity. Over rudeness, dictatorship, and not being ready to listen to the command of employees are dragged in the backward direction of the company.

Weakness and Strength of Leadership

The strengths and weaknesses of leadership are described below in detail,

Self-awareness is the core strength of leadership because it helps to improve the personality traits of leaders. Controlled emotions and all reactions for the people of management are very important in an organization. Self-awareness helped to handle difficult situations and saved from people's trigger (Smith et al. 2018). The leaders are aware of their exact emotions with the help of this key skill. The management with the help of this skill avoids unnecessary problems. Always keeping a good knowledge about the surrounding situation is helpful to managing a team of any organisation. The fundamental thought of a leader leads a team to move forward. Awareness of the situation and keeping a full focus on it is the most important factor in leadership. Making a good connection with colleagues in the organization can help to manage the organization properly.

Communication skills are very important for leadership and it helps to make an ordinary person into an effective leader. Various clients who are comes from overseas are impressed with the help of good communication skills of leaders. The information of the company spread among the consumer with the help of good skill of communication. All information should be authentic and attractive which can encourage people. Good listeners, as well as a good communicator, are the two main qualities of a good leader. Separated and divided the employees of a team are the cause of destruction in any organisation. Management of a team and advised team members as a friend are good signs of management. The overly critical nature of leaders is another problem of the organisation (Shatri, 2020). Productivity and performance are always dependent on employees and leaders. Always critical thoughts about all work of employees are the cause of demonization of any employee.

Micromanaging is another cause of less productivity in the company. The management always noticed the performance of employees. Micromanaging refers to every small movement by employees that is noticed by the management. The trust issue is the main factor that helps to make a good bond between management and employees. The micromanaging issue breaks the bond and can be the cause of big problems. The requirement of constant communication with the employees is another weakness of leadership. The issue indicates that the leader always wants to control all activities of the leader. The latest technology helps to make interaction easier but always keeping in touch with the leader is not a good sign of productivity for an organisation.

Appropriate Place of Adaptive Leadership

The issue of the pandemic in recent days is the main challenge as well as various opportunities in the sector of health. Adaptive leadership is the key factor to manage all challenges in the health sector. Canada and various developed countries are faced with numerous challenges because of pandemic issues. Adaptive leaders, innovative thoughts, and various experiments are important to handle the crisis (Guo et al. 2020). This type of leadership is a practical approach that is mainly used to solve various problems in the field of business. The theory helped the leader to find out the exact problem and helps them to think critically. The leader with the help of this theory takes major and difficult decisions. The technical issues as well as various challenges are solved with the help of this theory.

The fundamental questions are solved with the help of adaptive theory. The growth of the organization and economic opportunities are found with the help of this theory. The theory helps to handle the risky situation and build a clear vision of the organization. The new approaches developed with the help of the adaptive theory of leadership (Lan, and Hung, 2018). The theory is mostly applied in the health sector rather than a business. The pandemic situation needs proper planning to handle the difficult situation. The theory helps to build a proper r perspective to handle the pandemic smartly. Most of the developed countries are used the theory to maintain the pandemic situation. The leaders of the health sector maintain the situation with the principle of adaptive theory.


Adaptive leadership helped to change the normal perspective and build up a new perspective. Multiple opinions are collected with the help of this theory. The multiple opinions are helped to make one unique decision and it helps in the growth of a company. The theory should not believe in many rules as well as regulations. Maintaining the proper strength of a team is very important for an organisation. The theory does not believe in proper structure and this is the big weakness of the theory. The rules of leadership can be broken at any time and it can be a reason for big problems. Decisions making skills are very important but dictatorship in decisions is harmful to organisations. Encouragement and energising employees are the positive sides of true leadership. Discouragement and demoralisation of the workers are the negative sides of leadership.



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louiscarter, (2022), Destructive Examples of Overconfidence in Leadership, Available at: [Accessed on: 19th November, 2022]

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