BKM201 Business Research Assignment Sample

BKM201 Business Research Assignment Sample

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The research is about the use and potentiality of both the internal and the word of mouth recruitment methods. An Organization’s existing workers are considered in Internal Recruitment while in word of mouth, they refer outsiders for recruitment. The latter’s potentiality is supported by Green Van Hoye, an official of HRM at the University of Ghent.

Background of the study

Mark and Phil, before some years, thought of work together on employment research. Mark researched emphasizing the qualitative and quantitative projects. Phill emphasized the HRM which is purely qualitative. Their research aimed to invent a method that would be novel and beneficial for the organization. Mark surveyed employment methods in 1990. Internal and the word of mouth, both the processes were in vogue when Phil and Mark developed a research that explained the reasons of these two methods' popularity (Iyer and Griffin, 2021). Both the process provides equal opportunities. Mark's research also showed the phenomena of these two methods by working with the local authorities. Now the time was for their final declaration. Both of them criticized each other's work. They surveyed the literature to support their argument (Allard, et al., 2020). Both of their works were out of lowered organizations. Though, the officer of London Borough could not be satisfied with this research because the redeployment makes redundancy. They tried to revise their research by disregarding the perspective of local authorities and equal opportunities and focusing on the employer's notification channel. Their revised research was to find the reasons for preference for word of mouth recruitment.

Problem Statement

The problems regarding these two methods are many. They cannot construct the methods, but help criticizing other's works, they emphasized limited and specific parameters disregarding the issues In the future. The people Mark and Phil discussed the papers with, were immediately about to reject the research theories for not being up to the mark. The expectation is of good, proficient employee recruitment but the word of mouth has its issues too. The new employee may not be proficient to that extend that satisfies the company need thereby increasing the risk of damaging the reputation of the company. Hiring from one’s instant familiar circle often fails to bring full potential, skilled laborers that do not get the opportunity to bring diversity and inclusion in the high rig process (HaikalElsabeh et al., 2019). Unlike the other organizations that use digital tools for advertising, hiring, the universities prefers face to face process and also referrals. From a survey on 993, almost 57% referred of referrals from the internal professional network (Stockman, et al., 2020). Complete dependency on word of mouth the university loses the scope of bringing the revolutionary talent particularly from the digitally savvy researchers.

Aim of the study

The prime aim of the study is to find out the best method of recruiting employees by comparing the use of internal to the word of mouth method. Besides, it is to see if Mark and Phil had enough reasons to start working on an interesting method of employment method (Bao and Chang, 2018). To avoid the drawbacks that they did while research to find out the pros and cons of these two methods, their historical background is also an aim of the study by comparing the traditional methods with the digital methods. The research also aims to find out the reasons behind the company's use of the word of mouth method while recruiting.

Research Objectives

  • To develop a comprehensive concept about the two recruitment methods
  • To evaluate how and why the research of Mark and Phil started and their findings
  • To be familiar with the lessons of Mark and Phil's research
  • To analyse the extension of Mark and Phil's final study queries fulfilthe criteria outline in box 2.1
  • To create knowledge on the uses, negativities and positivity of internal, wore the Internal, Word of mouth and digital advertising method

Literature Review

Brief Description of internal and word of mouth recruitment methods

According to Stanton et al, Ahamad(2019) word of mouth is a method of recruiting that happens when an employee of a particular company convinces their acquaintances of the advantage and the benefits of joining purchasing a product, the company they work with. The word of mouth requirements method plays a huge part in filling up the places in various jobs in many agencies. Besides,Goers(2018) argues that the Word of Mouth can be referred to as the transfer of guidance and advice from one person to another by the means of communicating orally which could just include telling someone the time, or some incident or just any form of verbal communication. But, in the field of business and marketing, it plays a very vital role in the process of recruitment. In the business field, it deals with the transfer of verbal information from one employee to another individual stating reasons to join a particular organization it works with. It also refers to the process in which an employee's or a company’s desire to sell a particular product is reflected through their communications and direction. Besides, Atul(2021) also stated that apart from the process of recruiting, it has also become a very important part of the marketing industries. The markets try to sell a large part of their products and services through the words or the normal daily communications of their employees.

With the opinion of Chytiri, Filippaios and Chytiri (2018), it is explored that that Internal Recruitment is also another very important way of recruiting which plays a very important part in the various organizations. It is a process by which vacancies are filled up by companies and organizations by appointing the existing employees. However, Azmy& No (2018) argued that the most common ways adopted by companies for this method incorporates databases of organizations, postings of the jobs to display the vacancies available and gives the employees opportunity to apply for a particular vacancy, plans offered it helps in decreasing the employee turnover, and intensify the talents and expertise of the employee. This method is widely used by several companies because the existing or the insiders are much more reliable and the company can bestow trust and loyalty onto them since they are aware of the base and the basic structure of the company.

According to Paycor (2021), there are various varieties of internal Recruitments including a promotion is one of the most widely and most expected forms of Internal Recruitments. In this particular type, the company promotes one of its existing employees to a higher post with an existing vacancy.

Another very common type of transfer stated by Paycor(2021) is that the employees, even if not promoted, are transferred to a different branch or a different sector or department of the company with an existing vacancy. The third type includes a change in the job status from temporary to permanent. It is almost similar to that of promotions but does not involve any kind of changes in the existing post. It just makes a particular status that an employee is holding permanent. Pendola and Fuller(2021) also states another very commonly used is the referrals by the existing employees. This process makes it easier for the company to bestow trust in the new members. In this method, word of mouth of the employees plays a vital role in the internal reference recruitments.

The usage of internal and word of mouth recruitment methods

Smith states that there are several usages of the Internal and also the word mount Recruitment methods. As per Haikel-Elsabeh et al. (2019), the usages of the Internal Recruitment methods are included with the help in the Reduction of the Training costs. By promoting, transferring or appointing employees already existing in the company, the time and resources required training and teaching the individual about the work and the basic structure of the company reduces or sometimes is eliminated. Smith(2021) also argued that since the employees are already aware of the basic structural functions of the organization, they also can be easily trusted with critical works and even if the company introduces some new scheme or system, these members will require less training as compared to the other new ones.

On the other hand, Stanton et al.(2019) also argues that it, Plays a very important role in uplifting the morals and trust of the employees in the infrastructure of the company. By selecting members from within the company, an organization not only ensures their benefit but also helps in uplifting the trust and faith of the other employees in the company’s infrastructure. It boosts the faith not only of the promoted employees but also the other members who keep looking into the opportunity for their promotion and strive hard to achieve it. Smith (2021) also claims that it Promotes unity among the members of the organization. Appointing members from within the organization helps in better cooperation and understanding between the employees. Stockman, Van Hoyeand da Motta Veiga, (2020) also argued that it is difficult for the fresh employee to completely understand and cooperate with the already existing staff, and hence promotion or an Internal Recruitment will not only make work easier but also promotes teamwork and solidarity in the firm. It mainly helps in the reduction in the screening costs. The appointment of staff from within the firm will not only induce cooperation and trust but will also help in the reduction of the costs for advertisements, posts.

On the other hand,Atul (2021),states that the Word of mouth recruitment also has several usages. These are included with helping in the promotion of convincing and sales ability. Word of mouth recruitment requires convincing power to properly represent their company or the product so that the person considers it without any hesitation. It not only helps the firm to recruit new members but also polishes the ability and skill of the staff to convince people which are also beneficial in the future in their job.

Stanton et al.(2019) opined that it helps in the reduction of the advertisement cost. Word of mouth recruitment means there is a minimum effort from the company’s side in the selection of a new employee for a post. It also alternatively helps in reducing advertising costs to the minimum or zero. Appointments take place through the recommendations made by the other employees and not directly by the advertisements and the posts by the company. Besides, Stockman et al. (2020) also stated that it helps in the building of a very strong online community. Maintaining an excellent online group of campus ambassadors will not only help in the reduction of the effort put by the form in appointing but will also help in the easy, quick and effective selection of staff. The Internal and the Word of Mouth are the two very important mostly used means of recruitment used by most companies.

Research gap

The research on the Internal and word mouth recruiting methods is very intact. There had been several researches stating the advantages, disadvantages and the various features and also the procedure of selecting for each method. But there is also the existence of some research gaps in the analysis of these recruiting methods. The word of mouth recruitment requires some basic convincing and sales ability. Campus ambassadors are primarily responsible for convincing in this method of recruitment, but there is an absence of proper research on the various methods that shall be adopted to make the recruitment more effective. Proper research in this field will not only enhance effective appointment of good staff, but will also increase the ability of the new campus ambassadors.

Research Methodology

In this elaborative analysis research methodology plays the most vital role. It is important to choose the right path to conduct research. Research methodology provides systematic ways to conduct the research (Bairagi and Munot, 2019). It consists of research philosophy, hypothesis testing, and research design data collection methods, sampling of data, analysis of data. 

Research Questions

The research questions that are identified from the literature review are-

  • Which are the most comprehensive methods of employee recruitment?
  • What are the findings of Mark and Phil’s research?
  • What are the positive impacts of internal and word of mouth recruitment methods?
  • What are the negative impacts of internal and word of mouth recruitment methods?


H0: The negative impact of the use of internal and word of mouth recruitment methods is that there will be always a gap for an employee that will ultimately need external recruitment.

H1: In positive impact, it will save both time and money as existing employees are recruited. There is no need to give them training.

Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is the process of the development of knowledge. Conducting research allows knowing about a particular field and development of knowledge and information about that field (Žukauskas, Vveinhardt and Andriukaitien?, 2018). In business research, five major philosophies are observed. They are- Positivism, Interpretivism, Pragmatism, and Realism and Postmodernism. Among these five major types of research philosophies, Positivism will be applied in this research. The meaning of positivism is ‘what is given’. This philosophy focuses on natural sciences, scientific methods. It focuses on the things that are observable and can generalize law. In positivism, the hypothesis is generated and tested. It is based on data collection and analysis. Positivism philosophy will be applied in this research to make it real, external and bias-free. It will follow the scientific methods. By applying positivism philosophy the facts can be observable and measurable (Park, Konge and Artino, 2020). There will be a causal explanation about internal and word of mouth recruitment methods and it will be more deductive.

Research Approach

The plans and series of steps to conduct research are known as the research approach. The research approach involves orderly completion of data collection, analysis and interpretation. Inductive and deductive are the two major research approaches that are observed. Inductive approaches start with data collection, analysis and a generalized result (Streefkerk, 2018). The deductive approach starts with a theory and ends with testing of the theory. In this research a Deductive research approach will be applied. This research starts with the hypotheses that are generated from extensive literature reviews. It will be tested to accept or reject the null and alternate hypothesis. The six sequential steps will be followed as a part of the deductive approach in this research. Hypothesis generation, propositions, premises, testing of premises and rejection or acceptance of the premises are vital. Generalization is the important characteristics of the deductive approach (Azungah, 2018). It is essential to choose the correct sample size for generalization.

Research Design

The systematic framework of research and planning to answer the research questions are known as research design. The research design is important for the research proposal. It determines the necessary parameters for research; it provides the criteria to evaluate the result and helps to conclude the research study (McCombes, 2019). Four types of research design exist. They are Descriptive Research Design, Causal-Comparative/Quasi-Experimental research design, Correlational Research Design and Experimental Research Design. In this research work, a descriptive research design will be used. This design will apply to describe the characteristics of internal and word of mouth recruitment. It will also measure the importance of these particular recruitment methods. There is a pre-planned hypothesis that will be tested in a descriptive research design (Fluet, 2021). The research design will be based on secondary data and observations. Descriptive Research Design will describe the certain employee's groups associated with this survey and generate a perception about the methods of their recruitment.

Data Collection Method

Data is the most valuable part of the research. A proper collection of data and their analysis determines the quality of research. Primary and secondary are the two major methods of data collection in business research. The primary method involves a direct way to collect data like surveys and interviews. In this research Secondary methods will be used as a part of descriptive research design. This will involve data collection from literature, business journals, magazines; organizations recruitment reports (Hair, Page and Brunsveld, 2019). To reduce expense and time in this pandemic situation where physical appearance is not possible, a secondary data collection method is the only way to conduct this research.

Data Analysis

In a business research analysis of data means processing the collected data and transforms them into meaningful information for future business decisions. Quantitative and Qualitative are the two major data analysis methods in research. The quantitative analysis derives the relations between variables. In this research, qualitative methods of data analysis will be applied. To understand the importance of every variable this analysis will be used in this research. The quantitative analysis gives importance to individual characters of social issues and phenomena (Basias and Pollalis, 20180). The perception about internal and word of mouth recruitment will be analysed through qualitative analysis.


Sample represents the target population for research. This research will be based on secondary data. Among the vast availability of data in these digital worlds, there will be a proper number of samples to make the research a successful one. 50 contemporary research papers related to the research topic will be used from a peer-reviewed journal. 10 well-known business magazines will be used for references. Published employee recruitment report from 5 MNC and 5 domestic organizations will be taken as the secondary database. For the website resource, only organization and business-related 8 websites will be used that will be more relevant. 10 authentic books related to the topic will be used.

Validity and Reliability

Validity in this qualitative research denotes the credibility of the data whereas; reliability reflects the stability of data (Mohajan, 2017). The validity of this research topic suggests identifying the positive impact of internal and word of mouth recruitment for business organizations. It will also validate the disadvantages of these types of recruitments. On the other hands, the reliability of this research lies in the secondary data and literature reviews that will authenticate the research. The different articles related to finding will make this research trustworthy for future business decisions in an organization. It will provide successful strategies for the recruitment of employees.

Research Limitation

There are certain limitations to conduct this research. Firstly, a pandemic situation is going throughout the world due to Covid-19. Social distancing creates barriers to survey and primary data collection. As a result, only secondary data collection methods will be applied in this research. Secondly, many organizations don’t reveal data related to internal and word of mouth recruitment. Therefore, the availability of those data will be difficult. Thirdly, poor digital network facilities are common issues nowadays. It will create problems in data collection methods. Finally, the collection of appropriate data based on secondary data collection methods will be time-consuming. Sometimes it will be cost-effective as researchers will need to buy some data.

Ethical Consideration

This research will ensure the ethical uses of secondary data. It will not violate any copyright and legal issues in data collection methods. It will use proper references that will free from plagiarism. Personal opinions will not be included during research that will make the research bias-free. Every persons and organization will be acknowledged for their help. Any People or organization will not be harmed during the research. All data will be used following the Data Protection Act, 1998.



Week 1

Week 2













Selection of topic and data collection


Aim of the study


Problem Statement


Research Objectives and Questions


Literature Review


Research Methodology


Data Collection Method


Data Analysis


Result and Discussion


Conclusion and Recommendation




Timeline for this research will be 8 week. The selection of topic and aim of the study will take 1 week to decide. The 2nd week will be taken to identify the problem of the statement. Research objectives and questions will be generated in 3rd week. The first 2 to 3 week will be needed for the extensive literature review. It will be followed by data collection, analysis, result and submission.

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