Anxiety In Young Children And How It Affects Educational Attainments Assignment sample

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Anxiety In Young Children And How It Affects Educational Attainments 

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1.1 Introduction Anxiety In Young Children And How It Affects Educational Attainments Assignment sample

Anxiety and depression can be characterized as the combinatorial value of physical behavior, emotional psychomotor and cognitive impairment that not only manifested itself to symptomatic indication which includes disturbance in sleep concentration and negative thoughts and feelings but also induces guilt among an individual (Yueet al. 2020). However, despite elevated ratings of depression and anxiety among students, preferably the younger generation, the office potential of negative implication in the academic study has been correlated with little to no research significance. It is a surprising discovery which shows evidence about little research that has explored the impact of depression and anxiety on study performance in young children.

The effect of anxiety not only promotes destruction from thoughts among the young generation but also results in poor performance in their academic contribution as well as a social disturbance (Khesht-Masjediet al. 2019). As per the review done by the education department of Saudi Arabia the students who showed to have an anxiety to learn non natie languages such as english in their academic life have shown to have bad perfomance, Their main fear is the sense of exclusion which resist them to join enjoy the social feature of the academic life. There are certain types of cohort longitudinal studies where the exploration about the relationship that help is prevalent between emotional difficulties and the objectives related to academic performance are observed among the students of certain age groups. The critical impact of anxiety and depression is observed in children and adolescents and to some extent in adults who are taking University degrees.

Students that are experiencing depressive symptoms might be caught in a cycle that is vicious and has a real impact in their life. The prevalent thoughts significantly impact academic study and result in poor performance that directly contributes to deprivation and low mood. Comparatively recent findings have suggested that medical undergraduates despite being severely depressed (Stiglicand Viner, 2019). Due to certain conditions do not affect their results in exams. It is a contradictory note which has raised questions about the real significance of anxiety among students whether they are young or adults on their proper study attainment. That typical relation that exists between anxiety and study performance is a complex issue. certain cross-sectional studies have been performed to clear out the matter and thus, explaining the fact that highly anxious students tend to induce poor performance with serious consequences in their academic goal. This research is performed in the context of finding the impact of anxiety among the children and the consequences due to that. The childhood stage is the most crucial and important stage of the human life then anxiety in this situation is the most adverse condition to maintain the health and strength related situation through that. The impact of this is based on the due to the relation establishment of the social consequences.

1.2 Background of Study

Like adults, children also have their worries and fears. It has been witnessed that often toddlers show extreme distress, while being away of their parental guidance, even if they are in a caring environment, surrounded by familiar faces (Avniet al. 2018). So it is evident that fear and worries could be typical to the children. Although the extreme and persistent form of fe4ra or worries can also be traced within the children and most of the time the reason behind it is Anxiety. Also if these anxieties are left unattended, the child can feel depressed and get diagnosed with complex psychological diseases. Anxiety can drive incessant distress symptoms within children, and these symptoms can involve feelings and thoughts of the children, resulting in Internalising disorders. Sometimes small fears and worries can transform into anxiety too if the children do not outgrow these fears or get the proper attention from their parents or close persons (Bitskoet al. 2018). These issues can be originated from any sort of environment, such as; School, playground, or the home environment. Regardless of the origin, these anxieties can impact the natural behaviors of the children within those very same environments. The anxiety disorders which are usual and frequent amongst children are;

Separation Anxiety: It mostly happens when the kid is separated from their preferred people or preferred or comforted environment.

Various Phobias: In most cases, phobias originated within the child or teenage rather than in the Adult age. Phobias usually are associated with any specific situation or thing or element of nature (Gristet al. 2019). These components are very common, so an individual has to face them once in a while and that can add lots of anxiety and hamper a child's life for a long time.

Social Anxiety: For a child, the biggest social gathering happens within the school or private tuitions, So often children develop anxieties while attending schools and this can lead to developing social anxiety and in future they will fear places with people gathering.

Panic Disorder: It is becoming very common amongst children and this is one of the worst kinds of anxiety disorders for children (Bisson, 2017). This can be developed with repeated episodes of the unexpected and sudden relatively fearsome and intense event within a certain child's life and that can develop into a panic disorder. The usual symptoms of this disorder are, heart-pounding, shortening of breath or problem berating, dizzy or shaky feeling, and immensely sweating.

Every passing year the anxiety disorders are becoming very frequent amongst the childhood and adolescence years. This is impacting their overall well-being, which includes their relationship with their parents or close people, being unable to make friends, or feeling out of place amongst people, and specifically, it is impacting their academic performance. Anxiety symptoms have the potential to cause memory impairment, cognitive functions (Awadallaet al. 2020). These can lead to academic failure or poor school performance. Also, anxiety can help in forming myriad other harmful psychiatric disorders, such as; "disruptive behavioral disorders". As Anxiety can cause poor performance within academic years, the opposite can happen too, as the bad school performance can also cause extreme anxiety and all of the associated symptoms can cause low esteem, which also can be a cause of anxiety as well as anxiety can cause that too, thus developing a "Self Maintaining Cycle".

1.3 Research Aim

The aim of the research has retained the focus of readers with conductive approaches with a proper understanding of the symptoms and severity of anxiety disorder among adolescents and children and the impact it prevails on their health and well-being, social skills development, cognition, and most importantly on their academic performance. The specific approach of this study has drawn attention to certain factors related to inabilities perceived to the attainment of studies under the most severe conditions of anxiety disorder.

1.4 Research Objectives

  • To evaluate the impact of anxiety on children's life.
  • To reveal the hidden fact of the anxiety effect in their children's lifestyle.
  • To discuss the consequence of anxiety affecting children in his educational attainment.
  • To be concerned about the initiative of the government for management to prevent the situation of the children's anxiety.

1.5 Research Questions

  • What is the impact of anxiety on children's lives?
  • What are the hidden facts of the anxiety effect in their children's lifestyle?
  • What is the impact of the consequence of anxiety affecting children in his educational attainment?
  • What is the initiative of the government for management to prevent the situation of the children's anxiety?

1.6 Rationale

The rationale of the study has optimally associated the existing knowledge about anxiety and depression among young children and critically segregated the knowledge about learning the difference in complexity of the factors in proper study attainment. The research rationale promotes a contradictory note about existing evidence and the suitable conductance of the current research (Safeerand Shah, 2019).Furthermore the main significance of this section elevates the knowledge about acknowledging the necessity of the research and also denotes the gap present in the previous studies. The study rationale not only helps in accomplishing the goals relevant to the concerned matter but also reiterates the knowledge about why it is necessary to explore the relevance of previous research as well. Furthermore, it gives the deliverables about how to promote clear research on the matter and hence critically synthesizes the evidence for further study. Thus, it is a simplified understanding of the significance of this current approach where specific elaboration of the research is deduced with profuse knowledge and suitable contemplation. 

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1.7 Significance of Study

The typical significance of the study promotes an understanding of the need for its conduct based on recent findings of the concerned matter and the conflict being drawn with suitable achievements (Bisson, 2017). The particular approach to this study not only perceives a flow of the necessary related to this approach but also conceives the knowledge about proper interpretation and restoration of the research evidence. Several conflicts have been raised about the research specificity and motivate the understanding of the reason which correlates each pre-existing research. The opinions that have been raised in different studies about the impact of anxiety disorder on young children show a vivid relationship with their study attainment; however certain conflicts have been raised regarding the convenience. Thus, the influence of this current study has shown its significance with the effective incorporation of information and their revelation in a definite concept.

1.8 Conclusion

The summative understanding of the information presented from this chapter has deduced the understanding about the aim of the research which suitably conveys the necessary attainment reflecting anxiety disorder on young children and its impact on their studies. The suitable understanding of the research aim has been enhanced through effective incorporation of research objectives and they're following up upon accomplishing the research questions. The review of the studies that have been already conducted is the main interpretation that has been done in the overall study, however, this chapter only induced an insight on the convenience of secondary research, the rationale that can be drawn based on research hypothesis, and finally the significance which is inductive of the promotion. Thus, it can be established from the discussion that the engagement will critically promote evidence towards the concern and suitably deduce the knowledge about the impact.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Anxiety is considered a natural reaction of humans but whenever it happens too frequently, it goes into a state of mental illness, known as anxiety disorders. The mental state is directly related to educational achievement. Every child faced anxiety during his/her academic life (Awadallaet al. 2020). Although anxiety gives positive results in some cases but a higher rate of anxiety can have the ultimate detrimental effect. Excessive anxiety can lead to a negative impact on academic life and for which children suffer from lower self-esteem, concentration and memory loss. This ultimately results in children and young people leaving school earlier or dropping out of school. Previous research showed that anxiety in children has a negative impact on their academic performance and school life. Anxiety may be defined as worry or fear but in a broad aspect, this makes children angry and irritable which give rise to panic disorders. Various studies showed that high rates of anxiety affect the proper development of children and well-being and thus affect their educational achievements. Researchers have reported that both biological and environmental factors have caused anxiety disorders in children. Fear of negative evaluation, poor concentration, fear in speaking in front of many people, dizziness, restlessness etc. symptoms appear with anxiety disorders (Safeerand Shah, 2019). Feeling intense worry leads to poor decision-making capabilities thus affecting academic life. Every researcher has studied anxiety disorders in young children and their effects from various perspectives. This dissertation paper is conducted with the secondary research method. All the information was collected from several research papers from PubMed and Google. This study provides a brief knowledge about anxiety and its causes as well as its impacts on children's academic attainment.

2.2Empirical Study

According to (Masiet al. 2001), anxiety and depression both are connected to poorer academic performance. Anxiety disorders characteristically have a phase beginning in childhood and adolescence, causing major debility in both social and professional functioning. Academic performance is decreased in children and young people with excessive levels of anxiety and depression as a purpose of amplified test-specific concern that imposes on functioning memory central decision-making processes. Greater levels of anxiety and depression were related to not only poorer academic performance but also behaviour and concentrating power. Anxiety and central decision-making processes interposed the connection between destructive effects and academic performance. Functioning memory skills are completely related to academic performance (Damiet al. 2019). On the other hand, maximum stages of trait anxiety have a negative impact on educational performances causing educational underachievement.

According to (Colbert et al.1982), in childhood and adolescence, anxiety disorders are able to create the most common type of psychiatric and mental disorders nevertheless, significant inconsistency in the predictable dominance of these disorders. Additionally, anxiety disorders can be created from the perspective of further psychiatric or mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, clinical depression, mood disorders etc. Anxiety symptoms are very common in childhood as well as adolescence. These have the potential to negatively affect physical and mental health as well as hamper overall well-being, academic performance, social life and improvement of social abilities. Symptoms of anxiety are connected with the weakening of memory and various cognitive functions as well as having a contribution to low performance in school and academic disappointment that can, in order, give rise to future psychiatric disorders. Anxiety appears to be specifically significant associated with academic failure for girls; however disturbing behavioural disorders are excessively found in boys. Anxiety symptoms have been presented to be a significant reason for academic disappointment also among boys and the comparative power of anxiety against disturbing behaviour could be an interpreter of academic failure of both girls and boys (Sharma and Pandey, 2017). Even so, excessive anxiety can be the result of underprivileged academic performance. It can similarly be itself the reason for anxiety, low concentration, low self-esteem, poor memory and additional affective symptoms, therefore forming a self-maintaining sequence.

According to (Kessler et al. 1994), the connection between anxiety and educational attainment is bi-directional and complex in nature. Anxiety disorders are a responsible element for inferior educational attainment and premature dropout. Additionally, there are strong relations between scholastic performance and self-esteem. Another vital control concerns some psychological-emotional phases that seem to be involved in the causes shown by the children and young adults with dyslexia who decided to not go to school or university because of facing lower self-esteem, motivation and anxiety. Previous research showed that anxiety is greatly connected with both learning infirmities and higher intelligence and proposed to be an obstruction to educational performance and attainment in measure due to the great levels of tension and nervousness when performing in-class presentations. Internalizing difficulties including depression and anxiety raise the risk of poor performance in grade and premature school leaving. Externalizing problems comprising behavior disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a great impact on the mental health of children resulting in poor educational performances (Alkhalaf, 2018). Mental health disorders and psychological stress have an emotional impact on the achievements in academic life, the scholastic career and the reasoning skills of the affected young people and children. Anxiety disorders can cause a repeat of grade as well as quitting school prematurely; therefore, mental illness and anxiety disorders can raise the risk of illiteracy and unemployment. Additionally, mental health complications are connected with poorer quality that is related to the health of life, complications in relation to students and teachers, and an amplified possibility of being mistreated or tormented by other students and rejection. Mental illness, especially anxiety, causes untiring fears of circumstances relating to interaction with others, performance or conditions in which there are possibilities for negative assessment by others. Distress is an unfavourable condition of mind with several psychological signs such as being restless, tired, afraid, irritable and worried. Children who have suffered from anxiety usually fear various social circumstances such as school presentations (felt anxious while speaking in front of other students) (Ibrahim 2020). Students with anxiety and mental disorders are at the extreme risk of dropping out of school and universities while the other causes of leaving school prematurely are the fear of being bullied (or have been bullied) and speaking in front of other students.

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2.3 Theory and Models

Various psychological theories and models were used by researchers to the effect of anxiety disorder. The main psychological theories and models are intolerance of uncertainty theory, emotional dysregulation model, cognitive avoidance theory and metacognitive model. Analyzing these theories and models helps to understand the impact of anxiety of children in academic achievements and can recommend preferable treatments.

Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) has been described as the unorganized features that outcomes from a series of destructive opinions about insecurity and its allegations and consist of the affinity to respond adversely on a cognitive, emotional and behavioural measure to unreliable circumstances and actions (Azizand Tariq, 2019). The Intolerance of uncertainty theory has been connected principally (empirically and conceptually) with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

The Emotion Dysregulation Model of Anxiety (EDMA) assumes that the dysregulation of emotion is the contrivance through which unpredictable (behavioural inhibition) and "emotion parenting variables" associate with anxiety (Schraegle and Titus, 2017). Emotion dysregulation entirely interceded the connection between anxiety and behavioural inhibition and moderately interceded the connection between anxiety and the family emotional environment.

2.4 Concept of DV and IV

Variables are used to perform the experimental investigations. In an experiment, DV or dependent variable is the variable that can be tested as well as measured or observed. DV is dependable on the independent variable or IV. DV can be affected by the IV. Therefore, the term dependent is used as its value is dependent on the condition of IV.

The independent variable is the variable that can be changed by the experimenter. The dependent variable is directly affected by the independent variable. IV can be manipulated to know how a particular thing in an experiment is affected by this (Schaeffer et al. 2018).

The subject of this dissertation is "ANXIETY IN YOUNG CHILDREN AND HOW IT AFFECTS EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTS" (Battagliaet al. 2017). Here the dependent variable is the educational attainments as this is dependent on the condition of anxiety in young children and the independent variable is an anxiety disorder in young children that can be manipulated to know its effect on the academic life of children.

2.5 Gap of Literature

The main limitation of this research is that the whole report is based on secondary research. The information was limited to explore all the perspectives of anxiety. It is not possible to include a complete evaluation of several possible symptoms of emotional and behavioral distractions such as mood disorders. It is essential to conduct self-report information as this is an important part to identify the measure of anxiety in children and its impact on the study. It is also important to understand the relationship between anxious children and their socio-economic background. To correctly understand the anxiety in young children and its impact on academic life, longitudinal data are required.

2.6 Conclusion

Anxiety in children can negatively impact various perspectives, especially on academic life, success in school's activities as anxious children are self-absorbed and self-concentrated. Therefore, the maximum amount of their ability that can be used in the learning procedure and help to improve their academic progression are misused and resulting in detrimental consequences. Additionally, anxiety by impeding control of concentration and attention can greatly impact functioning memory length and sensitive intelligence subsequently encourages incompetence and failure in the education and learning procedure. Consulting with a psychiatrist or psychologist is an excellent choice to reduce this unfavorable condition. But teachers and family members can be the most important part of the therapeutic progression and they should be taught about the anxiety in children as well as its effects on the learning procedures of children. It is essential for both the family members and teachers to understand the mental condition of anxious children and excellently support them to deal with the psychological and social challenges that help them to improve their skills (improving concentration power, reducing restlessness and fear etc.) thus making an improvement not only in academic life but also mental and physical health.


Chapter 3: Research methodology

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology is the technique that helps to identify, sort out, process, understand and analyze data about a particular topic. In this section of a research paper, the researcher emphasizes the critical evolution of the research work, its entire reliability and validity. This is the section where the researcher allows the reader to understand the systematic design of the research (Rodriguezet al. 2020). The choice of design should be justified in this chapter as the researcher demonstrates here the chosen methods and processes that are the most accurate fit for the aims and objectives of the research. This study is based on a secondary research method or desk research that conducts research by using existing information. Existing information is collected and summarized to increase the effectiveness of the research topic.

3.2 Research philosophy

Research philosophy is an acceptance of the method in which information and data about a situation should be assembled, examined, investigated and used. Positivism (scientific) observes the interpretation that simply "truthful" information or knowledge increased with the observation (the senses), containing dimension, is dependable. In positivism, the character of the researcher is only limited to the collection of information and explanation in an independent method (Kaur and Chawla, 2018). Detections of the research are generally quantifiable and observable in this case. Predictions can be based on observing and explaining previous research works. Positivism mainly depends on the observations that are measurable and based on statistical analysis.

3.3 Research approach

The research approach that is performed here is deductive. The deductive research approach is generally associated with scientific analysis and investigations. Here, information and data are collected from various research papers that other researchers have done based on this topic, to understand the existing theories and models related to the subject. After that, a hypothesis can emerge from the theories that help to improvised current research (Battagliaet al. 2017). Here, several research papers and books related to anxiety in children and how it hampers educational life can be properly studied and data are analyzed to develop the current paper.

3.4 Research methods

This research is conducted with the mono method. The Mono method includes only one method while conducting the research. In this research method, journals, books, case studies, previous research papers as well as archive research and surveys are the major resources to conduct the study. The main drawback of this method is that it is unable to make quantitative predictions. Besides this, because of its necessities of scholar and own immersion, the information collected is mostly overwhelmed with idiosyncrasies and biases.

3.5 Research design

The research design followed here is experimental design. Experimental research depends on mainly statistical analysis to verify or invalidate a hypothesis, creating it the most perfect form of exploration and research (Schracket al. 2021). The cause-effect relationship in a collection can be established with this research design. In the experimental research design, the three aspects require to be fulfilled. They are the experimental group (can be involved in altered variables) and the control group (non-variables). Presence of independent variables can be altered by the researchers and random distribution help to emphasize this study.

3.6 Research technique

Research techniques include methods, strategies and processes that are used to collect data or information for analysis and uncovering new information that help to create a more accurate result and better recognition of the paper. Quantitative research collects numerical data that can be measured and classified by statistical analysis. It contributes to revealing arrangements or connections, and for creating generalisations. The quantitative research technique comprises surveys for gathering data and measuring opinions, observations, document screening and experiments (Khanguraet al. 2017). Information can be gathered from the previous research study, journals ad short questionnaire seasons can be conducted with affected children, their teachers as well as family members. This information helps to identify the reason more accurately.

3.7 Research strategy

The evidence-based research strategy has been used in order to complete this research. The journals which contain a detailed analysis of the accounts of the students, as well as the parents, will be taken as a part of evidence-based analysis for this research (Maqbool and Ganai, 2019). The interviews of each of them will be noted and will be analyzed in order to get a detailed idea of the broader picture. Along with this, the interviews of the teacher will be also used for the analysis and interpreting of the data. Other than these the accounts of the sociology and educationist will also be considered to be quite a treasure for the completion of this research.

3.8 Data collection method

The secondary data will be collected for the purpose of the research. The secondary data will consist of various journals, online articles and information available on the websites (Pandey and Dubey, 2020). The traditional snowball sampling technique is used in order to collect the relevant journal for this research. Forcibly some general will be collected and the keywords will be sorted out of them. This keyword will be used in order to retrieve the journals aligned to this research topic. The journals which are published after the year 2017 will be retrieved from the peer-reviewed databases. This will be quite helpful as it maintains the updated standard of the research as well as maintaining the data accuracy.

3.9 Research ethics

The Research Ethics of the secondary research is based on the proper following of different earlier published papers and the published journal to be properly conducted within the research. This type of secondary data Analysis is not corresponding with any type of participant as well as direct Interview method for the data collection prospect. This type of study is particularly conducted by the following of earlier published journals and the public health report To proper completion of the study (Alkhalaf 2018). Any type of report without proper References or any random report of Public Health will not be accepted to the resource of this particular study. This type of source of information will delete the entire work and not successfully complete all the relevant areas.

3.10 Research limitations

Any of the research does not fulfill their entire estimated objective If as well as other areas to properly conduct the research work. This type of complication particularly arises due to limited resources and the limited time period available for conducting the entire research. In the same perspective, this research is also limited due to Limited resources about the children's anxiety and their complication to attain educational attainment. Decide that the most important limitation of such type of study is based on the fact that the individual is not willing to share their personal data in this category (Mammarellaet al. 2018). Rather they are not interested to reveal their data about different types of public methods to properly construct their study approach.

3.11 Conclusion

Research methodology is the section where the entire process of conducting research can be described. This research is conducted with secondary data analysis where several journals and research papers have been read and a large amount of data can be selected, summarized and analyzed to increase the effectiveness of this paper. Positivism means to analyse information scientifically that improves the accuracy of research work. The deductive research approach and the mono method allows the researcher to read and understand existing papers on this topic and summarize a huge amount of information in it. This paper becomes more effective through the use of accurate research techniques that excellently fit the research aims and objectives.

Chapter 4: Findings and analysis

4.1 Introduction

The inception of data analysis and findings are considered to be the response that has been devised based on the suitable incorporation of the method and their collateral significance. The specification of this chapter is implicative to acknowledge the information that is collaborative with the necessary understanding of the critics and colloquial thoughts being explored with distinct thoughts about the subject matter (Mohammadiniaet al. 2019). The precision of knowledge regarding data analysis and the correspondence is based upon the research and integrative findings from previous studies which not only give a view to exact issues being observed with anxiety disorder among young children as well as in adolescent individuals and the corresponding impact on their proper study attainment but also admonishes the gap that is critically raised within the findings and predominantly denotes the establishment of the current research. This chapter enhances the observatory goal of the research and suitably contributes to post identification of the evidence that has served the understanding with meticulous thought adheres to the issues and their collateral impact (De Pasqualeet al. 2021). Thus, it can be stated that this chapter is well established based on several factors that help in identifying the effects of anxiety on the children and the predisposition of thoughts directing their study performance.

4.2 Secondary Data Analysis

The contribution of secondary data in research helps in understanding and accomplishing the information that is pre-existing based on previous studies with thorough investigation and analysis. The secondary method of data analysis not only deduces the idea about extraction of proper data but also signifies the appreciative thoughts of the authors which are denoted in their studies. In this current research, the presentation of secondary data from existing literature has presented several pieces of information about the psychological disorders, especially anxiety disorder and depression which sometimes show their association with other disorders like a mood swing (Geist, 2019). It has been observed that this association induces a direct impact on young children and adolescents with a corresponding effect on social well-being, development and is mostly admissible to impairment in their academic attainment. Thus, the proper understanding of this chapter is inductive with secondary data which gives a clear view of previous authors' findings and their opinions and collaterally attends to the major gaps in their studies that have promoted further investigation.

The primary findings from the research conducted by (Masiet al. 2001) show a distinct connection between anxiety and depression that has promoted poor academic records among children. Anxiety and depression go interchangeably with each other which promotes an understanding of how both the psychological factors have affected the young fellows in every possible way, however, the severe effect has been acknowledged in their academic attainment. The critical analysis shows an intermittent idea with a characteristic observation about anxiety disorder as a phase that begins at a very young age, preferably between the ages 9-16 years. The continuation of these characteristics is prevalent to certain age groups from childhood to adolescence that cause major gaps in their proper socializing and functioning. The simultaneous observation of their academic record has promoted the understanding about debility in children as well as among the young people due to high stress, anxiety, and depression which not only amplified the test-related concern but imposes a threat to the proper functioning and brainstorming the ideas, decision-making process, and memory (Ghatol, 2017). Further, the enhancement shows maximum effect based on age base related to the trait of anxiety that perceives with negative impact directly to academic performance that specifically shows demonization in studies.

The next understanding of the study presented by (Colbert et al. 1982) shows a trace of anxiety among children with the most critical impact that continues to elevate at a heightened level that is considered to be the most certain case with other psychological issues, nevertheless the typical inconsistency present with predictable dominance with the disorders. The additional effect of anxiety has created a perception with an associative dilemma related to other psychiatric problems such as bipolar, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and mood disorder. The potential effect of anxiety has not only induced a mark upon social growth and development but also created an impact on their proper functioning that mainly adheres to academic performance and the decision-making process. The indecisive pattern of thoughts about mentoring skills and interpretation of ideas is a clear inconsistency in meeting proper academic goals that are deduced in this study (Ibrahim, 2020). The academic evaluation that has been rephrased in this study shows negative effects on the study approach, effective development of skills, and deterioration of social abilities. The symptoms related to anxiety have a direct connection to memory weakening and predictable impairment in cognition that shows positive deterioration in academic achievements. Further, it shows a direct contribution with low performance in the school and disappointments among children for their marks and also the fear of being scolded by their parents. The anxiety disorder is often conceived as a prior contribution of certain factors which promote impulsive thoughts among children which clearly identifies external as well as internal matters and thus shows a direct impact on their growth and development. The cause of anxiety shows a real problem in academic attainment which deliberately imposes a severe impact upon mentoring academic skills among young children which thereby induces pressure and stress from families and teachers (Kaurand Chawla, 2018). This not only impairs the resilience of the young individuals but also induces conflict with their parents, families, and teachers. Moreover, stress and anxiety show underprivileged results based on academic performance and grows more prominent with low concentration, low self-esteem, poor memory, and other affective symptoms that are implicative to lack of self-maintaining sequence.

The significance of the study conducted by (Kessler et al. 1994) has been analyzed where the interpretivism shows a relation between anxiety among young children and its impact on education as a bidirectional yet complex process. This accomplishment promotes certain debates among several researchers that explain the extremities of this interrelation and also reveals that there may be or may not be any connection between anxiety and proper educational attainment. However, recent understanding has at least found it explicitly with the research which shows that there is a significant connection between anxiety among young children and their proper educational performance (Kayaniet al. 2020). The consideration of previous research shows relevance with an anxiety disorder that greatly affects learning infirmities and severed the intelligence scale with many obstructions, hence induces poor educational performance as well as attainment because of stress and nervousness when attending the in-class presentation.

The elaboration and specification of iterative thoughts with proper analysis of previous studies and their discussion in this study show a connection in the major finding of goals about interpreting the issues regarding anxiety disorder and its effect on young children (Khanguraet al. 2019). The findings mainly acknowledge the significance of achieving profuse ideas about this psychological entity has affected the social as well as functional skills of young individuals and outlines the major thoughts of several researchers that have induced their distinct thoughts with collateral discussion. Further understanding has been promoted through understanding the theories which were briefly denoted in the second chapter of this study. The theories mainly specify the psychological views and perceptions of the researchers that come to outline the implications of anxiety disorder. Overall, the analysis has shown an aversive state of motivation that directly identifies the certainty of anxiety based on different situations where the level is heightened with the stress factor. It mainly prevents the person from meeting their goals in life and impairs their thoughts and behavior thus resulting in unwanted results (Mammarellaet al. 2018). The critical notes from this discussion based on the findings and result of secondary data have induced abrasive thoughts which have marked the approach relevant to an intuitive understanding of the research.

4.3 Conclusion

The summative interpretation of the chapter has promoted intriguing thoughts based on current findings which show a distinct relation between the anxious attitude of young children and its impact on their study. The creation of epiphany while justifying the matter promotes a great understanding of the outcome where certain conflict has been raised from the cross-findings of information about the issues concerning psychological disturbance among children. In one of the studies, it has been ascertained that the connection between anxiety and educational performance is a bidirectional yet complex process. However, in the later section, the accomplishment of information about the association of other disorders with anxiety shows an interrelation with certain aberration adheres to social, behavioral, and functional attainment. The attainment of functional goals is one of the basics of educational growth and skills development. Thus, the discussion that is promoted in this chapter induces qualitative yet descriptive analysis of the information while bridging elements to justify the findings.

Chapter 5: Recommendations and conclusion

5.1 Introduction

The introductory note of the study shows real concern about the academic record of young individuals and deliberately induces a connection with anxiety disorder as well as other psychological issues (Maqbooland Ganai, 2019). The promotion of knowledge based on the information devised through academic research has distinctly deduced the thought about interdisciplinary goals and their proper attendance through study material handling and their interpretation. 

5.2 Linking with objectives

The critical approach to linking the objectives that have been accomplished with the consideration of the research aim gives certain credentials about knowledge promotion and its basic adherence to typical psychological research (Mohammadiniaet al. 2019). The objectives that have been identified to proper accomplishment of this study show collaboration between anxiety and growth factor of children which reveal serious consequences related to their social, behavioral, and functional development. The first objective which identifies the impact of anxiety on young children gives a brief and distinct view of the inferential from the information revealed with the contribution of existing literature. The proper linking of the second objective has revealed the obnoxious facts related to anxiety and the impact prevalent in children's life. The view to this objective shows an interconnection with the thoughts of other researchers that have correlated their ideas with the distinct application of theories and models. The discussion about educational attainment among children with certain levels of anxiety is another testament that has been identified as one of the objectives in this study (Pandey and Dubey, 2020). It not only elaborates about anxiety disorder but relates the understanding with educational goals of children that shows severe interruption in attainment.

5.3 Recommendation

The consideration for a recommended strategy that can be adopted to promote indignation about anxiety disorder among children and the typical interruption in proper study attainment can be elaborated with certain perceptions about research approach, intermediary role of government, and the necessary counseling (if possible) in accordance to parental and teacher guidance. Thus, the typical achievement of recommended strategies to reduce the anxiety effect on young children can be administered as follows:

  • Deep meditation and practicing on deep breaths
  • Openness during counseling
  • A sudden movement in young children with rational thoughts and creation
  • Focus on positive aspects related to studies and keep a record on a gratitude journal

5.4 Future scope

The critical understanding of the prospect from the study gives a distinct view of the approach that has been applied in this study and the gap introduced from the overall analysis. The main interpretation of the current study is based on qualitative research of existing literature and gives a note on further identification of relevant information with a furtive glance on the matter with more practical interpretation apart from theoretical perception.

5.5 Conclusion

The secondary data analysis gives clear knowledge with decisive results based on qualitative research and productive accomplishment. With the approach, the understanding about findings and their effective discussion has been associated with the academic exploration of ideas and critics being devised by several researchers that not only induce an insight about psychological disorders and their impact on young individuals but also insist on deeming the promotion of knowledge about the aspects related to these issues.

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