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Question 1. Analysis of the various factors that impact the structuring and organization of study for students
In today’s time, many factors affect the study and concentration of students in various ways and make it challenging for them to study. Some of them are discussed below:
Time Management
Time management is crucial for students to organize their study schedules more effectively and learn more efficiently. Managing their time will help the students to make the best use and benefit most of the time (Baber, 2020). This also supports the students not only in finishing their assignments but also with a higher quality and standard. Time management can also surely relieve the stresses that students may face due to the work pressure in less time duration and also by not completing the assignment by the provided time just like the real-life example when the students come to study after a break between the study their efficiency increases and they learn and remember things more effectively.
There are a lot of various time management and scheduling techniques that students can use for their time management as a great tool and can customize it with their aspects, personalities, and study load. One of the major goals of time management is to enable students to plan their time and studies more effectively and study more efficiently and avoid making any sort of mistake while studying or doing any sort of work or assignments. This also helps them to maintain the quality of their work, assignments, and studies. Students must also manage their time more realistically so that they cannot overload themselves with excessive work and get stressed by the unrealistic expectations they have set for themselves.
![Matrix of Urgent and Important Tasks Matrix of Urgent and Important Tasks]()
The students have a huge chance to face a various number of tasks that all vary in importance according to the student for that particular job (Bruggeman et al. 2021). Students should prioritize their work to reduce and avoid the conflicts of the works in the meantime and get stressed over it. Primarily the students have to understand the difference between important and urgent tasks. Important tasks are those that consist of some tasks that have a result that will lead them to accomplish their goals but will not get affected by the passing of time. But the tasks that are considered urgent are mostly the important tasks but are affected by the passing of time.
Creating and maintaining a to-do list can benefit the students in many ways starting from helping them to scheduling their work, managing their time, deciding the urgent and important tasks, and managing the work more efficiently. In this technique, the students have to list all their tasks based on their daily tasks and categorize those tasks as per their importance and urgent levels break the big tasks into different smaller parts, and accomplish them more effectively (Dantas and Cunha, 2020). This technique will let them recognize the urgent tasks and complete them before the not-so-important tasks.
Question 2. Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of a learning theory
The process of learning can be defined as the acquiring of knowledge or any sort of skill that helps the students to discover their selves, something new, and be able to do the stuff they have just dreamt of and have never done before. It is also mainly processed as the things to do with the thoughts and the senses. It is considered an active process that can be transferred and developed with knowledge and practice.
Students must know their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) and also concerning their studies which will eventually focus on their development. By becoming aware of their strengths and opportunities they can make use of their strengths to grab the opportunities more effectively and also increase their strengths to overcome their weaknesses and conquer the threats. After that, the students should also be aware of their weaknesses and the threat they are getting possessed of. This understanding will help them conquer their weaknesses and threats using their strengths and opportunities (Ellis et al. 2020). By identifying and reducing their weaknesses they can easily concentrate more and study more effectively and perform more efficiently. That will also let them learn new subjects and skills faster than the students who don’t follow these steps which will keep them a step ahead in the competition. The SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis of the students is listed below:
The strengths will consist of the skills in which the students are good, what are the skills that give them recognition in public, and what are the things that make them proud of themselves, and what are the knowledge and skills they have which make them different from other students.
Weaknesses are the skills and things they feel shy or insecure about sharing with others, the things that make them under confident, skills that have no use and are not helping them in any way to improve themselves, things that are holding them from standing out different and confident in public and the skills that they are being unable to master after practicing it for a dozen times.
Opportunities are mainly considered as the steps or practices that will enable the students to maximize their strengths using them and develop new opportunities for them to level up and improve themselves in all fields (Esra and Sevilen, 2021). These are also considered as the practices to reduce weaknesses and up-skill and develop new skills.
These are the weaknesses that are unable for students to be identified and if identified cannot be changed or is difficult to improvise. This can also be referred to as the challenges and the setbacks that the students face and find difficult to conquer.
Experiential Learning
![Kolbs Learning Cycle Kolbs Learning Cycle]()
This learning style is influenced by the experiences a student gets by facing challenges solving problems and taking action against difficulties and tasks. This method is efficiently explained in Kolb’s Learning Cycle in 1975 (Leithwood et al. 2020). The cycle developed by Kolb is a crucial concept of the progression of students in higher studies and learning how to make use of the skills they have acquired on the road to develop themselves and achieve the success they want and deserve. This cycle has four stages those are:
Act as per the challenges.
Reflect on the practices to conquer the challenges.
Conclude with the improvements.
Apply the practices.
Question 3. Statement of indicating the practical and realistic strategies addressing the learning weaknesses
After the completion of the SWOT analysis, the students have identified their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Idkhan and Idris, 2021). Now they must conquer the weaknesses and develop strategies to overcome the challenges.
Reflection is an important method for improving th? quality and depth of student learning by moving individuals from m?r? ?xp?ri?nc? to compr?h?nsiv? understanding. By using prompts such as "What could you do better next time?” Learners take past ?xp?ri?nc?, conn?ct it to th? pr?s?nt, and chart a path to future improv?m?nt. This r?fl?ctiv? ?x?rcis? h?lps to conn?ct previous learning moments with the current l?v?l of knowledge and lays th? foundation for charting a path to future improv?m?nt and growth.
So what?
Reflection involves making s?ns?, building on knowledge gained, and planning for continued learning to improve performance. Through an r?fl?ctiv? process, individuals take inventory of ?xisting knowledge, identify learning gaps, and ?valuat? how new knowledge contributes to ?xisting understanding (Long and Gummelt, 2020). It is a systematic approach to understanding, evaluating, and synthesizing information. Th? goal is to build on th? knowledge gained over time. Through r?fl?ctiv? practice, learners systematically take inventory of ?xisting knowledge and identify gaps and ar?as that require furth?r investigation.
What now?
?ff?ctiv? s?lf-r?fl?ction requires an individual to break fr?? from habits, perceptions, and assumptions and objectively assess th? situation. This objective allows for prioritization, strategic planning, monitoring processes, and adjusting strategy. The evaluating milestones and outcomes allow individuals to gain insight into th?ir progr?ss and mak? informed decisions about th? ?ff?ctiv?n?ss of th?ir strategies (Morris, 2020). Finally, this increased objectivity supports flexibility to adjust strategies as n??d?d, ensuring adaptability and continued growth. Essentially, th? "what now" phas? uses th? insights gained from reflection to mak? decisions, refine strategies, and guide future actions with a mor? focus?d and objective mindset.
Question 4. Evaluation of two learning theories
Behaviorist Learning Theory
Behaviorism mainly concentrates on “classical conditioning” and “operant conditioning” as a method or support to acquire knowledge and skills or change behavior. The two most famous researchers in the sector of psychology are Pavlov (1927) and Skinner (1948). Both of them have conducted research on animals for the presentation of the work process of classical and operant conditioning (Sadeghi, 2019). This theory of behavioral learning is a part of the study in psychology in which the students learn about the learning of people through their interactions with their surroundings and different kinds of people. Thai theory is mainly based on the concept that the behaviors any individual acquires depend on their conditioning from the rewards and the punishments they receive as per their acts and knowledge.
In this research, Pavlov’s dog salivated on a bell and Skinner’s rats were pressed levers for food. When the conditioning principles were being presented the animals that were used as subjects for the research had different cognitive capacities and surroundings as compared to humans. Firstly the dogs and the rats were acting on their instinct and survival conditioning whereas the behavior of the humans is very different from theirs they react in a very complicated manner with logical reasoning’s, emotions, and the social and environmental factors that play a crucial role. Simply rewarding or giving punishment to the humans will not give the similar responses as of the animals (Iglesias et al. 2021). Humans have very different traits, learning methods, behaviors, and abilities when compared with the animals used in the research. This results in the research done based on animals and their psychology can never fully imitate the psychology of humans, there will be some limitations and differences in both.
Learning Styles
The research in the field of learning styles has been linked with the research of Honey and Mumford in 1982. Both of them discovered that learning and its styles are classified into four different phases as per Kolb’s Learning Cycle.
The four learning styles according to Honey and Mumford are:
These are the learners who prefer to learn by doing things by themselves and practicing. These learners get very excited and happy about doing new things and discovering new things in different situations (Triono et al. 2020). But sometimes they might proceed to act having insufficient preparation and knowledge which can be proved to be an impulsive decision for them.
Reflectors are the learners who are more cautious and prefer to do things and proceed with their actions with some sort of planning and thinking before they take any kind of action. These types of learners are very good listeners and take the information positively and think about it thoroughly. Moreover, they might get a little slow in reaching their destinations and making their decisions and can get uneasy or uncertain sometimes.
Theorist learners are the learners who are very much interested in the logic behind the things they perform or happen in real life. These learners are very good at asking logical questions identifying the problems and backing them with great logic. These people are intolerant major of the time and are impatient with their actions and their learning process.
These types of learners are very practical and always adapt the practical and more logical ways to learn and perform their actions. Mostly they provide theories or actions that are applied in real life. These people are very good at learning new things and always getting straight to the topic without wasting any time. But sometimes these learners might not be interested in theoretical or conceptual things.
Baber, H., 2020. Determinants of students’ perceived learning outcome and satisfaction in online learning during the pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Education and e-learning Research, 7(3), pp.285-292.
Bruggeman, B., Tondeur, J., Struyven, K., Pynoo, B., Garone, A. and Vanslambrouck, S., 2021. Experts speaking: Crucial teacher attributes for implementing blended learning in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 48, p.100772.
Dantas, L.A. and Cunha, A., 2020. An integrative debate on learning styles and the learning process. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2(1), p.100017.
Ellis, R., Skehan, P., Li, S., Shintani, N. and Lambert, C., 2020. Task-based language teaching: Theory and practice. Cambridge University Press.
Esra, M.E.?.E. and Sevilen, Ç., 2021. Factors influencing EFL students’ motivation in online learning: A qualitative case study. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(1), pp.11-22.
Idkhan, A.M. and Idris, M.M., 2021. Dimensions of students learning styles at the university with the kolb learning model. International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education, 3(2), pp.75-82.
Iglesias-Pradas, S., Hernández-García, Á., Chaparro-Peláez, J. and Prieto, J.L., 2021. Emergency remote teaching and students’ academic performance in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study. Computers in human behavior, 119, p.106713.
Leithwood, K., Sun, J. and Schumacker, R., 2020. How school leadership influences student learning: A test of “The four paths model”. Educational Administration Quarterly, 56(4), pp.570-599.
Long, E.M. and Gummelt, G., 2020. Experiential service learning: Building skills and sensitivity with Kolb’s learning theory. Gerontology & geriatrics education, 41(2), pp.219-232.
Morris, T.H., 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. Interactive learning environments, 28(8), pp.1064-1077.
Sadeghi, M., 2019. A shift from classroom to distance learning: Advantages and limitations. International Journal of Research in English Education, 4(1), pp.80-88.
Triono, M.A.A., Harahap, S.C. and Sihombing, H., 2020. Identification Finance Students Learning Style through Honey and Mumford Theory in Disruptive Era.
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