Alcohol Effects On Pregnant Women Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Effects That Alcohol Causes On Pregnant Women

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1. Rationale


In the country of UK alcohol causes dangerous effects on pregnant women. The topic can evaluate the efficacy of the affected woman from alcohol consumption. Alcohol is not safe for pregnant women when they are in 3 months stage of pregnancy. However, it is also harmful to drink alcohol anytime during the pregnancy stage. It increases the baby’s risk of developing stage due to alcohol consumption.


Several challenges are faced by the pregnant women of the country when they use to consume alcohol in their daily life. This is very harmful for their health purpose and they must overcome the challenges for the development aspects of their health. In that case, they must ensure the cause of their health-related disease during pregnancy time (Lim et al, 2019). Too much drink of alcohol can cause the developmental aspect of the baby. It can cause premature birth of the baby which is very dangerous for their health. Besides that, the baby can get low birth weight for the alcohol consumption regularly of pregnant women. It can also affect the mental health disease of the woman and also the newborn baby. In this condition, “birth defects” and “developmental disabilities” can also occur in newborn babies. The affected condition is known as “Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)”. They must overcome the challenges for the development of their health during pregnancy period and they also must reduce alcohol consumption in their everyday life.

In the affected condition the young aged (18-30 years old) pregnant woman can usually be affected by the alcohol consumption cause. They usually do not take the pregnancy aspect seriously so they take alcohol in their daily life without any hesitation. The effectiveness of alcohol consumption can also hamper their mental and physical health (Schölin et al. 2021). In that case, they must be affected by other several diseases and could not overcome these diseases easily.

  • Cause: Alcohol consumption causes mental and physical health-related problems in the pregnant woman. They must overcome their health-related disease so that they realize the effect of alcohol consumption in their daily life basis. It is very helpful to reduce the consumption of alcohol in their daily life so that their newborn baby’s health is also safe and secure (Howlett et al, 2019). The ratio of alcohol consumption among pregnant women in the country of UK must have to reduce very effectively so that the upcoming generation must be helpful with their mental and physical health-related issues.
  • Effect: Alcohol consumption is affected the mental and also physical health condition of the pregnant women of the community so they must not take alcohol in their pregnancy period. It is also very harmful to the newborn baby for their developmental status (Iranpour et al, 2019). Alcohol consumption may affect the community aspects of the country. In that case, the concept of the birth aspects can evaluate the efficacy of the effect of alcohol consumption.
  • Solution: The best solution to reduce the rate of alcohol consumption among pregnant women is naturally evaluate the developmental status of the newborn baby. In that case, they must take effective solutions for their health-related issues and also they must avoid drinking alcohol in their daily life during pregnancy period.

2. Information from websites

The aspects of alcohol consumption by pregnant women can evaluate easily on the website. The rate of alcohol-consuming pregnant women is increasing day after day and it is very harmful for the mental and physical health of the pregnant woman. In that case, the effectiveness of alcohol consumption is evaluated by the efficacy control method (Thom et al, 2020). Pregnant women who are taken alcohol in their daily life, they must reduce the consumption aspects of alcohol for their health-related issues and also for their newborn babies.

The interesting information taken from the website is “fetal alcohol syndrome”. Heavy drinkers have a huge risk of giving birth to a baby who has “fetal alcohol syndrome" so they must avoid drinking alcohol on a daily life basis. It can also affect the mental health condition of the pregnant woman. It can raise the syndrome of the babies for the harmful effect on their health (MedlinePlus, 2023). To prevent “fetal alcohol syndrome” every pregnant woman must have to avoid drinking alcohol in their everyday life.

Pregnant women with “alcoholism” should join an “alcohol abuse rehabilitation program” which must be affected by the effective causes of alcohol consumption in their daily life basis. The mental healthcare service also can evaluate the effective strategies of organizational control (Day et al, 2022). They must obey the rules and regulations of the government of the country so that they are most affected in their effective situation.

  • Cdc, 2023

The alcohol consumption ratio of pregnant women in the country must have to reduce the efficacy of drinking alcohol. They must evaluate several diseases in their life for the alcohol consumption ratio (Cdc, 2023). They should maintain their health-related condition to evaluate the efficacy of quality control aspects. It can affect “liver disease”, “breast cancer”, and “Sexual violence” and also it creates a huge impact on the brain and heart of pregnant women. The lower level of consumption may evaluate the efficacy of quality control aspects of the health-related disease. The effectiveness can control the health problems of the pregnant woman effectively.

The interesting part that can be found on the chosen website is “Binge drinking”. “Binge drinking” is a serious health problem for pregnant women in the country but it is a "preventable public health problem". It can evaluate the efficacy of quality control aspects of the health-related problems of pregnant women (Ventura-Cots et al, 2019). However “Binge drinking” is harmful for everyone on its own. It can also associate with serious injuries and harmful diseases among pregnant women in the country. The related aspect of the susceptible method can regulate negatively health-related disease. The differentiation can evaluate alcohol consumption very effectively.

On the website, the study cannot evaluate the related aspects of the harmfulness of alcohol consumption by pregnant women. The related aspects can evaluate by the study so that it easily recognizes the efficacy of alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman. The effectiveness can control by the evaluation gap of the health-related aspects of the pregnant woman of the country. Thus, they must develop their health problems properly.

  • Drinkaware, 2023

In the country, low-risk drinking aspects can evaluate the efficacy of the quality control aspects. As per the advice of NHS risk management can evaluate the aspects of drinking alcohol for the first three months of pregnancy period of the woman can be very harmful to their health and also to the newborn baby. At that time, they can evaluate the efficacy of the drinking alcohol aspects of the women.

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The interesting part which can find on the website is “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)”. It must be evaluated by the segmental aspects of the organization sector of health sectors. Every pregnant woman must avoid drinking alcohol in health-related aspects (Drinkaware, 2023). The pregnant woman can evaluate the efficacy control method with consult with qualified doctors and thus they can develop their health problems very effectively.

Drinking a huge amount of alcohol can also cause miscarriage and it can affect the mental health condition of the pregnant woman effectively. In that case, they usually evaluate the health-related aspects of their own. Low birth weight can be measured by the related efficacy of the organizational control of healthcare. It can associate with the developing aspects of the healthcare providers.

3. Information from Books

Lad culture in higher education: Sexism, sexual harassment and violence

This book is relevant to the topic chosen to study as it gives a detailed explanation of the effects of alcohol consumption on women. The study explains alcohol consumption by men in a different context. The effects do not always come from drinking by the women, the pregnancy can be affected by the consumption done by the people surrounding the women.

The book had represented the other side and another way of observing the case of alcohol consumption. The book confronted the topic of “Lad Culture” that is cultured in the universities of the U.K. The ideas about the “Lad Culture” is unknown in the sense that society does not want to talk about such topics. But the theories had slowly come into existence through implementation in higher education. It also discussed certain facts that had been focused on in the context of the behaviour in men that affect the pregnancy journey of women. The “Ladettes” were given by the television programs that discussed the reckless behaviour of the men. It portrayed the “Hedonistic” that describes the heavy drinking that leads to “casual sex”, and also increases domestication over the marriage. All factors highly affect the motherhood who relates the behaviour.

The information given in the book focused on the behaviour of alcohol consumption but did not have given stress the effects on women. The mental condition of the women at that time. The information is to find the effects on women due to the surrounding alcohol consumption.

Maternity and Women's Health Care E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences

The book chosen for the topic is very much relevant as it gives a clear context of the concept of the study of the healthcare issues related to pregnant women. It discussed the whole process of the pregnancy journey of the women.

The book had a very positive effect on the woman who is going to be the first mother. It divided the study into several sub-points and sections that separately describe the information on the particular topic. This particular part had been given in the book described the behaviour of the family culture that affects the women in their pregnancy journey. The book thoroughly discussed women's health practices during the pregnancy period where the consumption of alcohol should be stopped when the child is in the womb of the mother. In one of the sections, the book discussed the eating habits of women that should be maintained while the woman is pregnant. Eating habits get disrupted as the social environment changes with time. The study discussed the impacts of cultural change on women. The care required in the family somehow gets affected the pregnant lady might not continue good health.

The information I was searching in the books was the clear effects of alcohol consumption on women. Due to the rising concern the information about pregnancy food habits and the awareness about nutrition, the mothers stopped consuming alcohol during the crucial phase. However, the study did not provide relevant information.

4. Information from journal articles

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

The study had the objective of identifying the effects of the use of alcohol on women during the critical phase of their life which is pregnancy. Alcohol affects the fetus and the study discusses the effects of that cause on pregnant women. The study focused on the precautionary measures that are required for women who are heavy consumption of alcohol. To identify the alcohol information that is mainly preferred by the women who are regular drinkers. The study helps in the identification of the effects of alcohol when consumed by pregnant women.

The study found the effects of alcohol that many serious facts were highlighted in the context of the study. The study focused on the “Alcohol industry” and their awareness of the fact about pregnancy precautions (Schölin et al. 2021). The study had gone through a survey that made a clear justification of the fact that information that was extracted from the industries of alcohol that helps to find out the relations of motherhood. About 23 industries were surveyed and certain key facts that include the famous industries such as “Drinkaware”, “DrinkWise” etc. were explained thoroughly. The survey included in the study described by the “Public Health websites” that the disorder of “fetal alcohol spectrum occurs”.

Archives of Disease in Childhood

The study focused on understanding the disorders that occur due to reckless drinking during the pregnancy journey. The objectives of the study focus on the identification of the prevalence of diseases and disorders in pregnant women due to alcohol consumption.The study has gone through a detailed discussion about one disorder that had been found more prevalent in pregnant women. The topic focused on understanding the effects other than FASD, which is a disorder that includes “Prenatal Alcohol Neurological Deficits”. It had found in the study that about 5 to 10 per cent of people get affected by alcohol consumption and their baby due to high consumption rates. The consumption highly affects the nutritional balance and the degradation in the health qualities of the women.

The unknown facts were about the other effects of alcohol consumption other than the FASD. the harmful effects of alcohol consumption that are very dangerous for women to have during their period of pregnancy. The study had also gone through the diagnosis of women who are highly affected by alcohol consumption. It also measured the scale of the rate of consumption. It also discussed the problem related to the treatment procedure and the mental illness related to the critical pregnancy that occurs just because of the carelessness of the pregnant women.

The two papers are similar in the fact that both discussed the “fetal alcohol spectrum disorder” very seriously and focused on the effects that are high risk for pregnant women. But the difference is the point that the second article discussed another disorder that highly affects women if they consume alcohol at a high rate (Howlett et al. 2019) The second study had also gone through the effects of alcohol on pregnant women. The topic had \also discussed the importance of stopping alcohol consumption. However, the articles focus on the same reason for the disorders of alcohol consumption. But slightly additional differences can be observed.

Title of intervention papers

Archives of Disease in Childhood

The main findings that were focused in the context were the identification of the disorders related to alcohol consumption. The intervention measures that are required in the prevention of pregnant women from high consumption of alcohol.The study discussed the treatment that provides appropriate precautions for pregnant women that are required in “antenatal” and “postnatal” care (Day & Daly, 2022). In case when the woman comes for the check-ups, the clinician should be familiar with advising the pregnant woman about the bad effects of alcohol consumption.


The main findings of the study deal with the understanding of the alcohol consumption strategies that are required to be stopped by pregnant women. The measures that are discussed in the interventions of the study describe the "Pre-detoxification preparation" of the high consumption of alcohol. The treatment will help the women from creating any other further risks. The effect of regular drinkers staying for a long period might affect the woman very badly along with the child.Both studies are similar as both contexts discuss the high rate of consumption precautions for women.

5. Reflection

“Fetal alcohol syndrome” in newborn baby

In the newborn baby “Fetal alcohol syndrome” is create a huge effect on their health. It may affect the kidney, heart, and also bones of the newborn baby. They also have to face vision problems and hearing loss at an early age. Other neurological problems also occur during this phase of the disease (Blanck-Lubarsch et al, 2019). I think that every pregnant woman should avoid alcohol during their pregnancy stage as it is very helpful for their newborn baby. It is effective for the growth of retardation, and also "Central Nervous System (CNS) abnormalities" so pregnant women should stop to consume alcohol in their daily life.

Benefits and limitations of chosen websites

The information from the website is very helpful for the mental health condition of the newborn baby and also the pregnant woman of the country. From the chosen website I noticed that alcohol consumption is very harmful to the mental and physical health of the pregnant woman and they must avoid consuming alcohol in their everyday life. Alcoholism can affect the health of pregnant women (Kuczy?ska et al, 2021). There are also some limitations of the website about the topic which I noticed. They are such as the effective rules and regulations must be followed by the pregnant women of the country.

Benefits and Limitations of chosen books

The information collected from the chosen books is very helpful for the health purpose of the pregnant woman. The study of the books explains the concept of consuming alcohol by pregnant women in their everyday life (Ventura-Cots et al, 2019). I think it must be harmful to their health-related purpose and they must overcome their health issues properly with the consult with the doctors. It is possible to avoid alcohol consumption in their daily life. The chosen books also have some limitations such as it could not fall an effect on the affective cause of alcohol in newborn babies.

Benefits and challenges of journal articles

The chosen journal articles have huge benefits for the topic. It should mention the effective causes of alcohol consumption in pregnant women’s life. I think that they should avoid alcohol consumption in their daily life so that they overcome their health-related issues properly. Effective challenges come out from the review of the journal articles. The journals have been following the causing effects of consuming alcohol on pregnant women in their everyday life so they have to stop to consume alcohol permanently. It should help to cure their health issues and thus they must overcome their mental and physical health problems.


Pregnant women in the country have to avoid alcohol consumption for their development of health-related aspects. In that case, they must obey basic rules and regulations for health problems. Alcohol consumption may cause in their mental and also physical health aspects so they must overcome their health-related disease and it is also helpful for their newborn babies. The study describes the different articles that describe the effects of alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy. The literature had been studied thoroughly as the measures are very precise given in the context. The articles and the interventions are also discussed that were required in the study.



  • Day, E., & Daly, C. (2022). Clinical management of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome.Addiction,117(3), 804-814.
  • Efstratopoulou, M. (2020). Working with unhappy children who have adverse childhood experiences. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-377
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  • Lowdermilk, D. L., Cashion, M. C., Perry, S. E., Alden, K. R., & Olshansky, E. (2019).Maternity and Women's Health Care E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.,+D.+L.,+Cashion,+M.+C.,+Perry,+S.+E.,+Alden,+K.+R.,+%26+Olshansky,+E.+(2019).+Maternity+and+Women%27s+Health+Care+E-Book.+Elsevier+Health+Sciences.&ots=kPYjdsCGVX&sig=trKCzCiHITXXW56bkSq2RB_WqZI
  • Schölin, L., Mukherjee, R. A., Aiton, N., Blackburn, C., Brown, S., Flemming, K. M., ... & Cook, P. A. (2021). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: an overview of current evidence and activities in the UK.Archives of disease in childhood,106(7), 636-640.


  • Blanck-Lubarsch, M., Dirksen, D., Feldmann, R., Sauerland, C., & Hohoff, A. (2019). Tooth malformations, DMFT index, speech impairment and oral habits in patients with fetal alcohol syndrome. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), 4401.
  • Howlett, H., Mackenzie, S., Strehle, E. M., Rankin, J., & Gray, W. K. (2019). A survey of health care professionals’ knowledge and experience of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and alcohol use in pregnancy.Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health,13, 1179558119838872.
  • Iranpour, A., &Nakhaee, N. (2019). A review of alcohol-related harms: a recent update.Addiction & health,11(2), 129. doi: 10.22122/ahj.v11i2.225
  • Kuczy?ska, J., &Nieradko-Iwanicka, B. (2021). The effect of ketoprofen lysine salt on mucosa of rat stomach after ethyl alcohol intoxication.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,141, 111938.
  • Kuczy?ska, J., &Nieradko-Iwanicka, B. (2021). The effect of ketoprofen lysine salt on the mucosa of rat stomach after ethyl alcohol intoxication. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 141, 111938.
  • Lim, A. W., Van Schalkwyk, M. C., MaaniHessari, N., &Petticrew, M. P. (2019). Pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding, and alcohol consumption: an analysis of framing and completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry–funded organizations.Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs,80(5), 524-533.
  • Thom, B., Herring, R., & Milne, E. (2020). Drinking in pregnancy: Shifting towards the ‘precautionary principle’. Routledge. 10.1186/s12884-015-0506-3
  • Ujhelyi Gomez, K., Goodwin, L., Jackson, L., Jones, A., Chisholm, A., & Rose, A. K. (2021). Are psychosocial interventions effective in reducing alcohol consumption during pregnancy and motherhood? A systematic review and meta?analysis.Addiction,116(7), 1638-1663.
  • Ventura-Cots, M., Ballester-Ferré, M. P., Ravi, S., & Bataller, R. (2019). Public health policies and alcohol-related liver disease. JHEP Reports, 1(5), 403-413.


  • Medlineplus, (2023). Alcohol and pregnancy.
  • Cdc, (2023). Excessive Alcohol Use is a Risk to Women’s Health.
  • Drinkaware, (2023). Alcohol and pregnancy.
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