Affecting The Resource Efficiency In HSBC Bank Assignment Sample

Affecting the Resource Efficiency in HSBC Bank Assignment: Strategies for Improved Operational Performance

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Introduction Of Green Finance Affecting The Resource Efficiency In HSBC Bank

Green finance is one of the important structural financial activities that play a crucial role in ensuring better types of environmental outcomes. It is also found that in recent decades, HSBC invest almost 25 billion in enhancing sustainable finance or green finance activities. Green finance activities mainly help to increase the level of financial flows from different sources of micro-credit facilities, banking, investment and insurance. The key role of this type of sustainable finance or green finance help to manage social risk, environment, and opportunities. Therefore the given report critically explores the impact of using green finance for measuring the resource efficiency for chosen UK banking sectors of HSBC Bank.

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Research objectives

  • To understand the effect of adopting green finance activities by chosen UK leading banking sectors HSBC Bank on reducing “zero net carbon emission”.
  • To discuss the framework of green finance of HSBC Bank for understanding the market change.

Research questions

  1. What is the effect of adopting green finance activities by chosen UK leading banking sector HSBC Bank on reducing “zero net carbon emission”?
  2. What is the framework of green finance of HSBC Bank for understanding the market change?

Research rationale

HSBC takes the initiation of investing in green finance activities to support various projects like electronic vehicles, and renewable energy in different territories of approximately 35 countries. A variety of issues for security purposes for sustainable bonds and green finance issued by HSBC (Grijalvo and García, 2023). HSBC also takes the initiative in 2019 for providing support for different financial activities in Hong Kong.

Therefore it is necessary to understand the features of green finance activities by the HSBC for detecting the impact on resource efficiency. The sustainable finance of HSBC also provides the thoughts of sustainability for innovation and leadership improvements for supporting and enhancing client engagement activities.

Research Importance

The financial flow for the private sector, non-profit sector, and public sector can be easily maintained through the usage of green finance activities. HSBC also takes the initiative to mobilize finance by unlocking the innovation for controlling the continuous increases in temperatures. HSBC also provides support for the different types of carbon-intensive sectors and different regions for investing in “green business models” for future purposes (Dmuchowski et al. 2021). The entire Asset management authority of HSBC critically uses the ESG types of methodology for measuring the sustainability impact of the investments at funds. It is also found that HSBC launched the “Reduced programmer” in 2012 by taking a total of ten ambitions of cutting waste and carbon emissions, using less water, paper and energy (Barua and Aziz, 2022). Covid-19 also have a huge impact that also places a vital role in reducing green finance activities by HSBC. HSBC provides the support to the customers and investors for promoting lower levels of carbon emission. Therefore understanding the green finance activities of HSBC helps to get an insight into resource efficiency management.

Literature review

This is one of the vital chapters that help to understand the effects of resource efficiency management for using green finance for chosen leading banking sectors HSBC banks (Nguyen et al. 2023). The given systematic LR table provides the critical inclusion for understanding how HSBC helps to promote the operation of “net zero carbon emission” by providing green finance products.

Systematic LR table

SL.No Title of Paper Author and Year Aims and key objectives Methodology Key Findings Problem statement
1. Analysis of Green finance growth for Measuring Sustainable Developments Niyazbekova et al. (2021) Aim to discuss the increasing trends in using green finance and its growth for measuring sustainable development growth for financial sectors. The authors' highlight that the “green bond markets” are mainly used for borrowing money for investment in different green projects (Niyazbekova et al. 2021). The authors followed the empirical method based on qualitative comparisons, observations. 1) The continuous changes in climate might affect taking appropriate policies for investors and policymakers. In this context, the assets can be labelled as sustainable or green.

The author also founds that the development model of a green economy helps to establish the relationships between relevant economies and policy objectives for social aspects and environmental aspects. Green finance wants to provide support for enhancing the effectiveness of the policy measurements. The author highlights the increasing trends of using the insurance of green bonds. 3)The continuous development of green finance activities helps to increase the resource efficiency for the financial products of “green labelled bonds”, loans, etc. which helps to mitigate the capital investments for different types of adaptation projects of climate change. 4) The author also develops that HSBC joined in green finance to fulfil the commitments for sustainable investments and financial practices in 2017 for helping in the clean energies, projects, and technologies. HSBC also follows the goals of the UN's sustainable developments and Parris Agreements for promoting investments, and facilitation by 2025. Approximately 52.4 billion amount is invested in developing green investment goals. Therefore, the adoption of green finance critically helps to develop production optimizations and ecological developments through reproducible resources.

The key problem statement faced due to analytical parts of data sources and resources.
2. Systematic review of adopting green finance for the banking sectors of developing country Rahman et al. (2022) The main objective of this given article is to provide a systematic review of understanding the interaction between environmental sustainability and finance. The authors critically follows the secondary methodology by adopting the systematic literature papers. The author's also adopt the search algorithm methods in two steps. First step is selecting and reviewing the relevant articles on the impact of green finance. And second method is the acceptance and selection process of relevant papers. The author finds that the most of developing countries adopt the green finance nowadays. The author critically discuss about the green finance for different types of developing countries. The authors also found that the key goal of adopting green finance is due to protect from climate change, environmental protections, sustainability's and social inclusions. The author also found that adoption of green finance also helps to develop the resources efficiency for different parts of environmental protection, sustainable developments, green bonds, green investments, finance policy, environmental risk etc. Author also found that the adoption of green finance by various banking sectors like HSBC help to protect the banking activities from overcoming the unexpected future issues arising from economic sectors. The main problem from the given paper is that the authors are failed to identified the difficulties raised from the different “green finance products” that are the key parts of the different banking sectors.
3. Analyzing of green finance by undertaking multiple cases for sustainable developments in commercial banks Nguyen et al. (2023) The key objective of the given article was to analyses the main responsibilities taken by the commercial banks of Vietnam for measuring the impact of sustainable developments and climate change by considering green investments. Authors critically follows the primary investigations by collecting the data sets from six commercial banks in Vietnam, which actively used the green finance. The authors critically follows the interpretive research approach and also adopt the grounded theory for analyzing the green finance for the commercial banks. A survey questionaries' made to detect the impact of green finance for selecting six commercial banks and 32 interviews was collected. The authors critically found the key green finance products that helps to develop the green finance activities for the commercial banking sectors. The author also highlights the multiple service and green products of green loans, green credit offered for the customers for purchasing the green products from the partnered enterprises. The author also highlights that the usage of green products also helps to focus for funding from the different sustainable types of supply chains and renewable energies. The collaboration of green finance also helps to provide the credit schemes and green loans to the SME sectors. The author also found that green investments also focus on different types of products of environmental friendly technologies, and renewable energies for supporting the clients of the SMEs. The author also found that the impact of Covid-19 also have a huge impact on the adoption process of green finance for which the local banks and the foreign banks suffered mostly. The authors critically follows the primary survey analysis on the commercial banks. But faced the challenges for collecting the data sources from the senior manager's reviews which leads to information misguidance during the entire research analysis. The big challenges for conducting the primary research is due to finding the policymakers challenges for performing the green-finance activities.
4. Analysis of Current opportunities and situations of developing the green finance in a different state of Hong Kong Luo, (2022) The main objectives of this given paper is to analyses the current positions of adopting the green finance activities in different commercial banks of Hong Kong. The author critically follow the secondary research methodology by following critical reviews from the journals, and systematic papers. The author found that the adoption of green finance helps to develop new era of economic developments and financial improvements for the financial industrial sectors of Hong Kong state. The author also found that the adoption of green finance also helps to increase the financial flows by enhancing the funds by which the environmental resources can be protected. The author critically develops the advantages of practicing the green finance in the financial sectors. The author also found that the debt issues of the Hong Kong from sustainable and green finance increased to 14 billion. The government also provides the support for adopting the sustainable and green finance in 2021. HSBC bank is another popular financial sector that also collaborates with Hong Kong government for providing the support of green finance activities. The author also founds that the adoption of multiple green financial services and products helps to made development of low-carbon and indelible contributions. The authors also found that to develop the adoption process of green finance in Hong Kong, the government also tighten the financial resources.
5. Discussion on the viable tool of green finance for measuring the sustainability Shin, (2019) The main objective of this given paper is to finding relevance of using sustainability tools for analyzing the green finance for different financial sectors. The author critically follows the deductive research approaches based on the secondary data sources from various articles, publications, by following different theoretical approaches. The authors critically follows the articles from 2009-2018. The author critically takes a few high-quality journals to understand the relevance of green finance and its effect on resource managements. The author critically founds the Importance of the environmental protection and resource preservation through adoption of green finance for the financial banking sectors. The author found that the environmental challenges is continuously increasing which is due to the increasing of global warming, and ozone layer depletion, pollutants, and other environmental issues. The author also founds how the adoption of different types of tools helps to develop the products of the green banking activities. The author also found that adoption of green finance critically helps to develop different products like eco-friendly loans, mortgage, CDs, mobile banking, Savings accounts, equity loan, conversion loan for home offices, etc. The author also found that different types of green bonds like asset bonds, profit bonds, green projects, and securitized bonds all help to protect the environmental protection, energy management, FDI aids etc. The author also highlights how HSBC develops multiple banking products for covering the green financial activities in different financial banking sectors. One of the big challenges of the given article is due to secondary resources. The author failed to understand the investors' feelings about the green finance activities in the banking sectors.
6. Green Investment and Financial Services: ESG Investments for a Sustainable World Ng, 2021. The key aim of this study has been to study the extent of green investments and financial services designed over the global financial crisis. The author followed the deductive method and thereby had used several secondary sources to gather information based on which the study has been conducted. The author has assessed various high-quality journals and articles and especially reports of esteemed standard boards to reach conclusions. The author has provided the sight of HSBC to highlight the concepts of green bonds and loans. The author pointed out that a global commercial bank like HSBC has considered several sustainable financing programs to support the pursuance of low-carbon tread. These loans help the business organizations to adapt sustainability strategies to become more eco-friendly. Further, the repayment of such loans are also flexible and moreover, rebate is provided if a certain amount of carbon saving is reached on the percentage of the loan amount each year. The identification of green investment and their impact on global financial services.

Table 1: Systematic LR table

(Source: Self-created in MS Word)

Critical argument on current area

Therefore from the above systematic review analysis table it is critically founded that green finance is one of the necessary tools that help to develop resource efficiency levels for different types of financial products.

Figure 1: Sustainable financial investments of HSBC from 2017-2019

Sustainable financial investments of HSBC from 2017-2019

(Source: Niyazbekova et al. 2021)

HSBC is one of the popular banking sectors in the UK that also develops green finance for fulfilling commitments of sustainable investments and financial practices (Ziolo et al. 2019). HSBC also promotes green finance in a partnership that includes the governments, citizens, and businesses for promoting the banking sectors, financial markets, micro-credit entities, banks investors, insurance companies, public sectors, etc.

Figure 2: Number of adopting green insurance bonds

Number of adopting green insurance bonds

(Source: Niyazbekova et al. 2021)

It is also found that the number of adopting green finance is increasing in Indonesia most, which is shown in the above figure. It is also found that the HSBC plays one of the leading roles in recent days in mobilizing innovations and financial inclusions (Rahman et al. 2022). HSBC adopts the goal to provide the global economy with net zero emissions for the existing stakeholders, and customers of the HSBC group (Rahman, et al. 2022). The provision of green finance by the HSBC group helps to develop the business models of green business for carbon-intensive regions and industries. One of the leading banking sectors HSBC promotes the financial resources to transition the entire world into a “net zero world”. This global leading banking sector promotes various frameworks for nature-based investments, climate pioneers for leading experts from the industrial transitions, scientific transitions, technological transitions, etc.

From one case study of the HSBC group, it is found that the adoption of the greenwashing ban also helps to change global marketing scenarios. HSBC also committed two advertisement claims for analyzing the effect of greenwashing. But HSBC faced some critics from the grassroots NGOs for which the advertisements were banned but the “ASA” because of the claim of misleading information shared by HSBC. It is also found that the adoption of green finance helps to promote the structural shifts of global markets but a huge level of monetary pumping is required to overcome climate changes which destroy the economy (Campbell-Verdun, 2023). It is also found that HSBC became Worlds one of the leading financial commitment institutions for managing the investment levels in various technologies, clean energies, and projects in 2017-2020. The leading banking sector takes the initiative to invest 100 billion amounts for the facilitation of investments, and financing sectors by 2025. As of now, HSBC invested almost 93 billion in the green finance developments.

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Conclusions and recommendations

Green finance is one of the important financial activities that is adopted by most of the European banking sectors. Most of the banking sectors of the countries used this type of green finance activities by China, the US, France and the UK. Covid-19 also have a major impact that also deteriorates the financial performance in different sectors. The green finance blossoming in recent days. This type of financial activity helps to promote the bond market by almost 2.36 trillion. HSBC provides the green finance products for minimizing the negative environmental impact (Lu, et al. 2022). HSBC adopts the net zero operation through the green finance activities by which almost 29000 suppliers benefited from the green finance operations. This entire assignment critically discusses how the green finance activities of HSBC help to control the net zero emissions by providing environmental benefits.


Green finance is one of the important and vital financial activities that help to develop the capital flow from foreign resources to the investors. HSBC is one of the popular financial institutions that critically adopt the goal of the Paris Agreement in 2017 for proving green financial activities to the investors (Lain, et al. 2022). The government plays one of a vital role in promoting green finance activities to investors. Reorientation of capital flows also helps to develop sustainable green finance performance for HSBC banks. The creation of a “Green Bond Standard” and the labelling of green financial services and products through the implementation of advertisements through social platforms might help to develop the green finance performances for HSBC Bank. Fostering of investments is another by which HSBC can improve the green finance services for its existing investors for developing the resource efficiency problems. Incorporation of sustainability is another approach that also helps to improve the financial advice for investors during the adoption of green finance (Lain, 2021). The development of sustainability benchmarks helps to regulate the separate categories for different green finance products by which HSBC can maintain the resource efficiency challenges. Identification of risk management is another vital part that also helps to develop the resources management challenges for providing green finance for HSBC. Clarification of asset managers also helps to manage the institutional investors of the HSBC by which the sustainability development for green finance can be developed. The introduction of “green supporting factors” also helps to develop the prudential rules by which the insurance companies and investors benefited from the green finance services provided by HSBC. Identification of ESG risk and green assets helps to develop the carbon emission for the environment by which the green finance activities might help to develop the entire impact.

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