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Introduction Of Advocacy, Activism And Resistance
Digital narratives mainly explore the approaches to advocacy and activism, which may increase the challenges in legislation, policies and practices. On the other hand, according to the NMC report, the future nursing standards also expect the importance of advocacy in the nursing profession, which may create awareness in the legislation. Moreover, this essay will discuss the awareness, advocacy and knowledge of legislation mainly linked to professional documents. The digital narrative mainly uses multimedia tools to bring narratives to life in the nursing profession. The digital narrative is also used for explaining concepts which mainly reflect personal experiences for making an argument. On the other hand, from the role of the NMC National Medical Commission, it has also been noticed that the future nursing standards many expect how political awareness, advocacy and knowledge of legislation minimize the public health issue. Additionally, also discusses the conflicts in the codes and legislation which create the boundaries and what challenges they face.
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On the other hand, this section also discusses that the role of an advocate is mainly embedded within the role of all nurses. So. The two main advocacy methods are lobbying and direct communication, which mainly influence private communication with the decision-makers.
Discussion: Legal and Ethical Considerations in Nursing Advocacy and Human Rights
Explanation of the discrimination and its conflict with the code and associated legislation
The Equality Act of 2010 mainly protected people from various discrimination in the workplace in society. This Act also gave advanced equality and opportunity to the people mainly protected by their characteristics. On the other hand, this Act mainly replaced the previous single Act and strengthened its protection in some situations (Purva, 2020). In other words, individuals are narrative when they are widely affected by discrimination.
Apart from wealth, physiological research shows that discrimination mainly increases the tremendous amount of stress, which is mainly related to mental health issues (Chua et al., 2019). On the other hand, for example, discrimination mainly occurs when the ethnicity may be discriminated by gender, age and sexual orientation. Apart from that, it mainly also maps on the higher income of the society people and their families. Further, in the Human Rights Acts, it has been described that illegal discrimination mainly impacted based on the age or the disability of the people's income. Besides that, the gay couple mainly used their anti-discrimination protection act to receive the same treatment as the heterosexual couple by the rules of the Human Rights Acts.
Besides that, nurses mainly advocate the different types of the right social policies for motoring the justice, fairness and health equality of different people. On the other hand, evidence-based policy and effective policy can ensure the nursing profession addresses the lack of social and material resources, which creates a risk of public health inequalities (Mudd et al., 2020). Apart from that, the implementation of the right social politics and evidence-based policy can mitigate the risk of the policy advice and also reduce public health inequalities. Apart from that, for example, systemic discrimination is mainly involved in developing the population and policies in the health care sector and also contributes to some of the favourable outcomes for minimizing the public health issue, which mainly creates a conflict in the codes and legislation.
Evaluation of the different models of advocacy
Advocacy mainly involves engaging the different types of legislators on the state and federal levels to influence the law and policies. On the other hand, by minimizing some of the policymaker issues, legislative advocacy can build relationships with the legislators and also inspire the creation of developing their new policy.
Additionally, advocacy and activism are dedicated to creating positive change in the world. Further, in the healthcare sector, the nurse advocates mainly worked with individual groups of people, and their activists widely changed the social and political culture of the various groups of people. Moreover, advocacy mainly developed the people's interest where the activities make pain for minimizing the risk of public health inequalities (Pattison and Corser, 2023). In addition, to minimize the public health issues of nurses, some of the codes of legislation, such as the Human Rights Act (1998), have created boundaries in their advocating policy. As a result, nurses should also face various challenges to the effects of the conflicts in the healthcare sector.
In addition, the professional nurse advocate program mainly delivers the training of the patients for resolving their climate change and sustainability issues, which mainly impact their health. Apart from that, the professional nurse advocate also gave their attention to minimizing the climate change issue and improved the staff's well-being and reputation by developing the outcomes of the patients. Additionally, a professional nurse advocate gives clinical support, well-being support and learning support to the patients for developing their healthcare issues (Gunn et al., 2019).
On the other hand, by well-being support, the professional nurse can advocate healthcare requirements that identify the personal issues of the patients and also build a stressful event for the patients. This can allow the patients to reduce stress and also develop confidence in them. From the learning support, the nurses increased some of the new ideas and actions for developing the quality and service of the healthcare sectors.in addition to the learning support, they also focused on the diffracts system or process by which patients developed their knowledge regarding the health issue (Gagneux-Brunon et al., 2020). Through the Cranial support, nurses also developed a collaborative plan for the potions of creating a safety and situational awareness program for identifying their health issues, which are impacted by the change in the climate and sustainability.
Role of the Legislation Consider the Human Rights Act of 1998
The Human Rights Act mainly sets out the fundamental rights and freedom in the UK. Moreover, British domestic law can legally protect humans with this information from the Human Rights Act. Further, by the Act, the professional nurse advocates mainly for the healthcare sector's safe environments and develops the patient's safety, health and rights provided for protecting the privacy policy of the healthcare sector (Kinmen et al., 2020). Further, by this human rights act, nurses also take appropriate action to develop the safety of the patients from potential harm. Apart from these human rights acts, nurses also collaborated with healthcare professionals to maintain human dignity and develop the self-determination process for mitigating harmful issues in the healthcare sector. Apart from that, nurses also take their primary responsibility to create a take care plan for the patients to increase the patient's dignity (Kurian, 2020).
On the other hand, by the application of the Human Rights Act, the public health education program has taken the initiative to develop actual experiences regarding the issue of climate change, which is impacting the patient's health. Apart from that, this Act also worked to unlock conventional rights and directly affected the issue of health care workers. By the human rights acts, the legislative advocacy is mainly engaged with the various types of legislation at the state the federal levels for influencing the law and policies by taking different determined discussions (Drennan and Ross, 2019). On the other hand, this Act advocacy is also involved in promoting the interest of different groups of people to know the issue of climate change and its impacts on the patients' health.
Examination of the role of the nurses in mitigating climate change and sustainability, impact on the public health
Public policies mainly have significant influences on the nurses for promoting the health quality of the patients and also involved in the decision-making process for developing the federal levels health programs in the healthcare sector. In the code of legislation, the public policy can mainly involve communicating with the health disappear which impacts the public and policymakers. As a result, it has mainly focused on developing the patient's quality of life by minimizing the impact of climate change and sustainability issue
On the other hand, with the impact of climate change and sustainability, some leadership styles have taken responsibility for minimizing the climate change issue (Ronquillo et al., 2021). By implementing the transformational leadership style, nurses mainly achieved their more significant advantages in analyzing this climate change or sustainability issue, which impacts the patient's health.
On the other hand, with this leadership style, nurses mainly focus on the encouragement of the team members and also give their best solution for mining Munising the climate change issue, which is impacting the patient's health. Moreover, by the transformational leadership style, nurses also take responsibility for invoicing in the decision-making process day to day to critically identify the issue of climate change and sustainability, which is impacting the health of the patients.
Further, by the critical thinking analysis, nurses properly decide on the complexity of climate change and sustainability, which generally impacts the patient's health. Besides that, to develop critical thinking leadership skills, nurses mainly recognized the issue and their impacts on public health. Also, they developed a new solution by which they protected the health of the patients (Gagneux-Brunon et al., 2020).
By implementing communication and collaborative skills, nurses encouraged the patients to identify their main health problems. They gave patients quality care to achieve the best possible outcomes for mitigating the climate change issue, which impacted the health of the patients (Mudd et al., 2020).
Additionally, by the autocratic leadership style, nurses can take the necessary steps to define the issue, which mainly impacts the health of the patients in the healthcare sector. Further, by this autocratic leadership style, nurses need to adherences to their medical languages to give legal guidelines to the patients; this is mainly achieved by the Human Rights Act of 1998 policies.
In other words, with this leadership style, nurses build teamwork for analyzing the issue and also take responsibility for achieving better solutions for developing the health of the patients. Moreover, it has also given considerable advantages to the nurses to develop a solid and collaborative relationship with the patients for identifying the issue. Apart from that, the autocratic leadership style nurses mainly follow for identifying the patient's safety process and its impacts due to climate change on the health of the patients (Daya et al., 2020). Further, the transformational leadership style and autocratic leadership style also give considerable advantages to the nurses for identifying the risk-associated factors of climate change and sustainability and its impacts on the health of the patients.
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From the above discussion, it has been conclusively said that Digital narratives mainly increased the approaches to advocacy and activism that may develop the challenges in legislation, policies and practices. Moreover, advocacy and activism are dedicated to creating positive change in the world. Besides that, the nurse advocate mainly worked on the individual groups of people and their activists, which widely changed the social and political culture of the various groups in the healthcare sector. Additionally, a professional nurse advocate provides clinical support, wellbeing support and learning support to the patients to minimize their health care issues.
Apart from that, in the code of legislation, public policy, which can mainly involve the communication process with the health care providers, analyzes the issue affecting the public and policymakers. As a result, s it has mainly looked at developing the patients' quality of life by minimizing the impact of climate change and sustainability issues. In other words, the effect of climate change and sustainability, some of the leadership styles have been taken responsibility for minimizing the climate change issue and its impacts on the health of the patients. In another words, by the Human Rights Act, the public health education program has taken responsibility for developing actual experiences regarding the issue of climate change, that is impacting the patient's health. On the other hand, this Act also worked to unlock conventional rights and directly affected the issue of health care workers. Additionally, by the use of human rights acts, the legislative advocacy is mainly engaged with the various types of legislation at the state the federal levels for influencing the law and policies through taking different determined discussions in the healthcare sector.
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