Actions taken by the UK Aviation Industry for Improving their Economic Sector Question and Answer

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Introduction of Actions taken by the UK Aviation Industry for Improving their Economic Sector Q&A

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Aviation industry is the industry that deals with the major aspects of all types of aircrafts. At the same time, it can be state that the aviation industry is the biggest business sector that decides to manufacture all types of aircrafts. Flying could be considered to be contributing majorly to the global warming by emitting a huge carbon footprint. Effective International action could be taken for the purpose of tackling this global problem as Aviation sector is an indispensable part for the growth of future economies. The Transport could be aimed at improving well being and balance could be strike at achieving an anti carbon industry rather than anti aviation. The carbon emissions are to be tackled for developing a more sustainable and greener transport system. The present report helps to focus on the critical analyzing of the necessary aspects that are taken by the UK aviation industry for achieving more sustainable travel for the passengers. Along with this, topic 1 also aims at the extent taken by the UK aviation industry that helps to analyze the aspects of the European operations which could help in sustainability of aviation industry.


The UK aviation industry could be regarded as the world's third largest aviation industry. At the same time, The aviation industry of the UK generated a total of approximately £60 billion turnover throughout the year (Statista, 2022). The UK aviation industry is also the second largest aerospace manufacturing sector in the world (Statista, 2022). On the other hand, the number of passengers that UK airlines lift in the financial year 2019 is 32.35 million passengers (Statista, 2022). At the same time, the UK aviation industry is dealing with a huge number of employments in the entire world record. The numbers of employees that the UK aviation industry is dealing with are 64,725 respectively (Statista, 2022). At the same time, the UK is dealing with leading aircrafts models that are providing the most comfortable journey to the passengers which shows the number of Airbus models of A320 (Statista, 2022).

 Statista of UK aviation industry

(Source: Statista, 2022)

Additionally, the UK aviation industry is also dealing with a huge number of entire precise that are further dealing with the aspects of the air transportation industry in the UK. The numbers of enterprises of aviation that the UK is dealing with are 1,113 in the financial year 2018 (Statista, 2022). Along with this, in the year 2016 the UK aviation industry faced a breakdown of enterprise that shows it was only having 701 sectors respectively (Statista, 2022). Therefore, for improving the aviation industry in the UK it has taken necessary aspects that helps to achieve more sustainable travel that further helps in increasing aviation sectors. The aviation sector could aim at achieving harmony with the priorities of the coalition Government and Aviation is an important element. Thus, the vision of a greener transport system would help in fueling the growth of the economy.

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 Number of enterprises of air industry in the UK

(Source: Statista, 2022)

Question 1: Critical analysis the necessary aspects taken by the UK aviation industry to achieve more sustainable travel

Sustainable Aviation is a long-term strategy that could be achieved by a collective approach of the UK Aviation sector that would ensure in tackling the various challenges and suggesting meaningful and optimum solutions. This would help in ensuring a cleaner and safe environment for the industry. As per the opinion of Benson et al. (2019), states that the aviation industry is the only industry that is not affected by any causing sectors as supply chain management is totally dependent on these air transportation sectors. Along with this, the UK aviation sectors are majorly dealing with some changes in their travelling aspects so that would help to improve the number of passengers. The UK Aviation sector has been committed and focused on achieving negligible carbon emission through working with international organizations such as the United Nations. On the other hand, the UK aviation industry at present mostly focuses on improving the good relationship between the passengers and their respective owning airlines (Airlinesuk, 2022). 70% growth in passengers could be achieved along with reduction in level of carbon emissions in the environment to reduce about 30 million tones of such harmful gases by implementing and building smarter airplanes.

 Sustainable Aviation Carbon Road Map


At the same time, the major steps or aspects that are taken by the UK aviation industry to deal with more sustainable travel for a particular passenger are

  • New and advanced technology is to be implemented in the development of aircrafts such as the airspace culture is modernized by using the sustainable fuels. Taking passengers as the first approach and providing them with all the necessary facilities is important aspects that is taken by the UK aviation industry
  • Additionally, focusing on the target audiences is also change into aspects towards smarter and eco friendly flights.
  • At the same time, making specific facilities that further helps to meet the unique customers need in a different way and addressing to the issues and challenges of the airspace
  • Along with the all above aspects, it is also necessary to make passengers engage in different ways that helps to increases more sustainable travel by the UK aviation industry which could be achieved by making huge investments in reduction of carbon by formulating and implementing policies that are based on building a smart aviation market
  • On the other hand, it is also necessary to make changes in the aircraft interior products that helps in making customer more comfortable (Airlinesuk, 2022)

Therefore, meeting with all above aspects by the UK aviation industry helps to increase the revenue structure by £5.9 billion in 2020 (Airlines Uk, 2022). At the same time, the UK aviation industry pays nearly £8.7 billion in tax revenue to the UK government (Airlineuk, 2022). On the other hand, the UK aviation supports up to 961,000 jobs that further helps to deal with £52 billion in GDP respectively (AirlinesUk, 2022).

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 Support of UK aviation

(Source: Airlines UK, 2022)

Evaluating the extent taken by the UK aviation industry that helps to responds in meaningfully concerns

The development of every industry and sector deals with some aspects that help to increase the economic sector of the particular country. Along with this, while conducting the research works on a report it is easily able to understand the UK aviation industry is dealing with some extension that further helps to meet all the responses in the meaningfully concerned. As per the opinion of Stevenson and Marintseva, (2019), a review of corporate social responsible management is dealt with by the aviation industry. At the same time, the UK aviation industry is dealing with a sustainable framework that helps to extend the travelling of passengers in a comfortable way. On the other hand, the UK aviation industry deals with some major objects that help to some extent, which further helps to responds in meaningful concerns towards passengers.

Therefore, the extension that has been taken by the UK aviation industry for improvement are extending the CAA statistics that further helps to improve 80% of the domestic routes (Airlinesuk, 2022). At the same time, the UK aviation industry is also extending their cleaning and hygienic protocols that help to maintain the safety of their respective passengers. Therefore, this extent factor helps to meet the necessary aspects taken by the UK aviation industry to achieve more sustainable travel respectively. UK aviation is said to be holding the position of the third-largest airline network around the world with its wide employment opportunities. Decarbonizing of the aviation industry is a challenging commitment that requires proper planning and monetary support. The Government of UK has made an investment of around 180 million for supporting the goal of a zero carbon-emitted industry. The industry emits and is responsible for 6 % of the greenhouse gases in the environment (Stevenson, 2019). Emission trading systems could further help in maintaining the economic sustainability of the aviation industry. The airline services operating in the market are relatively low in terms of expense and due to less capacity and capability, the industry is said to have emitted 50% of the CO2 (Earl and Dardenne, 2022, p.25). There has been a great number of changes noticed in the European airlines sector because of the emergence of sustainability services. The changes are there because of the driving growth in the European market in terms of profitability and popularity equally even after the existence of several other airlines operating in the market with high fare pricing and gaining profit worldwide. The creation of the airlines' service in the transport industry has driven a very significant impact on the European industry helping it to gain a high share yielding price increases in the market and liberalization in the European travelling industry. There are several advantages of the prevailing sustainable practices in aviation industry of the UK are as follow:

  1. a) Lower ecological impact- The first and foremost point of distinction of the sustainable practices in the UK aviation market is reduction in the ecological footprint, since UK experiences large number of visitors. The government has been focusing on achieving the targets of decarbonization up to 15% by 2025. The interim targets helps in rapid and efficient acceleration of the goals as per the demands of the aviation industry. Sustainable practices in the UK aviation industry help to develop a part of sustainable tourism which reduces ecological footprint and enables a much economic friendly travel (Hasan et al. 2019, p.29).
  2. b) Advancement in technology- The growth of the UK aviation service in the market has built a great development in the technology with the widespread use of the internet. Improvement in tourism and travel could help in improving technology in the industry. Generating fuel consumption technologies could encourage AI-driven route optimization tereby improving energy efficiency. The changes are bringing new changes in the economy with transparency in fair pricing. The system has made the work less complex and reduced the high ticketing systems prevailing in the economy preferred by the legacy airlines (Sabaityt? et al. 2020, p.639).
  3. c) Changes in the airline transport- In order to reduce the carbon emission and gain sustainable advantage in the aviation industry it is important to use fuels, which emit low carbon. It is important for the emission industry to invest in the technologies for emission offset. It creates a positive impact on the mind of the customers and helps to enhance brand loyalty and gain competitive advantage in the market.
  4. d) The motivation among the working staff- The growth of the LLC in the working sector was hugely impressive to the staff working under them because of the AI-driven route optimization which could help them to work through remote location. The highly competitive market scenario kept the staff motivated to be able to perform better each day and also there was also an increase in terms of their technical knowledge along with hassle-free work (?ižo et al. 2020, p.645).
  5. e) Growth in the European economy- The evolution of the energy efficient industry brought an innovative change in the economy because of the increase in the share market and popularity in the economy. However, it has been observed in the current days due to pandemic situations the aviation industry faced loss and there was low carbon emission. Hence, the industry is required to focus on the “go green” strategy to reduce carbon footprints in the UK market. The overall motive behind the introduction of the three sustainable principles in term socio-ecological, environmental and socio-cultural aspects could help in developing long-term sustainability. The progress of the sustainable tourism models affected the economy in terms of high profit and less expensive cost of operating.

Aviation contribution to promote sustainable growth

The objective of developing a long term, high level framework could be initiated in the aviation industry of UK. The objectives could be inclusive of the following notions,

  • The aims of the UK government are to be defined and the related parameters for delivering the outcomes of sustainability.
  • The positive and negative impacts of the aviation industry are to be identified and a balance could be established by implemnatation of te advanced technology.
  • Integration could be tried to be achieved between the environment and the industry for the purpose of combating climate change by using low carbon emission fuel to gain sustanbility.
  • Consensus could be built between the users and the stakeholders who are affected by the aviation industry and its emissions.
  • Long term investment decisions in the UK are to be viewed with clarifications.

The various technologies that are to be considered are

Aircraft Technology: Technological improvements for reduction of carbon dioxide emissions providing significant changes to the sector. The government is furthermore providing with fuel subsidies and promoting research and development opportunities in the sector.

Airspace Management: Efficient management of the airspace could be achieved by the formulation of airspace designs and ground based systems that help in availing direct routes by the pilots, reduction in fuel burn and decrease in the use of stacks that are holding.

Biofuels: Biofuels have a great role in reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the aviation sector with limited alternatives to fossil fuels. The renewable energy directive could prove with 15 % of the energy. Energy and fuel in the aviation industry could bring engineering, oil industry and airlines together to facilitate use of biofuels.

 Interim targets to be achieved



The impact of the introduction of the less carbon emissions can be concluded as a drastic change brought into the transport industry for providing comfort, satisfaction and better pricing rates to be affordable people. The economy gained immense popularity and recognition in the competitive market because of the development of various aviation technologies and sustainable development in the industry .The demand is increasing day by day with the introduction of the new technology in the market could help in providing better ecological services. The aircrafts of next generation are to be build up and the already emitted carbon in the atmosphere are to be managed and the residuals are to be removed.

Reference list

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