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Academic Research & Writing Report Guide Assignment
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Part 1: Reflection on Learning and Development
Learning and development is a vital and key process from a study perspective and it is so important in order to enhance the overall growth of the student in their respective studies at universities (Abuhassna et al. 2020). Learning and development are the processes for significantly “developing and enhancing an individual's skills, knowledge, and competencies, resulting in better performance at work”. Learning mainly focused on the “acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes”. Development is all about broadening, enhancing and deepening or strengthening the overall knowledge skills, particularly in line with an individual's development goals.
Reflection on the learning and development
As a student, I can totally understand and agree with the fact that enhancing the major part of learning and development is a key to success in academics. That, enhancing and improving the learning development factor will certainly not only help but assist in the coming future for better career growth and individual establishment. Therefore, from my perspective, it is obvious that developing and improving this major learning and development factor will indeed help me in the course of strengthening and boosting my overall skills and knowledge in academic achievements and also, after academics, in my future professional growth and evolution.
There are primarily four major stages of “Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle” by David A. Kolb todiscuss the factsof the overall learning and development process. The major or primary four stages of “Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle” are “concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation”. These particular four important learning stages are discussed below.
By focusing on this development and learning factor, it is definitely helping me to gain more desired success in my academics. In addition, I am quite sure about that, this learning development will help me to progress throughout my future career very effectively and successfully.
From my overall experience till now, I can totally understand the situation that it is very necessary in order to effectively develop the skills and crafts for gaining and observing huge growth in my academics. From my point of view, I really think there needs to be proper learning and development factors for each individual student.
- Abstract Conceptualization
As an academic student, I am definitely learning from my previous experience that there are a few key aspects that are necessary in order to successfully complete and gain proper knowledge in academics. Among the key aspects, learning and development is considered as one of the major factors for academic as well as for professional career success and achievements.
As a student, I can definitely relate to this thing that experimentation is a key factor or aspect in every other field to judge and understand the key issues or problems that I am currently facing and exactly in which part I really need to keep and set my focus on more appropriately.
Continuous Improvement
Developing or improving your own practice of Constant Improvement can “help you to spread out the time and effort needed to make necessary improvements to the courses you learn” (Lameijer et al. 2021). This can definitely maintain the high quality of work, that is for sure. I will definitely be looking forward to unlocking the possible benefits by mainly focusing on the key factors for improving constantly. I will be majorly focusing on strengthening my communication skills, analytical skills and basic skills for understanding the key situations when required.
Reflection of Presentation
Completing the presentation was difficult as I had a few barriers arising from language and a lack of communication skills. I have always experienced stage fright and my spoken skills were always average as I have less proficiency in the English language. According to Lou and Noels (2019), the language learning capability of a person is enhanced with the help of motivational factors affecting the morality and personality of an individual. I have always wished to overcome my language barrier by developing my learning skills and with the help of this presentation; I have started developing my language skills. During the presentation, I felt that my accent speaking was not very effective in imparting information towards my peers and educators.
As I was feeling extreme stage fright while speaking in English, I was stuttering often while presenting. Due to the stuttering, I felt that all the effort I had made for preparing the presentation would go in vain if I were unable to present them correctly in front of my peers and educators. I felt ashamed of not being able to speak properly in front of my peers and this feeling developed to produce more hindrance towards my presentation capability. I soon understood that if I continue presenting in such a manner then I will not be able to get better marks and the hard work I did for building this presentation will not be acknowledged. I took three deep breaths to calm myself and reminded myself that I am capable of speaking my mind and imparting the information I had gathered for this presentation.
Academic Skills to Develop |
Plan to Develop Skills |
Future Implementation |
Critical Thinking |
The following steps I would follow to develop my critical thinking skills:
- Active listening during the lectures.
- Vetting any information provided cautiously.
- Searching for the source of the information.
- Understanding others' opinions.
- Asking Questions during lectures
- Gathering additional information
- Questioning my biases.
- Developing self-opinions
Adopting advanced critical thinking skills will help me get an advantage in acquiring a job in this competitive environment. Critical thinking skills will also help in improving my academic career plan as it will improve my learning capability. Critical thinking skills will also help me develop my innovative thinking capability and also help me to overcome my language barrier. |
Referencing |
- Taking notes
- Using referencing tools like
- Cite Them Right or Citation Buttons
- Time-management referencing by not leaving the referencing at the last minute”.
- Double checking
- Consistency
Developing my referencing skills will help me improve the quality of my academics and smoother publication of my research and thesis work. Understanding all the requirements of referencing guidelines that indicate the primary source's details will help me build my career as an academic. |
Digital Capabilities |
- Communication using digital media and collaborative tools like Zoom.
- Using digital media for decision-making and problem-solving techniques.
- Developing work-life balance techniques using digital settings.
- Developing digital literacy.
- Developing digital proficiency by enrolling in digital skill development workshops.
The academic learning capability and communication skills will also be developed with the help of enhancing digital skills as usage of the internet can provide a vast number of resources for building knowledge. |
Table 1: Personal Development Plan
The report is intended to present the process of learning and development with the help of “Kolb's Experimental Learning Cycle”. Upon reflection, I have found that I have to develop my communication, critical thinking, referencing skills, collaborative, and digital skills toimprove my learning process. With the help of this reflective report, I have understood the things I have learnt during the presentation process and the importance of learning and improving my skills for advancing in my academic as well as career perspective. With the help of the reflection, I am able to develop a “Personal Development Plan” that will help me develop my academic skills and the implications of those skills for my academic and career plan. Upon reflection, it is evident the importance of learning and skill development in a construction management career and the ways I can improve my academic skills to get a job in the construction management field.
Abuhassna, H., Al-Rahmi, W.M., Yahya, N., Zakaria, M.A.Z.M., Kosnin, A.B.M. and Darwish, M., 2020. Development of a new model on utilizing online learning platforms to improve students’ academic achievements and satisfaction. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17, pp.1-23. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41239-020-00216-z
Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B. and Osher, D., 2020. Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied developmental science, 24(2), pp.97-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2018.1537791
Lameijer, B.A., Antony, J., Chakraborty, A., Does, R.J.M.M. and Garza-Reyes, J.A., 2021. The role of organisational motivation and coordination in continuous improvement implementations: an empirical research of process improvement project success. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(13-14), pp.1633-1649. https://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2020.1757422
Lou, N.M. and Noels, K.A., 2019. Promoting growth in foreign and second language education: A research agenda for mindsets in language learning and teaching. System, 86, p.102126.
Santini, A., 2018. The importance of referencing. The Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 4(1), p.3.
Seibert, S.A., 2021. Problem-based learning: A strategy to foster generation Z's critical thinking and perseverance. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(1), pp.85-88.