5CO03 Professional Behaviors' and Valuing People Assignment

The Importance of Professional Behaviors and Valuing People in Human Resources

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5CO03 Professional Behaviors' and Valuing People Assignment

5CO03- TASK 1

AC 1.1 defines the term professional and explains what it means to be a ‘people professional’.

The word Professional belongs to somebody who occupies unique knowledge, abilities, and expertise in a specific field and implements them in an accountable and moral manner (Heinonen, 2020). Professionals frequently follow a code of conduct or set of rules that govern their behavior, and because of their level of education and experience, they are frequently held to a higher standard than the general public.

An occupation in which there is a lot of interpersonal connection, such as human resources, social work, counseling, or education, qualifies as a "people professional" in most cases. Professionals in these professions are in charge of managing interactions with individuals and assisting them in achieving their objectives or overcoming obstacles.

One needs a variety of abilities and traits to succeed as a people professional. For instance, good communication skills are necessary to establish connections with clients or coworkers and to communicate information succinctly (Hawkins, 2020). Another essential trait is empathy, which enables professionals to comprehend and empathize with the viewpoints and experiences of others.

In the end, being people professional needs having a strong dedication to helping others and being willing to invest time and effort into establishing relationships, resolving problems, and enhancing the lives of those they support.

The map of professions is the industry standard for the occupation of "people." It enables us to take wiser judgments behave with assurance, influence organizational change, and advance in our professions. The map may be utilized to pinpoint talents and abilities that support professional growth and team or individual career planning. To establish a benchmark at the personal, group, and organizational levels and enhance company performance, employ the Career Map's standards. In other words, CIPD map tends to make focus on the inclusion of skills and abilities which need to be developed. By using this, one can enhance proficiency level in the field of communication, leadership, management etc.

Professional map standard Perform well Score 30 Perform satisfactorily Score 20 Requires further development Score 10 Reason for judgement
1 Make responsible choices about your work, applying professional principles and values 10 Sometimes facing issues in developing competent framework.
2 Consider the purpose and implications of actions, decisions and people practices for all stakeholders 30 Taking decision by analyzing the need and expectation of stakeholders.
3 Raise concerns about people practices and policies which are not consistent with values and legislation 20 Ability to communicate with management team
4 Provide examples and reasons for the choices you make and the advice you provide 30 Effectual discussion need to be done to arrive at consensus.
5 Demonstrate professionalism and consistency in what you say and do in order to build trust 20 Following concerned principles

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AC 3.1 Explore how the role of a people professional (either a generalist or a particular specialist) is evolving and the priorities this raises for continuing professional development (CPD)

A people professional's job is continually changing due to societal, technological, and workplace developments. As a result, continuing professional development (CPD) is crucial for people professionals to stay alongside each other regarding the most recent information, abilities, and procedures in their industry (Kitto, 2019).

One significant trend determining the character of people professionals is the enhancing emphasis on based on data decision-making. Professionals should be capable of analyzing and understanding data to recognize trends and designs and utilize this data to update their work (Parker, et.al, 2022). This needs a sturdy understanding of the analysis of data and the skills or knowledge to utilize technology devices to analyze, present and collect data.

One more trend is the increasing significance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the place of work. People professionals should be knowledgeable about the latest research and best practices associated with DEI and are capable of putting together these values into their work. This involves making complete systems and practices, sustaining marginalized teams, and easing interactions around delicate topics.

Reflective practice tends to make focus on evaluating one’s strengths and weaknesses so that corrective measures for improvement can be taken within suitable time frame. There are several models such as Gibbs, Kolbs etc which can be used for analyzing or evaluating specific experiences or learning’s. For example: By doing assessment it has found that I need to improve communication skills. Thus, by taking part in seminars and conferences I can enhance my proficiency level in this field to the large extent.

Important priorities for CPD are also raised by the evolution of people's professional jobs.

  • Professionals must constantly advance their knowledge and abilities as well as be abreast of the most recent research, trends, and excellent practices in their industry.
  • They should also be flexible and adaptive, able to quickly change course in response to evolving situations.
  • Offer opportunities for cooperation and learning, as well as helpful support and guidance.
  • To prevent suffering exhaustion and preserve their efficacy in their roles, human resources professionals should order their care and well-being through more specialism job titles like chief happiness officer and lead people data scientist (Depaigne-Loth, et.al, 2022).

AC 1.2 Discuss the concept of 'ethical values', and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally, impact (or could impact) your work as a people professional.

Based on what is assumed correct or incorrect, ethical values are the main beliefs that direct a person or company’s behavior, actions, and decisions (Peng, 2020). Here are 3 ethical values that personally impact on work as a people professional:

Integrity- Integrity is an ethical value shared by many professionals. Being sincere, open-minded, and responsible in one's choices and behaviors is a component of this characteristic. When working with sensitive employee data, such as a human resources specialist may need to uphold confidentiality (Ariail, 2020). Maintaining absolute confidentiality and abstaining from any actions that would compromise their credibility are both essential components of upholding the ideal of integrity. For example: People professional regularly behave responsibly and with integrity, and uphold the strict privacy of employee information. On the basis of this, confidentiality will be maintained by PP in relation to information provided by the personnel.

Social responsibility- Social responsibility is a key ethical principle that entails understanding how one's activities affect both society and the environment. A people manager may feel they have to advance social justice and equity and do their part to lessen workplace inequality (Snieder, 2020). A diversity and inclusion specialist, such as might promote laws that aid marginalized groups and oppose unfair practices within the company. For instance: people professional help marginalized communities and promote inclusive practices to advance equity, social justice, and diversity. Hence, no discrimination will take place on the basis of age, gender and race.

Respect- For people professionals, respect is a fundamental ethical principle. Treating people with respect, empathy, and understanding is a part of this principle. Respect at work could entail fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and supported a culture of inclusion and belonging. In addition to resolving any incidences of harassment or discrimination, this may entail offering training on cultural sensitivity and awareness. People professional promote a society of respect by being sympathetic and empathetic towards others and by taking action against any kind of bullying or prejudice that occurs.

AC 1.3 Explain why it is essential for people professionals to contribute confidently to discussions and ways of doing this that are:

Professionals in the human resources field, in particular, must participate boldly in discussions since their ideas can influence the course and results of crucial choices that have an impact on stakeholders, employees, and the organization as a whole (Place, 2019). People managers can develop credibility and become recognized as trusted advisors and strategic partners inside the company by having faith in their contributions.

Informed- People specialists must first get knowledgeable about the subject or problem being discussed to contribute with confidence. To achieve a thorough grasp of the problem, this includes performing research, collecting data, and analyzing that data. Professionals in the human resources field can make evidence-based observations and recommendations and ask insightful questions that progress the debate if they are well-informed.

Clear- People managers need to communicate clearly and concisely in addition to being knowledgeable. This involves speaking in plain English and avoiding technical or language terms that can be confusing to others. Using narrative, data visualization, or other strategies to engage their audience, people professionals must also be able to explain their thoughts and suggestions in a way that is attractive and credible.

Engaging- for people professionals to confidently contribute, including others in the conversation is crucial. This includes attentively listening to people, politely interrogating them, and seeking out opposing viewpoints (Brittain, et.al, 2020). People managers must also be open to criticism and open to working with others to develop solutions that are advantageous to all parties.

Being a people professional, in order to take part in discussion confidently, I have setting down clear points which need to be communicated with targeted audience. Through this, I can speak up appropriate content in front of learners which further helps in enhancing their engagement level. Along with this, I have included less number of questions for discussion so that learners do not feel down. In order to make session more interactive I have highlighted some key aspects with the motive to encourage points from audience side.

Here are some more ways that people professionals could contribute confidently to discussions involved:

  • Preparing in advance- People in positions of authority who take the time to research the subject, compile information, and create talking points may feel more at ease participating in discussions (Parkhouse, 2019).
  • Practicing active listening- People managers can better comprehend the situation and spot opportunities to add to the conversation by paying attention to what others are saying.
  • Using storytelling- People experts can demonstrate their arguments and make their thoughts more approachable and compelling by using tales or anecdotes (Fitzgerald, 2020).
  • Seeking feedback- Professionals in the human resources field can improve their suggestions and ideas by seeking input from stakeholders or colleagues, and this can help them feel more confident about their contributions.

AC 1.4 Discuss when and how to raise concerns when issues such as organizational policies or leadership approach conflict with ethical values or legislation.

The following are some crucial guidelines for when and how to voice concerns when issues like organizational rules or leadership style collide with moral principles or the law:

When to express worries:

  • When moral principles or legal requirements conflict with organizational systems or leadership strategies.
  • When the conflict is supported by data or information (Lemoine, 2019).
  • When all other efforts to resolve the conflict have been unproductive.

How to express concerns:

  • Examine pertinent laws, rules, and ethical standards to see if there is a contradiction.
  • To support the concerns, gather as much information as one can by recording incidents or conversations.
  • To address these concerns, speak with the proper person or division, such as a manager or an HR representative.
  • Provide specific examples and facts to demonstrate the nature of the conflict and how it runs counter to moral principles or legal requirements.
  • When voicing concerns, adhere to any applicable protocols or procedures and be ready to offer more justification or facts.
  • If required, take complaints to a higher authority within the company or to an outside organization, such as a regulatory body (Banks, et.al, 2021).
  • Take into account potential hazards and, if necessary, look for assistance from coworkers, professional associations, or other sources.
  • Recognize and abide by any official procedures in place within the organization for reporting issues or defending informers.

I overheard a coworker making offensive remarks that might have been construed as prejudiced at a group meeting. I promptly took notes on the events and gathered proof to back up my worries. I requested a private conversation with my boss under the procedures of the company and highlighted how those statements were in conflict with the principles of ethics and the law. Together tackled the problem, put awareness-raising training into practice, and promoted an inclusive work atmosphere.

AC 2.1 Provide a robust argument for ethical people practice that is supported by academic theory and details both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and fairly treated.

The fact that ethical people practices enhance organizational performance and sustainability is a compelling justification for their use. The case is supported by one academic theory which is Ethical leadership theory.

Ethical leadership theory

According to the ethical leadership idea, ethical leaders can influence their staff to embrace comparable values and behavior through modeling ethical behavior and decision-making. This may result in an effective organizational culture where workers are empowered to contribute to the success of the company and feel respected and supported by management (Greenhalgh, et.al, 2021). As potential employees are more likely to seek out companies with moral leaders and procedures, such a culture can also draw top talent.

There are several advantages for both the organization and the individual when employees feel valued, included, and fairly treated.

Business advantages of diversity, value, and justice:

  • Productivity rises- when workers feel respected, involved, and treated properly because they are more inspired to work hard and produce at their highest levels.
  • Increased innovation and ideation- An inclusive and varied workplace can foster a range of viewpoints, experiences, and ideas, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions.
  • Improved consumer satisfaction- Higher levels of customer satisfaction are the result of better customer service, which is more likely to be provided by staff members who feel appreciated and included.

Human advantages of fairness, inclusiveness, and worth for people include:

  • Better mental and physical health- Employees who feel included and valued have reduced stress and anxiety levels, which results in better mental and physical health.
  • Enhanced motivation and job fulfillment- better job fulfillment and inspiration to perform great are connected with feelings of inclusion and worth in the workplace (Al Halbusi, et.al, 2021).
  • Better cooperation and collaboration- Higher teamwork and partnership can result in healthier connections between employees as well as higher performance in the workplace if everyone feels respected and involved.
  • Improved self-esteem and self-confidence- workers who feel appreciated and involved at work have stronger self-respect and confidence that could help them perform better and advance in their careers.

AC 2.2 Drawing on your own or a hypothetical example of providing a people practice solution to meet a particular need or introducing a new policy or initiative, describe:

Hypothetical example

An organization has observed that employees with impairments are not taking advantage of professional development opportunities at the same rate as their peers without disabilities (Bhatt, 2022). The business seeks to address this problem and build a more inclusive workplace by introducing a solution.

Strategies for designing a complete solution Strategies for checking the effectiveness of the solution
  • Consult with disabled employees- Discuss the requirements and preferences of disabled employees concerning career advancement opportunities.
  • Think about accessibility while designing- Make sure that all employees, including those with disabilities, have access to any development opportunities. This can entail offering useable technology or changing the way training materials are presented.
  • Include a variety of viewpoints- To guarantee that the solution is inclusive; make sure the design team incorporates different viewpoints, including employees with disabilities.
  • Gather feedback- Ask employees with disabilities about the usefulness and accessibility of the available development opportunities regularly.
  • Keep an eye on participation rates- To make sure that employees with disabilities are taking advantage of professional development opportunities at the same rate as employees without disabilities, maintain an eye on their participation rates.
  • Make an impact assessment- Analyze how the solution will affect how employees with disability advance in their careers.
  • Review and modify- to make sure that it continues to fulfill the needs of all employees, including those with disabilities, the solution should be periodically reviewed and modified as necessary.

5C O03- TASK 2 Professional Development (Offline Documentation)

Activity 1 (2.3) - information used

The Information used to inform is based on 5 core behaviors

  • Ethical practice- indicating a commitment to ethical values, for instance, honesty, respect, and truth for further, in every aspect of work.
  • Professional courage and influence- being eager to take hazards and challenge the situation to make optimistic changes and attain strategic goals.
  • Valuing people- recognizing and respecting the different talents, viewpoints, and contributions of persons and groups, which makes an atmosphere that helps the development and welfare.
  • Working inclusively- encouraging a culture of involvement and diversity, and keenly seeking out and evaluating different viewpoints and experiences (de Haas, et.al, 2022).
  • Passion for learning- representing contributes to constant learning and improvement, and seeking out fresh abilities to increase practice and help the progress of others.


The ability to predict human behavior is essential for creating a supportive work environment. This covers conflict management, motivation, and communication. You need to have knowledge, understanding, and leadership abilities to work with people.

In order ensure inclusive working practices participative style has been followed by me. On the basis of this, I have encouraged learners to come up with innovative ideas and solution regarding working practices. This in turn develops feeling of association among workers as they feel more valued. Thus, by undertaking this approach positive relationship with employees can be built and maintained at workplace.

Feedbacks included in Appendix.

Activity 2 (3.3)

Enclosed in appendix.


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