5CO02 Evidence-Based Practice Assignment Sample

Exploring Evidence-Based Practice: Assignment Analysis

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Introduction Evidence-Based Practice Defines The Organization, Programs, Practices, And Policies Assignment

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Evidence-based practice defines the organization, programs, practices, and policies is backed by proof that supports their efficiency, in term of solving problems, gatheringcompany goals and objectives, and supporting client with achieving behavioural success(Aktar, et.al 2017). This report states the concepts of evidence-based practice and how these concepts and applies in decision-making by using available evidence. The manager takes decisions based on evidence and not on belief. The manager assesses client risk by using empirically authenticated techniques and equipment. Effective management enhance the internal motivation of the client and build their skills by guiding them and taking feedback. The manager should utilize and increase positive reinforcement for successful behaviour. The company should measure and assess outcomes and evaluate feedback results to stakeholders. The result obtained from feedback tend to be a positive degree of which is partly covered between managementandleadership, good management methods tend to evaluate more on the present day and ensure things get done correctly. This report will also discuss the principles of critical thinking and the range of decision-making processes in an organization. This approach also helps the company for efficient use of resources and tools and increases their efficiency. The manager can obtain data from academic studies on the efficiency of employees (Yong, et.al 2020). The evidence-based practice allows the manager to think outside the box with better concepts and would help to make better decisions. Detailed explanation is given upon the range of analysis methods applied with the identification of the organizational issue, challenges and opportunities.

Task 1

Evaluation upon the concept of evidence-based practice including application of the decision-making in people's practice

Evidence-based practice requires better decision makings, information-based action that has the required impact. The evidence approach to decision-making is based on an arrangement of using available evidence and critical thinking.These decisions should be made by acceptance care, informed by the unstated and explicit knowledge of providing care, within the context of available resources (Wood S, 2018). People need to adopt this toolworldwide because of the enormous impact on organizationdecisions andthe security of people in all sorts of organization(Aloni, et.al 2018).Evidence based practice works for efficient decision-making which is acquired through significant idea and providing the better available confirmation. Evidence-based practice is a method that emphasizes using data and evidence for making decisions in an organization. The data and facts based on evidence are truthful and reliable which improves the process of decision making. This helps out to obtain information by experimenting with evidence and making better outcomes for taking decisions in the present scenario. Human resources can use this evidence to achieve business goals. The organization can obtain data from experimental studies from an academic journal, professional expertise, values of stakeholders, and internal data of the company. The best evidence is taken from the academic, external, and internal basis which should be best available. The organization gathers the evidence, interprets them, and applies in a process of decision for efficient performance.

Estimation of appropriate strategic analysis and Porter’s five forces model applied by organization for the reorganization and identification of challenges, opportunities with current and future issues

Strategic analyses help the company in doing research for the business environment in an organization (Aktar, et.al 2017).The strategy analysis includes the internal and external environments, utilizing analytical strategic analysis tools, and evaluating identified data. The strategic analysis will help the company to adopt potential strategies and to make informed decisions. It is an interactive process where strategies are planned and implemented in an organization depending on the level of strategy.

Porter's five forces model analyzes and identifies the competitive forces which can shape the company and help them to determine their strength and weakness. This model can help a company to analyze the magnetism of a particular industry, evaluate investment options, and measure the competitive environment in the market. The company can gather data from external sources and use this data to make effective strategies for its business. This will benefit the company to gain valuable insight into the market and develop a strategy for improving its future performance. Porter's five forces represent competitive sources which include aggressive rivalry, buyer power, seller power, the threat of new entrance, and the threat of substitute.

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In an industry where rivalry is strong, the company attracts customers by cutting prices insistently and introducing high-impact marketing campaigns. The company should strengthen its position in the market to charge its products on the ability of cost and not on the bargaining power of the buyer (Baxter G, 2019). The threat of substitutes will affect the company with a wide range of materials and additional costs on manufacturing products. This will weaken their position in the market. The company should have strong barriers to take a competitive advantage. Companies can use economies of scale to drive their cost low and take advantage of newcomers. Extensive government rules and regulations can also create a barrier for the company in its business operations.

Important Beliefs on the critical thinking including employees and work colleagues ideas for the assessment of objectives and rationales

Critical thinking is the skill and motivational approach to measure objectives and judgment based on efficient reason for evidence based practice. Critical thinkers can look for the flaw in opinions and resist claim which does not support the company for these main principles are explained below to assess the objectives and rational debate.

Substitute explanation for an event: It is not merely negative thinking but includes the ability to create and innovatethe substitute explanations for events (Bekken G, 2019).The decision-making in evidence-based practice is the purpose to engage in an evaluative process that is based on a set of skills that results in reasonable decisions that can be useful for promoting human change.

Reduce research-practice gap:Critical thinking is a conceptualized skill that people can study and apply in their everyday or professional world. Evidence-based practice is advocated to encourage critical thinking which helps to reduce the research-practice gap.

Day-to-day work: Evidence-based practice is an approach to decision-making and day-to-day work practice that helps the manager to critically estimate the extent to trust the evidence.It seeks to get better way in which judgment is made.

Professional experience:The first sources of evidence are the expert experience of manager, professional, leaders, and practitioners. They are dissimilar from perception, opinion, and belief. Specialized experience is accumulating over time through an indication of the outcome of similar action taken in similar situation (Shipton,et.al 2017).

Reliable data: The knowledge of the managers is useful for determining whether a management issue requires attention.

Critically thinking in nursing involve using your ability to come up with alternative

explanations to a situation either nursing diagnosis, assessment, or implementation. Nursing use

critical thinking as a fast and convenient way to serve a life of their patient. It involves skills and

professional knowledge which is inculcated into nursing for better patient outcome

Critically thinking in nursing involve using your ability to come up with alternative

explanations to a situation either nursing diagnosis, assessment, or implementation. Nursing use

critical thinking as a fast and convenient way to serve a life of their patient. It involves skills and

professional knowledge which is inculcated into nursing for better patient outcome

Critically thinking in nursing involve using your ability to come up with alternative

explanations to a situation either nursing diagnosis, assessment, or implementation. Nursing use

critical thinking as a fast and convenient way to serve a life of their patient. It involves skills and

professional knowledge which is inculcated into nursing for better patient outcomes.

Critically thinking in nursing involve using your ability to come up with alternative

explanations to a situation either nursing diagnosis, assessment, or implementation. Nursing use

critical thinking as a fast and convenient way to serve a life of their patient. It involves skills and

professional knowledge which is inculcated into nursing for better patient outcomes.

Range of decision-making processes applied to achieve the effective outcome.

Evidence-based practice is a process of using scientific knowledge to take the decision and drive effective action. The practitioner has entrance to a great deal of information whichis made for the effective decisions. These decisions help the organization to take corrective actions and better outcomes to increase its productivity (Benevene, et.al 2020).

These decisions are based on the combination of using significant thinking and available evidence. Evidence-based decisions make managers less rely on anecdotes, personal experiences, and wisdom, sources that are not trustworthy. An effective manager's decision is based on manager’s decision for the anecdotes, personal experience and wisdom. The stages of the decision-making process include gathering evidence in which the manager can search out the best available research evidence and collect information on facts. The manager can take the help of expertise and stakeholder and apply that information in evidence-based practice which is verifiable. The next step is interpreting evidence considering the strength of the information based on the dimension and exploring the preference, experiences, and values of stakeholders (Sanders, et.al 2016).

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The managers can assess the fit of the strategy by considering the location and people affected by the decision. In the last step, the manager can apply the evidence considering the best opportunity to prevent violence before it occurs. Evidence-based decision-making proves to provide transparency, participation, openness, skilled management and leadership, and a defined process in an organization. The manager needs to adopt effective strategies for optimal outcomes in decision-making. It provides the facility with the best research information which is readily available and based on evidence.

The manager by taking the help of experts and professionals can enhance the information of the result which will result in a better outcome. The Evidence-based decision-making is permissible by using critical philosophy and accessible evidence. It makes managers less dependent on the story, beliefs and personal experiences, and sources that are not dependable on their own. The manager needs to accept this approach because it creates aenormous impact on organization decisions and the well-being of people or stakeholders in all organizations worldwide.

Measurethe ethical perspectives influencing moral decision-making

The moralperspective concern in all level of life, performing properly as an individual, create responsible organization and government, and makeculture as a whole and more ethical(Öneren,et.al 2017). The ethical perspective decision produces the best alternative and greatest benefit and least harm for the company. The managers can make their decision freely which respectsemployees' moral rights. Managers should treat everyone fairly and without discrimination which will enhance their performance in an organization. The manager should treat each employee with internal values and a good working environment to reduce the absentees in the company. The manager should create the best policies for the employees by looking at various policies of laws and choose the best for the company. The manager should select the best options from the various alternatives to apply the fair course of action. Many options create harm to the decision-making process. The manager should take decisions according to the legal and ethical laws to bind certain moral values. The company should go through external factors which can affect the decision of an organization. Various political factors like taxation policy, trade restrictions, and political stability can affect the decision-making process of the manager (Bondarouk,et.al 2017).

The company should provide a healthy working environment, health consciousness, promotional advantages, and safety policies to their employees to build motivation and enhance their productivity. The company should look at various global warming issues and switch to sustainable resources which will increase the sustainability of the organization. It enables the manager to understand the external environment to make a better policy for the employees. It also enables the company to make efficient strategies and achieve goals to make a mission and vision for the company. By looking at various external factors the company can gather, analyze and use this information to improve performance.The ethics program mitigates and monitors risk and establishes policy and procedure. The manager should also provide training and workshop programs for the employees to improve their performance in an organization.

Ways organizations measure financial and non-financial performance of organization.

Financial presentation is a measure of the financial wellbeing of a business. These processes are used to verify how well a business is using its accessible resources to create sustainable revenue and operating income. Nonfinancial measures of performance focus on long-term success and qualitative characteristics of the organization. The fiscal measure includes the annual report balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement (Brewster,et.al 2018). The balance sheet is prepared to determine the operational efficiency of the company and focus on important assets of the company. The income statement is used to investigate the company's overall profitability to determine the revenue and expenses. Cash flow is a statement that helps the company to identify the money generated and spend in an organization. The annual report is prepared to provide qualitative information to analyze the overall financial and operational activities. Financial performance measures help to analyze business growth and to increase performance (Bruijl, et.al 2018). Non-financial performance measure indicates a shortage in those areas of the company that can affect the long-term strategies of an organization. The main centre of this measure is the satisfaction of the consumer and their maintenance, brand image, employee motivation, the performance of the organization, and market value. Non-financial measure focuses on the management of the internal operations of the business. These are important for the internal management of the business and are created internally (Camden, et.al 2015). The Non financial measures are applied to the company to earn profits and revenue and improve its efficiency and performance.

Non-financial performance not only takes into account all the aspects of a company that can care for well-grounded organizational strategies. In today’s business trend the company needs to take relevance of non-financial measures to ensure long-term growth and development of the company. Performance appraisal helps managers to determine the ability of an employee the completion of tasks and goals (Mayrhofer,et.al 2019). It is also used to evaluate the skills and talent of the employees and determine their performance in the company. The objective behind this is to measure, monitor, manage and analyze the performance of the employees and their contribution to a business. The managers should provide them with training and workshop programs to improve their performance and efficiency. The manager or leader can bring out different developmental programs for employees and reward them for their performance.Performance management is included approach used to manage the employees of a company and it is an ongoing process. It is a proactive process used to attain the goals, objectives, and task of the company.

Determination of impact and value of people practices using a variety of methods

Human resource management refer to measure the employees of the company and how they perform in an organization to complete the tasks. A highly effective HR team plays an important role in helping a company to grow rapidly, as it is used to shape overall business decisions.The manager can use execute efficient recruitment and on boarding strategy to bring skilful employees, increase productivity and increase revenue to achieve the organization's goals (Dentoni, et.al 2015). By measuring the performance of the company can use its resources, time, and money effectively. Measuring employee performance will also help the company to visualize the impact of the human resource department in the company. The company should update its policies from time to time and train employees related to new policies. The manager can measure the employee's performance through sales, productivity, quality, speed, accuracy, goal attainment, and competency in the employees at the workplace. The manager should also measure employee engagement and morale by conducting surveys and their attitude towards the work. The leaders should train the employees and collect feedback from them to motivate them. The manager can apply a 360-degree performance measure approach or method to measure the performance of the employees and productivity in the company. In this method, the manager collects feedback from the employees and measure their weakness, strength, and skills. This provides accurate information from employees by taking feedback. 360-degree feedback can boost the morale of employee and help manager to increase communication, build trust, and improve overall performance (Diaz-Fernandez, et.al 2015)

The company should use pestle analysis to see the impact on the performance of the employees. Political factors have a huge impact on the performance of employees as individual employees have different wages, benefits, and perks. The company should adopt effective payment strategies for employees on their performance.Economic factors include globalization which has changed the hiring system in the company. Companies are looking for highly skilled and talented workers in the organization. Social factors affect the company in dealing with productivity tools and for that, they have to hire a variety of skilled workforce and train them. The company should adopt various technological factors to make communication easy at the workplace. This helps the employees and the manager to contact each other on different apps like Whatsapp and Skype. The company can recruit employees through websites and social media which save a lot of time for the manager (Ennis,et.al 2018).

Task 2- quantitative and qualitative analysis

Interpretation of Analytical data with tools and methods

Data-based on decision-making provide the company with the capability to create real-time insight to optimize its presentation. Through this, they can experiment the success of different strategies and make knowledgeable business decisions for a sustainable growth. Evidence-based practice is becoming important in a rapidly growing number of organizations. It is applied to improve the decision-making process based on research and evidence to achieve goals with innovation. The manager can use this to develop and critically consider the best evidence and data. Through data collection, a company can assume quality information that is required for making efficient decisions.For improving the quality of information, the data is collected for inference and to make informed decisions on factual considerations (Gill C, 2018) .The Company should select the best data collection methods for the best evidence.

Qualitative research methods

The qualitative method is non-numerical data that is used to understand people's experiences, beliefs, attitudes, behaviour, and interaction (Parry, et.al 2016). The incorporation of qualitative research into involvement studies is a research strategy that is gaining increased attention across disciplines. This is conducted through web surveys, group interviews, online communication, and many more. This research is conducted through an open-ended survey to understand the concept and opinions.

Quantitative research method

In Quantitative research, the data is presented in numbers and requires a mathematical estimate to assume. This is conducted through close-ended surveys to conclude figures and graphs. The methods used in qualitative research are regression, mean, median, mode, and correlation. The survey is conducted through structured tools in the form of questionnaires and the sample is collected through close-ended questions. They are presented in the form of tables, graphs, and charts to provide validity to the data.

Key results for the stakeholders from people practice and initiatives

A diverse group of stakeholders represents the different groups of people interested in the company. The company should engage its stakeholders and provide them opportunities to participate in the programs the company; they will benefit the company in building plans, teams, departments, and participation. The stakeholders check on the program goals and provide feedback and set goals (Guerci, et.al 2016). Validation of data gathering tools and evaluates the data to create recommendations. Good stakeholder commitment involves careful selection to approach and identifying how they may be able to support the company. The company needs to understand the internal stakeholders which include suppliers, staff, shareholders, etc. The company needs to understand the influence key which allows managers to interact with their team identifying their level on a scale ranking high to low. A high level indicates the stakeholders who have a significant impact on outcomes and decisions. Medium-level stakeholders indicate significant interest in the effect of the project.Low-level stakeholders have little ability to change the outcome of the project. The manager should identify triggers to avoid complaints on the project. The company should focus on the project from which the stakeholders are benefited. They should investigate the opportunities to leverage their project.

The power interest grid helps the company to do stakeholder analysis. The stakeholders with high power/ high interest are the key players in the projects and the manager has to keep engaged and focus on them. For the stakeholders with high power/ low interest, the manager should make enough effort to keep them satisfied (Marler,et.al 2017). The third grind stated that the stakeholders should provide adequate information on the project and handle their issues on time (Leuz, et.al 2016). The stakeholders with low power and low interest should be monitored regularly and providing them information without overloading them.

Recommendation based on evaluation of the benefit, risk, and financial implication of potential solutions

It is recommended that from the feedback scores provided by the employees that the manager should efficiently access their finances and lower their cost of equity in running the business. The company should improve their brand image among all the stakeholders and increase their reputation. The manager should treat all the employees equally and respect their working capabilities (Jeffs,et.al 2016). The company should conduct its operations efficiently to reduce the cost of projects. They should improve their reputation which will lead to attracting highly talented and skilled employees in an organization. The manager should provide employees with proper training and recruitment programs that will diversify their firm.

The company should focus on employees' health, safety and promotion activities. They should also focus on environmental concerns by reducing wastage and pollution and lowering their expense on raw materials. The manager is recommended to build an innovative product to gain competitive advantages which will enhance their performance. The company can create a vision and mission strategies to improve its image. They should also adopt risk management strategies in their working environment to lower their costs on production activities and long-term goals. The company should invest more in research and development programs to gain competitive advantages (Madden, et.al 2018) .The Company’s ability to create a strong recognition system that provides a detailed understanding of the operation of the firm and its business partner across the world. The analysis enables the business to make informed decisions on levels to be deployed for each part of the due-diligence process as the company's potential cost.


The above report states how the manager uses evidence-based practice in an organization to carry their competence, in terms to solve problems, meeting objectives and common goals, and supporting client in achieving behavioural success. This report also states the different concepts implemented by the company in collecting evidence which are used in the decision-making process. The decisions based on evidence are trustworthy and reliable which will enhance the performance of the firm. The company should manage its risk by adopting different strategies and improving its supply chain to benefit the company from internal and external environments. This will help the company to improve its sustainability environment. The report also concluded the different financial and nonfinancial performance appraisals to attain the goals, objectives, and mission of the company. The important explanation is given upon the engagement of stakeholders in the company and effective recommendation given on the basis of the tables’ information provided in the feedback scores by the employees to the manager.


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