Energy And Sustainable Development Assignment Sample

Guide to Energy and Sustainable Development: Assignment Insights and Strategies

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Introduction Of Energy And Sustainable Development


The implementation of “sustainable development” is beneficial for ensuring the availability of required resources within the society by meeting the present requirements. Moreover, the concept of “sustainable development” refers to the idea of sustainable use of available resources as per the requirement of the present generation without impacting future needs. “Energy” is a crucial element for incorporating “sustainable development” within a society as this is the most vulnerable resource to be applied without thinking of future needs. “Energy sustainability” ensures “social, economic, and environmental” effectiveness within the operating country or the organization. Thus, “energy” has an important and effective role in “sustainable development” for ensuring the availability of sustainable energy sources within a region. Hence, comes the concept of “renewable energy sources” such as “solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, nuclear energy, biomass, and others”. Thus, investigating the availability and effectiveness of different “renewable energy sources” for implementation of sustainable development.

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Aim and Objectives


The research aims to find the importance of “energy” in sustainable development and different sustainable options of energy sources corresponding to their application for “sustainable development”.


The objectives of the paper are

  • To define the importance of energy in the incorporation of “sustainable development”
  • To examine different “sustainable energy sources” available in society with their applications
  • To define the problems associated with energy efficiency in “sustainable development”
  • To analyze the importance of “sustainable development” in the current scenario for meeting future needs
  • To evaluate different strategies for developing “energy efficiency” with “sustainable development” with the application of “renewable energy sources”
  • To analyze technological applications for increasing the application of “renewable energy sources” in “sustainable development”

Research Questions

  1. How energy is related to the concept of “sustainable development”?
  2. What are different “sustainable energy sources” available in society with their applications?
  3. What are the problems associated with energy efficiency in “sustainable development”?
  4. What is the importance of “sustainable development” in the current scenario for meeting future needs?
  5. What are different strategies for developing “energy efficiency” with “sustainable development” with the application of “renewable energy sources”?
  6. How technology is related to energy efficiency for achieving “sustainable development”?

Research Rationale

Improving “sustainable development” is necessary for the economic stability of a country and in the global environment. The energy landscape has shifted towards the application of “green energy” sources for influencing sustainable growth globally. Different countries have invested in green transition in terms of energy application by replacing fossil fuels with “renewable energy sources”. As per the report of the “International Energy Agency (IEA)”, the investment in the “green energy” application will be increased by 50% and cost $2 trillion by the year 2030 (, 2022).

Figure 1.1: Investment scenario in green energy globally

Investment scenario in green energy globally

(Source:, 2022)

It has also stated that the global investment should reach $4 trillion by this time for implementing the “Net Zero Emissions by 2050”. This fact increases the interest of the researchers to find the issue associated with the currently available “non-renewable energy sources” (Majid, 2020). Moreover, researchers follow the current trends of green energy and different “renewable energy sources” to be investigated in the research work.

Description of SMART Research


The research will be developed by the researchers through teamwork and it will be led by the team leader for guiding the overall teamwork and collaboration. Moreover, the project will be developed by following the specific objectives for investigating the sustainable development concept by following the current trends and future implementations.


Researchers are accountable to the board of authorization for submitting all the documents regarding the research work. Moreover, they will measure the progress report of the research work to the authority for further approval. Different resources will be used for this purpose such as “progress reports, sign-in sheets, agendas, and presentations”.


The research work will be developed by following particular guidelines proposed in this paper with the mentioned timeline. Researchers will follow the time plan and employ the required teamwork to attain the goals within the time.


The purpose objectives are relevant to the application of energy efficiency in sustainable development. Researchers will follow these aims and objectives for the completion of the investigation that is relevant to the application of “sustainable development” through “green energy sources”.


Researchers will propose the appropriate time required for the completion of the project and they will develop the overall research work within the proposed timeline. The Gantt chart defines time-bound by the researchers through the research work.

Literature review

Renewable Energy for sustainable development

This project is based on energy and sustainable development which is the base of the task which is of the data to consider the study for managing the factors which is the critical ability that maintain the characteristics and value. Some of the essential elements are selected for consideration to observe all the aspects to manage the sequence for all the demand energy effectiveness. This energy generates the consideration to follow the direction for managing the demand and supply surroundings to develop all the goals and aspects of the data (Cerqueira et al. 2021). This energy effectiveness is generated with the development which is the critical factor of the sequence of the data management for the direction to improve the goal of the process to improve the beneficial aspects. These are the maintaining factors that are opposite to improve all the consequences to generate the term and data. This consideration is generated with the developing elements to enhance the purpose of the energy affectless. These key factors are improving for the valid function to simplify the object which is verified with the direction to maintain the effectiveness of the energy factors.

Figure 2.1.1: Relationship between the sustainable growth of energy and the environment

Relationship between the sustainable growth of energy and the environment

(Source: Güney, 2019)

The growth of energy These renewable energy data factors are simplified for the direction to improve the natural goal to improve the valid function. This project is based on the developing factors which are determined for the ability to improve the effectiveness of the data. Various considering data are generated with the value that is determined to simplify the project observation. This source of energy is generated with the direction for managing the aspects to concede the energy affectless which is the key effect of this energy source (Lo and Broto, 2019). This direction is implemented with the consideration of managing the aspects of the energy factor to improve the development. This direction of the task is managed with the aspects to improve the valid section and demand to process the factors and data.

Assessing the connections between recycling, sustainable development and renewable energy

Some of the current scenarios are generated for the ability to manage the tasks which is the base of the stuff that is implied for the direction to generate energy effectiveness. These energies are the free source of energy which is basically used for socio-economic improvement. Various important types of key data information adjustment is recognized with the direction to implement the aspects which are determined by the key ability to follow all the factors and demand (Islam and Hasanuzzaman, 2020). Some of the beneficial factors are simplifying the process to manage the direction and demand to follow all the aspects and data. This energy goal is general with the direction to simplify all the objects to process the factors and data. Energy is the main need for the demand and work effectiveness which is managed for the direction to follow all the operations which is simplified for the direction to [produce all the factors and data. This direction is managed with the work process to simplify the factors and development. This work production is followed by the managing factors to simplify the energy effectiveness to process the value.

Figure 2.2.1: Eco-labeling and sustainable energy growth

Eco-labeling and sustainable energy growth

(Source: Majid, 2020)

These are the considerations managed with the direction to regenerate the principles and growth. These energy factors are simplified for the high level of effectiveness which is the critical factor to simplify the data. In this factor, all the sustainable and clean resources of the energy are the most important factors of this sequence which is followed by the major ability to consider all the aspects which are implemented to follow the direction and demand. Various important types of key data information beneficial factors are generated by the storm and consideration to follow all the social development with renewable energy (Al-Shetwi, 2022).

Significant Factors of renewable energy for the Development of sustainable energy goals

The important factors are the key factors of this research section which help to develop all the paths of this data consideration for energy effectiveness. In this factor, some of the current scenarios are developed with the direction to manage the sequence. In the task, the development is the important issue for the systematic renewable energy resources which helps to operate the function and process (Østergaard et al. 2021). These are the considerations that are followed for the energy effectiveness which is the key factor of this process to follow sequence factors. Some of the current situations are managed with the direction to follow all the standard data functions and processes. This energy is affectless and is increased with the direction that is simplified for the objects to simplify that is indicated with the consideration that is marinated with the consideration to simplify the current scenarios. Various important types of key data information elements are handled for the direction to follow the demand as well as the process which is the main aspect of the process. These beneficial factors are generated to follow all the directions which are the major factors to manage the sequence and demand which is the main task and data to process the function and sequence.

Research gap

This research gap is determined by the current situation to develop all the research objects which are simplified for the direction and demand that are simple to order the current solution. In this factor, all the implementation is recognized with the direction to follow the energy resources to manage the current scenarios and data ability. These are the renewable energy effective factors developed in this term to follow all the aspects and data. In this factor, some of the critically paths are operated to manage the direction and demand that are managed with the process to simplify the data. Some of the gaps such as defining some important resources for renewable energy data collection perspective and the projection for defining the energy effectiveness. These are the factors that are recognized with the direction to follow all the demand and data which are the key aspects of the projection and factors.

Research Methodology

Research Philosophy

This research is based on energy and systemic development which are the beneficial factors to follow all the demands and current situations. Various beneficial factors are followed with the direction to manage the implementation which is the key aspects and factors to follow for the positivist research philosophy. This research needs to verify all the data and direction which is managed with the consideration to follow the aspects and process. Various important types of key data information factors are determined in the section to manage all the current solutions and factors (Ahmad et al. 2021). Various important types of key data information directions are managed for the information which is an important object of this operation to develop all the principles of this project methodology. This project developed with all the experimental data factors to develop the direction and value which are the beneficial factors of the data. These are the research objects that are followed with the demand and direction to manage the direction which is the objects that are demanded and a valid section to process the function.

Research Design

This research object is generated for the term and data with the direction and demand for the specific data factors to simplify the objects. This research design is generated with the experimental research design which is operated with the managing factors to follow all the demand and data. Various important types of key data information factors are simplified for the base of the study which is managed for the implementation to improve the direction of research objects. In this process, all the research objects are operated with the operational value to simplify the directions and process. This kind of determination is followed by the research objects which are simplified for the demand and consideration to manage the sequence and independent variable.

Research Approach

This research approach is generated with the developing term to manage the implementation factors with an inductive research approach. These growing elements are simplified for the direction to track valid the sequences and demands of the function. Various important types of key data information factors are generated with the operational value to process the information. Various processes and factors are simplified for the direction which is the main term of the process. This consideration is observed for the elements to manage the sequence as well as order. This factor is managed with the direction which is the key factor for the data operation.

Data Collection

This is the most crucial task in the research for the development of the objective of the research work. Researchers will use the “mixed method” to increase the effectiveness of the research result by accessing diversified data in the investigation. According to Güney (2019), for collecting the “primary data” researchers will conduct surveys based on the sampling techniques in the proposal. Moreover, this involves the collection of data from different case studies of applying energy in sustainable development. This data collection involves the identification of “quantitative data” for the research work to deliver effective results. Moreover, researchers will also consider “secondary data '' that will be collected from different secondary resources” such as “journals, articles, magazines, government publications, and others” (Strielkowski et al. 2021). Thus, the paper will be developed by following the trend of both the “qualitative and quantitative data”. The “secondary data” will be collected from previous research work by following the “inclusion, and exclusion criteria”.


The project sampling is managed with some of the valid situations which are the key objects to follow the sequence that is managed for the implementation to manage all the objects for following the direction and demand. The current scenarios are developed with the direction to improve the valid section to manage the current situation and factors. These research objects are followed with the data to implement the direction and factors which is the demand and data factors to improve the ability and source for the database of the project.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

This criterion will be used for the collection of “secondary and qualitative data” from different identified resources. Researchers will identify the articles through these criteria from “Google Scholar, Proquest, and other links”.

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Journals and articles that are relevant to the proposed topic theta is “Energy and Sustainable Development” Articles and journals which have no link to the selected topic
Written only English language Written in other languages rather than English
Articles which are published in recent 5 years Articles which are older more than 5 years

Data analysis

This is also a crucial step of the research work as it develops the concept of the result obtained from the data collection. Researchers will define their key findings and develop the result through data analysis. Hence, identification of the appropriate approach is necessary corresponding to the quality of the collected data. Hence, for the analysis of the “qualitative data”, researchers will use “thematic analysis” from the result analysis through data analysis. Besides, for the analysis of the “quantitative data”, they will use “statistical analysis” (Timans et al. 2019). Thus, the overall paper will be developed based on the concept of “mixed research” by following the current trends of the research work as per sustainable development. Moreover, from this section, researchers will derive the key findings from the overall research work that will be connected to the research aim.

Risk Management within the Research

Managing the available and probable risks associated with the research work is necessary through proposal development. Researchers will identify the key risk associated with the time-bound and cost associated with the investigation. Researchers will follow the strategic method developed in the proposal for the completion of the project within the proposed time and cost (Harrison et al. 2021). Another risk is associated with the data collection as there is a risk of inaccuracy in the data collection and resource identification. Researchers only use “peer-reviewed journals” for accepting only realistic data by eliminating this risk of data management.

Ethical Issues and Considerations

Development of the ethical issues and adherence to the ethnicity of the research work is essential for developing the reliability of the result obtained from the research work. Hence, this paper will be developed by maintaining all the ethnicity of the researchers. Moreover, the research work involves both “qualitative and quantitative data” and this increases the importance of ethical considerations to be maintained during the investigations. The paper will be developed by following all the ethical considerations such as “anonymity, confidentiality, voluntary participation, the potential for harm, informed consent, and results of communication” (Cicero et al. 2019). These provide general guidelines to the researchers for developing their “decision-making conditions”. Thus, researchers will define the ethical problems associated with the data collection and its analysis for developing its management strategies. Researchers will follow the ethnicity and required ethical responsibilities throughout the investigation. The privacy of the participants in the research will be maintained for the elimination of any legal issues in the investigations. Thus, the paper will be developed ethically with the incorporation of both the “social and environmental ethnicity”. This develops the reliability of the result of the research work along with improving the acceptability of the paper by the identified users.


  • The timeline of the overall research work will be as follows

Reference list


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  • Al-Shetwi, A.Q., 2022. Sustainable development of renewable energy integrated power sector: Trends, environmental impacts, and recent challenges. Science of The Total Environment, p.153645.
  • Cerqueira, P.A., Soukiazis, E. and Proença, S., 2021. Assessing the linkages between recycling, renewable energy and sustainable development: Evidence from the OECD countries. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, pp.9766-9791.
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